RIDDICK Posted December 23, 2009 Share Posted December 23, 2009 [steam] servis verjetno poznate več ali manj vsi, in vas ga veliko verjetno tudi uporablja (upam). Torej gre za elektronsko trgovino z igrami za PC preko katerega potem tudi igrate vse igre (v ozadju mora laufat program steam). Temo sem ustvaril predvsem z namenom, da vas seznanim z veliko praznično ponudbo znižanih špilov. Do 3.januarja je skupno znižanih 845 iger, vsakih 24 ur (prvič 30, da ljudje vidijo, da se akcija začenja) pa se menja 5 špilov, ki so znižani prevej bolj kot ostali Bom vsak, dan ko se zamenja ponudba še jo tukaj objavil + na twitterju. Upam (in hkrati tudi ne), da se med temi ultra znižanimi špili pojavi kak Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Bye bye moneys, damn you steam! Ponudba, ki traja jutri do 5 ure (24.12. do 5:00) je sledeča: Mirror's Edge - 3,74€ Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - 24,49€ Defense Grid: The Awakening - 2,24€ S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl - 1,99€ Grand Theft Auto IV - 7,49€ 5 novih ultra znižanih iger (deal velja do 25.12 do 18:00): Left 4 Dead 2 - 25,45€ Need for Speed: Shift - 37,49€ id Super Pack - 23,79€ Football Manager 2010 - 37,49€ Serious Sam HD: First Encounter - 9,99€ id Super Pack moram rečt, da je kar mikaven, ker če kupite vse igre posebaj boste za njih dali 194,79€ zdaj pa jih dobite za 23,79€. Škoda, da sem 3/4 iger že igral sicer bi tole takoj kupil 6 novih znižanih iger (deal velja do 26.12 do 18:00): Red Faction Guerrilla - 12,49€ King's Bounty: Armored Princess - 9,99€ Cogs - 1,79€ Battlefield 2: Complete Collection - 4,99€ Elf Bowling: Hawaiian Vacation - 1€ Resident Evil 5 - 18.99€ 7 novih znižanih iger (ponudba velja do 27.12 do 18.00): Star Ward Premiere Pack - 9,99€ Prototype - 24,99€ Universe at War: Earth Assault - 4,99€ Dragon Age Origins - 37,49€ Dragon Age Origins Digital Deluxe Edition - 41,24€ Lumines Base + Advance Pack - 2,99€ Torchlight - 3,99€ 5 novih znižanih iger (ponudba velja do 28.12 do 18.00 ure): Complete PopCap Collection - 49,99€ Zombie Driver - 2,24€ Day of Defeat: Source - 2€ Dead Space - 6,79€ Hearts of Iron III - 7,49€ Quote Link to comment
SlashSpeed Posted December 23, 2009 Share Posted December 23, 2009 Super tema, lepo si se potrudil. Sem ravno včeraj nabavil Team Fortress 2 za 7€, za mojega bratranca. Trenutno sam čakam na L4D2 znižanje(upam, da bo ) Edit: L4D2 je 28€ Quote Link to comment
RIDDICK Posted December 28, 2009 Author Share Posted December 28, 2009 5 novih znižanih iger (ponudba velja do 29.12 do 18.00 ure): Killing Floor - 3,74€ Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box - 7,49€ Space Siege - 4,99€ The Orange Box - 11,49€ Prey - 2,25€ Quote Link to comment
Ziga2 Posted January 6, 2010 Share Posted January 6, 2010 Na Steamu najbrž še ni KSi skupine(vsaj jaz je nisem našel)? Quote Link to comment
Bessie Posted November 11, 2011 Share Posted November 11, 2011 Pozor!!! Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users, Our Steam forums were defaced on the evening of Sunday, November 6. We began investigating and found that the intrusion goes beyond the Steam forums. We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating. We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely. While we only know of a few forum accounts that have been compromised, all forum users will be required to change their passwords the next time they login. If you have used your Steam forum password on other accounts you should change those passwords as well. We do not know of any compromised Steam accounts, so we are not planning to force a change of Steam account passwords (which are separate from forum passwords). However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to change that as well, especially if it is the same as your Steam forum account password. We will reopen the forums as soon as we can. I am truly sorry this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Gabe. Quote Link to comment
