zyzyx Posted July 2, 2008 Share Posted July 2, 2008 Tole bo namenski topik za prihajajoče naslove. Dodajajte nove slike, filmčke, ipd. Po želji seveda. Halo Wars [X360] slike: http://www.gamershell.com/screenpop.php?id=318598 Release date: October 1, 2008 Quote Link to comment
H5n1 Posted July 3, 2008 Share Posted July 3, 2008 Left 4 dead http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/8759 ... 52473.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35383.html Release date: November 4, 2008 Quote XBL: qDING DONGp PSN: DoodlyDingDong Link to comment
afi666 Posted July 3, 2008 Share Posted July 3, 2008 A yes, zombie stuff r00lz. Se lih mrcvarm dab unlocku "zombie genocider" achivement pr Dead Rising, kar pomen skor 54.000 zomijev za poklat. Ampak z veseljem. Quote Z menoj ni zobe češnjat! X360 gt: afireinside9x74 Link to comment
zyzyx Posted July 4, 2008 Author Share Posted July 4, 2008 Mercenaries 2 [PC, PS2, PS3, X360] predstavitev: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/35862.html?type= Release date: August 31, 2008 Nekdo naj prestavi tole temo pod Multiplatform, zraven pa pišite še za katere sisteme je špil napovedan. Quote Link to comment
iLichu Posted July 4, 2008 Share Posted July 4, 2008 Battlefield Heroes Release Date: 15.8.2008 Platforms:PC http://www.gametrailers.com/player/31298.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway Release Date: 15.8.2008 Platforms:PC,Xbox360,PS3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mafia 2 Release Date: 15.11.2008 Platforms:PC,Xbox360,PS3 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24386.html Quote Link to comment
H5n1 Posted July 5, 2008 Share Posted July 5, 2008 MK vs DC Na GTju mate gameplay :bringiton: Release Date: Fall 2008 Quote XBL: qDING DONGp PSN: DoodlyDingDong Link to comment
Alkhor Posted July 7, 2008 Share Posted July 7, 2008 Fallout 3 - Bethesda (PC, XBOX360, PS3) :bowdown: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/fallout3/index.html Izid oktober 08. Quote Link to comment
AntiTrax Posted July 7, 2008 Share Posted July 7, 2008 Jah tele igre k jih je dal iLichu, pa tole ki jo je dal Alkohor so zame ene o tistih "must need" Quote Dodajte me na PS3: Zoran_The_Great Link to comment
iLichu Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 The Outsider (Frontier Developments, bržda PS3 in 360. Prejkone šele 2008.) Avtsajder je projekt Davida Brabena, očeta Elite, ki se vrača z resnim politično-vohunskim trilerjem v slogu knjižnih uspešnic Johna le Carreja in holivudskih političnih srhljivk. Osrednja figura je John Jameson (to je bil privzeti pilotov priimek v Elite), agent Cie, ki ga v Washingtonu obdolžijo sestrelitve letala ameriškega prezidenta. Jameson postane žrtveni kozel, čigar zaprtje bi prikrilo zaroto na visokih položajih, in na njem je, da si opere ime ter zavda bigbrotherjevski organizaciji. Vendar tega v prvi vrsti ne bo storil z ognjeno močjo, čeprav bo imel dostop do nje in mu bo marsikdaj koristila, ampak tako, da bo proti agenciji obrnil njeno orožje - medije. V njihovih zgodbah in odzivu javnosti, ki bo vplivalo na sredstva, ki si jih bo CIA upala uporabiti proti igralcu, tako leži obet prostosti. Jameson buri duhove že s svojim obstojem in dejstvom, da pod pritiskom tajnih agentov ni pobegnil iz države: zakaj je še tu, če je tako kriv? Tako si ga CIA ne upa fentati, saj bi to postavilo preveč vprašanj. Poročila medijev bodo imela važno vlogo pri tem, kako bo Jameson zapisan pri publiki in kakšno pot bo ubiral skozi špil. V ključno stavbo se bo recimo moč vtihotapiti v preobleki, noter priti v vsakdanjem gvantu, z neopaznim tiščanjem pištole v hrbet tamkajšnjega uslužbenca, ali z bazukiranjem vhodnih vrat ter gung-ho uletom. Če bodo novinarji zavohali, kaj se dogaja, bodo o vsakem od teh dejanj poročali drugače, kar bo olajšalo nekatere pristope in otežilo druge. Toda odprti svet naj bi se na ogled postavil zlasti skozi zapleteno mrežo medčloveških odnosov, ki naj bi prevevali vsak Outsiderjev atom. Braben, izpričan nasprotnik igranja na tirnicah, kani pred špilavca postaviti mesto, stkano ne le iz realističnega prometa in gneče na ulicah, temveč