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Meni se zdi zanimiva stvarca ki zelo spominja na wii-jev remote... bomo še vidl kaj bo iz tega :razzy:

citiram iz Kotaku":

This August PC gamers can briefly jump on the motion sensing bandwagon before shrugging and going back to keyboard and mouse control with a new line of vaguely Wiimote-looking controllers from GoLive2. Called Stix, the press release calls them motion-sensing touch-screen controllers, though the lack of an actual screen makes me think they meant touch-sensitive.

"Stix will completely change the way people experience online and PC gaming," said Brian Zheng, President, Plahut. "At purchase, Stix will be compatible with thousands of free online and retail games, and we're adding more games to that list daily. The fun is endless with Stix, and the wide-range of free, supported games makes this product perfect for every member of the family."

The Stix controller will come in two flavors at launch, the 2D motion sensing Stix 200 and the 3D Stix 400, both supported by the online gaming portal at http://Sphere.GoLive2.com.

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