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XBOX LIVE - novosti !!


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Sem lahko vpišete vse kaj je noveg na Livu. Če je kaki novi demo, patch ali nova ARCADE igra, kar koli novega vpišite sem. :hyper:

Xbox Live - uradna M$ stran. Vse se dogaja tu :bowdown:

Achieve 360 - vse kaj se da na Livu dobit, kupiti. Zdaj lahko pogledaš tudi prek compa! :D Zraven so še opisi

Achievements - stran kjer so vsi dosežki v igrah .. :beer:

My Gamer Card - za ustvarjanje kartic in lestvice doseškov..

Dashboard themes- poglej preden kupiš

Majhna razlaga glede LIVE-a

spidi21: Mene pa zanima, kaj je finta tega LIVE sploh???

Kaj ti to omogoča pa če se sploh splača to met?

DrBruce: Live ti omogoča downloadanje demov, iger, trailerjev, igranje iger preko neta, ... !!!

spidi21: Pa kolko sn gledo na netu, sn ugotovil, da je Slovenije ni na seznamu za registracijo...

Kak se potem sploh registriraš - kr eno državo pač al kaj???

DrBruce: Slovenije ni na seznamu, zato moraš izbrati eno od držav na seznamu!!! Priporočam UK!!!

spidi21: Pa kaj so tiste točke, ki obstajajo???

DrBruce: S točkami kupuješ igre, teme ipd. na Live-u.

Kupi se jih s kreditno kartico preko Live-a, ali pa v trgovini, kjer se dobi kartice s kodo (500, 1000, 2000 ali 5000 točk)!!!


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Perfect Dark Zero Map Pack Available

Shooter fans itching for a little more action with Ms. Johanna Dark are in luck; Microsoft's sent out the details on a map pack being released today for Perfect Dark Zero featuring four new areas for players to explore.

If you're willing to shell out 500 points.

The map pack includes :

Plaza ("test your skills in this labyrinth of roofs, tunnels and alleyways),

Trench ("unload in the desert in this archeological expedition turned battlefield"),

Rooftops ("watch your back in this killing ground, where danger waits around every corner") and

Gas Plant ("hide out amongst the pipes inside, or take your chances out in the snow").



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pizda, sem jezen, dans sm se odpravu z kolegi v graz po BF2 MC in ta table tennis in je šlo že od jutra vse narobe. Najprej smo pisal maturo zgodovino in so ble take teme k jih še povohu nisem, potem ko bi najkončn šli v graz zvem da nam je na chryslerju crknu menjalnik, okej se na hit zmenim z teto da mi megana posod za popoldan, vredu ga dobim , že ko ga zalaufam začne jebat kodni ključ, ok nekak zrihtamo se pelemo do mejnega prehoda šentilj kupmo vinjeto, spijemo dve kavice, vsedemo v avto pa kurac se zadeva sploh zakurblat noče. pol ždimo tam do štirih d se amzs spoka po nas in na spele v maribor. tip nas naloži na kamion mi pa kr ostanemo v avtu, šajbe dol pa trobno ljudstvu ki se fura mim, vsi neki mahajo mi pa vežde se jacke špilamo. kurz pol je ura že 18.00 in sm vedu da bom res ostal brez kakršngakol špila... pa takl si želim tega table tennisa...upam da bo vsaj demo zle gor k grem pržgat x360.... :crossfingers:


xFire: spankrock

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Evo to je to !!

Xbox 360 releases over 125 new features to enhance next-generation gameplay and entertainment


“Download manager” - Marketplace items now download in the background, queue up to six pieces of content

DVD bookmark support will remember the film’s timing and location when resuming viewing

Fast-forward and rewind now offered at 2x -16x for any videos saved to hard drive

“Boot to Dashboard” setting will bypass the loading of any disc in the drive and open directly to Dashboard during power-on

Begin slideshows from any photo

Music player saves “shuffle” setting

Much player save “repeat” setting

Music player now displays which file is currently playing in the playlist

Music volume level persists between game / reboots

8 new locales added (Chile, Brazil, India, South Africa, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia)

Separate settings now offered for Game and User volume controls

Themes can now be set from the “System” blade on the Dashboard

User-selected music continues play when switching from Dashboard to game or game to Dashboard

“All Arcade Games” added as a selection in the Xbox Live Arcade area

Personal gamer pictures allowed as Gamertiles – displayed only to those on your Friends List

Added support to disable sound effects when navigating Dashboard

Instantaneous “Change Theme” option added upon downloading new Dashboard themes

Preserve folder structure of source when viewing photos

A / B labels now provided to identify memory units in Dashboard

Online status set to “Away” when screensaver becomes active


DVD Player

Improved audio/video sync after extended pauses

Improved visual quality

DVD player outputs at native resolution over VGA connection

Improved playback smoothness

Improved fast-forward and rewind smoothness

DVD play continues to attempt to read a disc after “disc read” error

DVD play


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>> From gamersreports.com:

An undocumented feature in the latest Xbox360 dashbaord update has surfaced -- a cache clear. In order to perform this "maintenance" follow the instructions below. (Thanks, Kakarotto)

Go to the system blade and then memory. Press Y on either the HDD or a MU and then press X,X,Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X,X. Once you do this a blade will pop up saying: This will perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices. Do you want to continue? Pick yes or no.

@ x-s...

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Po novem update-u se v vsaki igri iz predhodne M$ konzole, da izbrati custom soundtrack, s pomocjo vgrajenega music playerja v XB360 Dash-u!

Play my video above to see the example.

1. Go to your music player in your dashboard before you boot up your Xbox 1 game (I.E. Halo 2)

2. Choose where to play your music, may it be your MP3 player or the Xbox 360 itself.

3. Start playing your music, get it at a moderate volume and make note of what level you leave it at (You won't be able to change this once you're in your Xbox 1 game unless you exit it [or if you have a remote])

4. Put in your Xbox 360 game, hit B to back out of the menu and then the game will start.

5. Your game boots up, but your custom soundtrack doesn't turn off! Sweet!

Video....@ x-s!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chromehounds so očitno bolj ščiš kot ne

My impressions of the game after 2~ hours of it.

- Graphically it's okay but I hate how shit fades out if it didn't explode. That's really noticeable and honestly, I'm not a graphics whore but I found it really strange that it wouldn't have some sort of animation to get rid of it.

- The missions are okay, although I've only managed to get through 40% of the Soldier campaign (there are different campaigns based on your role. Soldier, Sniper, Commander, etc.)

- I can't comment on the XBL aspect of the game because NO ONE IS PLAYING.

- You can customize your Hound and you get parts after each successful mission.

- The game is just BORING. The action is good and the gameplay is solid, but Call of Duty 2 managed to be more fun because it was way more personable. Chromehounds by comparison is very stoic and cold. I sound like a bitter boyfriend. Jesus

Game is much worse than I expected. The worst thing is how everything just dissappears when it explodes, no debris at all :(

Buildings just collapse into the ground and disappear leaving a "debris texture". In other words, a step back compared to MechAssault.

We are talking From Software here. They only care about mech design and customization.



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  • 1 month later...

Tukaj bi naj vpisal svoj naslov in poštno številko, ampak ker Slovenija ne gre moraš nekaj zmutit jaz sem si pomagal z OXM njihov naslov sem spremenil ostalo pa samo prepisal.

Adress1: 95 Bakeer Street

Adress2: 95 Bakeer Street

City: London

Postal code:w1u 6fp

Evo to bi moglo delat ti samo prepiši. :)

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