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Resident Evil 5 - si kdo želi probat demo ;)


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How to Download the Resident Evil 5 Demo Right Now

It's a great day to be a gamer! The long-awaited Resident Evil 5 demo has finally gone live across the ocean onto the Japanese Xbox LIVE Marketplace; thankfully PlanetXbox360 found directions to help all of our readers (no matter where you live) get in there and download it. We are not sure whether this is legal or not but for now just proceed with caution (although I have played the demo at E3 and it is freaking amazing):

We have learned from multiple sources that this does in fact work as of right now and that the demo (425 MB) includes two different levels (both seen previously) and gamers can play by themselves or with another person in co-op mode (both online and offline).

Quick Guide to Getting Japanese 360 Gold:

Go here: http://www.passport.net/

Sign up a new account, Click "No, sign me up for a free MSN Hotmail e-mail address"

Pick JAPAN for your country, pick Tokyo-to as your Prefecture 150-2345 for your zipcode

Keep going, and then have it set you up with a @hotmail.com address.

Go to your 360, and create a new profile. Log in using your hotmail address on your 360, and it should set it to Japan.

If this is less than your 4th trial account you get gold free, so select yes when it asks you. (the RE5 demo requires Gold standing)

How to actually download the demo via Japanese Xbox LIVE Marketplace:

Login to your Japanese Gold account

Once logged in press the xbox button in the middle of your controller to bring up the "old" dashboard

Navigate to the market place tab, then go to Game Marketplace

From Game Market place navigate all the way down to ALL GAMES

Then from ALL GAMES. Then go to "ALL" (instead of trying to understand japanese alphabet). Then just scroll through all the games until you get to BioHazzard 5 (it should be 270 of 40

Once you get to BioHazzard 5, the first screen should say "Get Demo" and viola you are downloading the demo. Should be like 472 MBs.

pa dajte poročat, če gre jaz pred 22.00 nemorem sprobat


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Jao kakšno znanost vi delate iz preproste stvari. Vzameš CD/DVD, mapo 000000000..vržš v user created mapo "Content". Zapečeš z bilo katerim programom, daš v box in mora delat, in ni potrebe po hekani konzoli, to lahko naredi vsakdo, tudi tisti brez diska.

Špila mi pa zaenkrat ne dogaja preveč. Mogoče bo v Co-opu zanimiva

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