T.M.R. Posted January 3, 2012 Share Posted January 3, 2012 (edited) Od craftanja in trade-anja coalov iz pravkar končanega holiday sale-a mi je ostalo nekaj iger in bonov, kateri me ne zanimajo/sem že preigral na konzoli. Tako da če kdo želi katero od spodnjih stvari mu častim (pošljite ZS če vas zanima, prednost imajo aktivnejši uporabniki): Renegade Ops full game - oddano Fallout 3 GOTY full game - oddano Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY full game - oddano Jamestown full game kupona - 25% ter - 33% OFF on any Valve game kupon - 50% OFF Bioshock 2 Edited January 8, 2012 by T.M.R. 1 Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted January 31, 2012 admins Share Posted January 31, 2012 Tako... Steam se seli tudi na mobilne platforme. Prejšnji teden je Valve izdal aplikacijo za iOS in Android naprave. Takrat je še bila v zaprti beta fazi, danes pa je postala dostopna vsem. Trenutno aplikacija omogoča klepetanje s prijatelji in nakupovanje (zaenkrat le PC) iger. Steam: chat and participate in the Steam community, catch unbeatable Steam salesWith the free Steam app for Android, you can participate in the Steam community wherever you go. Chat with your Steam friends, browse community groups and user profiles, read the latest gaming news and stay up to date on unbeatable Steam sales.The Beta is now open to all registered Steam accounts. Download: Android in iOS Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted July 11, 2013 admins Share Posted July 11, 2013 No... danes se je ravno začela: Between now and 22nd July a slew of games will have their prices dramatically slashed on a rotating basis. Today's selection includes: Defiance - £6.79 (66 per cent off). Left 4 Dead - 2 £3.74 (75 per cent off). Hotline Miami - £1.74 (75 per cent off). Toki Tori 2 - £7.91 (34 per cent off). Scribblenauts Unlimited - £3.74 (75 per cent off). Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - £8.03 (33 per cent off). Don't Starve - £9.59 (20 per cent off). Endless Space: Emperor Edition - £8.49 (66 per cent off). Mars: Wars Logs - £10.04 (33 per cent off). Additionally, the next almost eight hours will see the following titles severely discounted as part of a Flash Sale: The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim - £10.49 (33 per cent off). Dragon Age: Origins - £5.99 (70 per cent off). Counter Strike: Global Offensive - £4.07 (66 per cent off). Grid 2 - £17.99 (60 per cent off). You can also vote on which games you'd like to see receive major discounts. The current nominees include Dishonored, Borderlands 2 and Far Cry 3. Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted July 12, 2013 admins Share Posted July 12, 2013 Praise the Lord! Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
VIPER Posted July 19, 2013 Share Posted July 19, 2013 Mam Bioshock Infinite summer sale kartico ce bi kdo menjal. Rabim Chivalry, Kerbal, Torchlight. Quote Sing while you can! Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted July 20, 2013 admins Share Posted July 20, 2013 A maš sam to za menjat? Torchlight pa Chivalry mam za menjat, sam že mam Bioshock ... Quote Link to comment
VIPER Posted July 21, 2013 Share Posted July 21, 2013 A maš sam to za menjat? Torchlight pa Chivalry mam za menjat, sam že mam Bioshock ... Sem potem, ko sem dal post, kmalu zamenjal oba. Sedaj imam Prison Architect rabim pa se zmeraj Torchlight 2. Ce bi bil za menjavo? Vidim da tudi Prison Architect imas, sam vseeno? Dodaj me ce si za. Quote Sing while you can! Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted July 21, 2013 admins Share Posted July 21, 2013 Loh zamenjava, če rabiš, ja. Bom pač enga Prison Architecta prodal. Te dodam zvečer, ko pridem za domači komp ... tukaj nimam Steama. Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted July 22, 2013 admins Share Posted July 22, 2013 Če se komu da joinati, da se lažje najdemo na Steamu ob raznih akcijah in trejdanjih, sem naredil da ofišl KSi Steam grupo: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KonzoleSi Vsi dobrodošli. Quote Link to comment