iz zapletenih vezi med najrazličnejšimi osebami. Jameson bo imel v črni knjižici številne kontakte, od teroristov prek kriminalcev do starih prijateljev znotraj Cie, in kar bo storil za enega oziroma kar bo eden od njih storil zanj, bo imelo posledice pri vsakomer, ki ga bo dejanje zadevalo. Medtem ko bo Džoni iz tretje perspektive bluzil okoli, opravljal kveste, se vozil, karkoli že, okolica ne bo mirovala, temveč bodo liki marsikaj postorili na lastno pest. Ko bo tako Jameson dvignil rit iz postelje, bodo včerajšnji zavezniki nemara sovražniki - in obratno! Merica dvoma v tako smel načrt je seveda upravičena, med drugim zato, ker The Outsider zaenkrat nima založnika, verjetno ne bo izšel pred 2008 in dorekli niso niti še platform. Braben pa je - se spomnite Frontier: Elite 2? - znan po svojih velikih idejah, ki se utopijo v breznu polovičarstva ter hroščev. A vendar je draž teh obljub premočna, da bi se jim bilo mogoče upreti. Tako kot pri tretjem velikanu, ki obeta spremembo obraza peskovniškega igranja. Platforms:Xbox360 & PS3 Release Date:2009 TBA Quote Link to comment
gepardus Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 iLichu a ti to sam prevajaš vse te opise ? Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted July 11, 2008 admins Share Posted July 11, 2008 Očitno nisi dostikrat bral Jokerja, če ne bi ti bilo po izrazoslovju takoj jasno, od kje je iLichu to kopipejstal. Quote Link to comment
AntiTrax Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 Call of Duty: World at War Release Date:Comin Soon Patforms: Microsoft Windows,Playstation 3, Xbox360,Wii* and Ds*(*Details Coming Soon) Developer:Treyarch Publisher:Activision Engine:Call of Duty 4 engine Genre:First-Person Shooter Mode(s):Singleplayer,Multiplayer,Co-op Input Methods:Gamepad,Mouse and Keyboard,Wii Zapper(Juhu ) Gam Information: Call of Duty®: World at Warcompletely changes the rules of engagement by redefining WWII gaming and thrusting players into the final tension-filled, unforgiving battles against a new ferocious enemy in the most dangerous and suspenseful action ever seen in WWII. Powered by Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfaretechnology, Call of Duty: World at War brings an uncensored edge to combat, as soldiers face the most harrowing and climatic European and Pacific battles in which an enemy, who knows no surrender and no retreat, will fight to the last breath, unleashing an arsenal of lethal surprising tactics. Peril and danger lurk throughout the battlefield as players combat the unknown risk of the new chaos of battle. From the remains of Russia and the ruins of Berlin, to the beach and jungles of the deadly Pacific Theater, the volatile action takes on added depth as players employ new features that previously were only-available in multiplayer, including perks, rankings and online stats in up-to full four-player cooperative gameplay. New infantry and vehicle-based weapons, like the potent flamethrower, bring the battlefield ablaze. Call of Duty: World at War Trailer (HD): Official Site:http://www.callofduty.com/CoDWW Slike so na official site... Quote Dodajte me na PS3: Zoran_The_Great Link to comment
iLichu Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 Očitno nisi dostikrat bral Jokerja, če ne bi ti bilo po izrazoslovju takoj jasno, od kje je iLichu to kopipejstal. in če sm "kopipejstal" s jokerjeve strani :bleh: Quote Link to comment
iLichu Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 Alpha Protocol Obsidian razvija nov akcijski FRP s poudarkom na špijonaži(Neverwinter Nights 2) Release Date: Q1 2009 Platforms: PC,Xbox360 in PS3 - A modern day espionage focused action/RPG that takes you on a suspenseful ride in the vein of James Bond, Jack Bauer, and Jason Bourne. Take a wet-behind-the-ears greenhorn agent up through the ranks to become a bona-fide super spy." - Main character is Michael Thorton, a fully trained but inexperienced young operative who has the world turned upside down when a mission goes wrong. - Title "Alpha Protocol" is a phrase that is used when operatives go underground to work off the grid. Usually reserved for senior