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Pc/Xbox360/PS3 - Rise of the Argonauts

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An epic scale action-RPG, Rise of the Argonauts immerses gamers in a gladiatorial adventure set in wondrously imagined vision of ancient Greece. With deep exploration and epic quests, players live a life of brutal combat as they lead a team of iconic warriors -- including Jason, Hercules and Atalanta -- through a world ruled by mythological gods.







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Take igre mam najraje, mitološki rpg v antični Grčiji se pa sploh sliši noro. Ampak po trailerju sodeč, že zdaj zgleda grafično zastarela (oglate oblike so ama vsepovsod), sploh pa po x360 standardih (Lost Odyssey anyone?), sploh pa je mitologija že dost prežeta v igrah ( čeprav na IGN pravjo takole "The game, built on the Unreal Engine 3, looks pretty sharp as well, and seemed to run smoothly to boot.")

Fora je v tem, da so razvijalci liquid entertainment (Battle Reamls), tako da bom spremljal naprej. Bomo vidl

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