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glede turnirjev ITD.


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zanima me, gledena to da se na XBOX LIVE ne moramo prijati pod državo SLOVENIJA, saj te opcije ni, kako npr. ce na turnirju zmagamo oz. ce dobimo kaksno nagrado, jo oni dostavijo?

dostavijo to nekemu srečnežu v Veliki Britaniji?

je kdo ze kdaj zmagal ali kaj dobil?

ali nam pokažejo sreden prst in rečejo, da LIVE v Sloveniji ni na voljo?


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Ponavadi ti v vsakem pravilniku oz. pogojih turnirja piše iz katere države moreš bit. Ali pa prebivalci katerih držav lahko sodelujejo. In to je omejeno na države kjer imajo dejansko LIVE storitev ali pa na državo kjer se organizira turnir. Tako da v bistvu mi ne moremo sodelovati. :( Sej itak bi popušli (govorim predvsem za sebe). ;)

Evo ti primera iz linka, ki si ga dal, za turnir Halo3:

2. Eligibility

This Tournament is only open to residents of:

* Austria

* Belgium

* Denmark

* Finland

* France

* Germany

* Ireland

* Netherlands

* Norway

* Portugal

* Spain

* Sweden

* Switzerland

* United Kingdom

To compete in this Tournament through Xbox LIVE, participants need to (i) be 18 years or older as at February 25th 2008, (ii) have access to a Microsoft Xbox 360 video game system and a licensed copy of the Xbox game title Halo 3 (iii) have a valid Xbox LIVE subscription, (iv) have a valid Xbox.com account, and (vi) be in good standing on Xbox.com and the Xbox LIVE™ service ("Players").

Employees of the Sponsor, Bungie and members of their immediate families (defined for purposes of these rules as husband, wife, mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter), their subsidiaries and affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, or any person or third party company working on the product, project, or promotion or others providing services to the Sponsor in connection with this Tournament are not eligible to participate.

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Stari nisem se igral s teboj ampak dvomim, da je kdorkoli od nas tak freak da bi zmagal kak EU championship. Se jz, k isem bil kekenov in sebekov mentor vem da nimam šans :car:

Sicer pa raje kot da drkas spil in skill raje ta cas najdeš šiht i nzaslužiš ža šest takih LCDjev pa še geek community te ne bo aval.


xFire: spankrock

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