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Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks a.k.a. Link strojevodja [DS]

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Z Nintendove GDC09 konference:

Link has the ability to control/create enemies and make them fight enemies. Railroad mechanic is an extension of Phantom Hourglass boat system -- riding a rail and shooting cannons
This new DS title is tentatively named The Legend of Zelda; Spirit Tracks. It will be available this year.

1UP's live blog:

New Zelda looks better than my description probably makes it sound. Looks like a fairly traditional Zelda portable game, with puzzle dungeons and Phantom Hourglass-style touch mechanics. The train basically works like the boat in PH, running along the overworld (presumably on a rail defined by players). Enemy control mechanics look pretty nice -- link distracted a big Zora with a controlled shadow guard, then snuck around to hit it from behind.


Iwata wants to satisfy longtime Nintendo loyalists. Nintendo DS game. New Zelda game. Link is riding in on a train. Wind Waker style. Awsomeness supreme. Link is able to direct a sidekick character, an armor-clad warrior, with the stylus. Fights huge crab-like boss. It's called The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Will be available later this year.






Več slikc:

http://www.nintendo-difference.com/news16577-un-nouveau-zelda-sur-ds-update-.htm in


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Meni pa izgleda bolj kot mod Phantom Hourglass-a :)

Mnogi tudi pravijo, da je PH najslabša Zelda (prelahka, prekratka, itd.), tako da kritika v Jokerju očitno ni bila tako nesmiselna.

Naj pa to priložnost izkoristim tudi za mnenje o DSju in PSPju. Menim namreč, da DS poseka PSP po kvaliteti iger in je zmagovalec te generacije, čeprav je tudi PSP kul (dobra 3D grafika, emulatorji PS One, MAME, itn.). DS se mi zdi idealen za mlajše in "light" gamerje.

Škoda, da je težko slediti že sobnim konzolam oz. igram, kaj šele ročnim :)

Edit: no pravzaprav večina ne meni tega o PH, a nekateri znajo argumentirati zakaj se jim ne zdi tako zelo dobra.

Dobra grafika, btw.

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Imaš prav. To ni več Zelda, kot je bila včasih, čeprav bomo na velikih konzolah verjetno ugledali kakšno bolj spodobno ala Twillight Princess. The Of Zelda Phantom Hourglass je bila res super, vsaj kar se tiče "Zelda filinga", grafike, je pa res, da je bila popolnoma preprosta. Po pravici povedano niti enkrat nisem razmišljal kaj naj naredim. Gremo naprej pa bomo videli kaj bo ... joj sem že naredil dungeon? :o Vseeno pa to ne spremeni dejstva, da je igra zabavna. :thumbup:

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