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1 rdeca luč nujno!!!


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Imam en resen problem zarad katerga sem že cel dan v velkih skrbeh :crybaby: :crybaby:

Zjutraj vstanem z namenom da bi dokončno obrnil guitar hero 3 na expertu, pritisnem na gumb za vžig xboxa, grem v kuhno si pripravim zajtrk in pridem v sobo...ŠOK...vidim črn ekran z napisom system error in na xboxu utripa ENA rdeča luč...xbox odklopim ga nesem na najbolj mrzlo točko našega stanovanja...čez eno uro vklopim in dela...po treh urih igranja xbox ugasnem, nazaj vžgem in spet ena rdeča luč!!!

Slišal sem da je to hardware napaka...kaj naj naredim...lepo vas prosim za pomoč...kaj naj naredim? Zamenjam xbox? se da popravit kar tako?

Btw če potresem xbox se znotraj sliši kot če je neka kuglca notr in se ves čas premika sem in tja.

prosim za pomoč!!!! :bowdown: :bowdown:



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GH3 si na expert obrnil? Zakon. Drugače pa menda bi mogla pisat kaka številka na ekranu - system error # nekaj pač. Poglej kolk je številka pa malo pogooglaj, sam najverjetneje bo treba konzolo zamenjat. Možno je, da je kaki dashboard error, to sem mel jaz in sem mel enake probleme. Sicer pa ta konzola zdaj začuda normalno dela na SDTVju...


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927746 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927746/ ) One of the lights on the Ring of Light on the front of your Xbox 360 console flashes red, and you receive the error code: E66

917874 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917874/ ) One of the lights on the Ring of Light on the front of your Xbox 360 console flashes red and you receive one of the following error codes: E67, E68, or E69

927747 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927747/ ) One of the lights on the Ring of Light on the front of your Xbox 360 console flashes red and you receive the error code E71

941377 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/941377/ ) One light of the Ring of Light on the front of your Xbox 360 console flashes red, and you receive an error code and message: "E74 System Error. Contact Xbox Customer Support"

If one red light flashes, and if you do not receive an error message on the screen, this may indicate a different problem. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

907535 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907535/ ) One of the lights on the Ring of Light on the front of your Xbox 360 console flashes red, and you do not receive an error code

Vir: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/907536/

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zraven je številka E 74 in sem pogledal po googlu in ma ogromno ljudi ta problem...ni dashboard error ampak je baje nekaj s hard drivom narobe...veliko ljudi pravi da so mgli nov hard drive nabavit ampak jst nedam niti centa...konzola stara komaj en mesec pa že neki problemi?! če mi v mullerju ne dajo novga znorim...



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