agents. - Battle system is similar to Mass Effect but have more in common with Uncharted. It revolves around real time combat with an emphasis on gun play and high tech gadgets. - Third person perspective, action orientated gameplay - Close quarters combat can be a last resort or primary method of fighting depending on how you spend skill points you have earned. - Skill system is based most closely on Fallout. It's classless, you have 10 skills and 10 ranks in each skill. Skills don't simply improve things like accuracy, they improve the way your character will perceive situations. - The game will suit all play styles from the run and gunner to the stealth assassin. - Extremely in depth dialog system that is a mix of Mass Effect and Indigo Prophecy. Once conversations happen, that's it, no revisiting the NPC to try to talk again and again. System is named the Dialog Stance System. You dictate your characters tone in a conversation by pressing a corresponding face button. Options can be cool and suave others can be brash/impatient. - You can have multiple active missions in different countries and travel freely between them. - Lots of girls and romance subplots. You'll meet tons of different girls on missions and yes you can bag them all. - Current control scheme for selecting powers and weapons is similar to Bioshock. EIDT: sm najdu prvi preview igre http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/alpha-protocol/preview/alpha-protocol-first-look/a-20080422121024489075/g-20080313162151178085 Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted July 11, 2008 admins Share Posted July 11, 2008 in če sm "kopipejstal" s jokerjeve strani :bleh: Nič, samo odgovoril sem pač, ker je spraševal. Quote Link to comment
gepardus Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 Saj zato se mi je zdelo malo čudno, berem pa joker. Quote Link to comment
SolidG Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 Če pa se že kopira od drugod pa se vsaj navede vir, ane! Quote Link to comment
AntiTrax Posted July 11, 2008 Share Posted July 11, 2008 Operation Flashpoint 2:Dragon Rising Izid:Leto 2009 Platforme:Pc,Xbox360 in pa Playstation 3 Tip:Prvo-osebna in tretje-osebna streljačina Načini:Singleplayer in Multiplayer Te dni so "mojstri kode" (Codemasters) v širšo javnost poslali prvi video, ki prikazuje njihovo novo mojstrovino, drugi del zelo uspešne vojaške simulacije, imenovane Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising. Tokrat bo glavna lokacija v igri Skira, otok severno od Japonske. Lahko se bomo potepali po kar 220km Quote Dodajte me na PS3: Zoran_The_Great Link to comment
iLichu Posted July 12, 2008 Share Posted July 12, 2008 a je v novem trailerju ingame grafika ,k če je bo popwnala crysis grafiko Quote Link to comment
AntiTrax Posted July 12, 2008 Share Posted July 12, 2008 Ja pravijo da naj bi bila taka grafika... Quote Dodajte me na PS3: Zoran_The_Great Link to comment
bmxrider Posted July 12, 2008 Share Posted July 12, 2008 to je kšn filmčk u igrc take grafike nau (pomoje) Quote [No fear, no pain, be crazy & ride BMX] Link to comment
iLichu Posted July 12, 2008 Share Posted July 12, 2008 to je kšn filmčk u igrc take grafike nau (pomoje) tud jst sm istega mnenja Quote Link to comment
AntiTrax Posted July 12, 2008 Share Posted July 12, 2008 to je kšn filmčk u igrc take grafike nau (pomoje) tud jst sm istega mnenja Pravijo da bo, samo pooje da tudi ne bo...Bi bilo pa seveda fajn če bo bila taka Quote Dodajte me na PS3: Zoran_The_Great Link to comment
zyzyx Posted July 12, 2008 Author Share Posted July 12, 2008 Če bo res mojstrovina bomo še vidl. Team, ki je naredil izvirnik dela ArmA2 in ne OFP2. Se pa slinim okrog nove Mafije. Ziher bo sekala, pomoje bo šlo tudi za boljši špil od GTAIV. Quote Link to comment
SlashSpeed Posted July 12, 2008 Share Posted July 12, 2008 Če bo res mojstrovina bomo še vidl. Team, ki je naredil izvirnik dela ArmA2 in ne OFP2.Se pa slinim okrog nove Mafije. Ziher bo sekala, pomoje bo šlo tudi za boljši špil od GTAIV. Kako lahko sploh dvomiš v to? Itak da bo boljši . Quote Link to comment
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