Bessie Posted October 4, 2013 Share Posted October 4, 2013 Raveer poklanja KSi nekja kod za igre na steamu! Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter: Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter: Serious Sam Double D: The Random Encounter: Serious Sam 2: toki tori: botanicula: Red Faction: Armageddon Steam Key : Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC Steam : Darksiders Steam Key : Kdor katero želi naj se mi javi na ZS! Hvala Raveer! Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted November 4, 2013 admins Share Posted November 4, 2013 Steam je nedolgo nazaj najavil, da ima že več kot 65 milijonov uporabnikov! Število uporabnikov v času enega leta pa se je povečalo za zavidljivih 30%! Eni poslušajo uporabnike, medtem ko drugi podobno storitev ukinjajo (MS - Games For Windows). Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
Bessie Posted November 4, 2013 Share Posted November 4, 2013 Ekola tole so še Raveerjeve kode, kdor pride prej melje... Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter: VATT0-GDIWW-56FHM Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter: VEETF-ZV485-BBV3N Serious Sam Double D: Serious Sam Double D Serious Sam: The Random Encounter: 8P0VH-ZH7FX-0APZ5 Serious Sam 2: BTLP2-VBGEJ-A5TPM toki tori: RJHVD-AIA22-CHX3L botanicula: 27KG6-TLP9B-CM6G9 Red Faction: Armageddon Steam Key IATWH-3H57V-EDXPH Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC Steam Key 9V90Z-NAEIE-RAAIK Darksiders Steam Key MZQF7-MTQDR-ED3WM Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted May 22, 2014 admins Share Posted May 22, 2014 Steam novost: In-Home Streaming Kot že samo ime pove, gre za stremanje iger doma (na enakem omrežju) iz enega računalnika na drugega. S tem se izognemo premikanju težkih PC škatel. One of the advantages of this is less shuffling hardware around. If your gaming rig is set up in an office or bedroom and you want to connect it to your big screen living room TV, you'll no longer have to haul a hefty tower around, but can instead simply hook your TV up to a crummy old laptop and use that as a conduit to access your premium hardware from afar. Neat! Dobrodošla je tudi novica, da zadeva deluje cross platformno: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Steam OS. Trenutno je edini pogoj, da je host Windows, vendar se v kratkem pričakuje host podpora tudi drugim operacijskim sistemom. Več: In-Home Streaming Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted June 11, 2014 admins Share Posted June 11, 2014 Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted June 20, 2014 admins Share Posted June 20, 2014 Včeraj se je pričelo! Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted June 12, 2015 admins Share Posted June 12, 2015 Letos je Summer Sale že malenkost prej! This year Valve created a mini-game based around the Summer Sale. Dubbed Monster Summer Game, the more people play it and the better they do, the more discounts will be unlocked for the community. store.steampowered.com Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted March 3, 2016 admins Share Posted March 3, 2016 Steam bundli so sedaj cenejši, če si že lastimo katero izmed iger v bundlu! Navedek "With Steam Bundles, if a customer already [owns] some items in the Bundle, they will pay for and receive only the items not already in their account. This allows the best fans of your series or franchise to 'complete the set' and get a deal on the remaining items in the Bundle," the company explained. "Past Complete Packs were sometimes a bad deal for customers that already [owned] one or more of the products in the pack," Valve added. "Either it made bad economic sense for those customers to purchase the pack, or they just felt bad about doing so since it [looked] like they were paying for products they already [had]. The new Steam Bundles system addresses this." Novost je že delujoča pri določenih bundlih, na primer Valve bundle. Prijavljen v račun, kjer je že nekaj iger kupljenih: Neprijavljen v račun: Navedek The Valve Complete Pack offers a bundle discount of 55 per cent off the total price of all the games included. Only now it factors in the total price of just title that aren't already in your library. So not owning any of the titles comes to a total of $205.80, while Steam noted that the "individual price of the 15 items you don't already have" is $152.85. The 55 per cent bundle discount is then applied to that total. Kot opozorilo... Zadeva še ni na voljo pri vseh bundlih! 1 Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
Rossonerro76 Posted December 21, 2016 Share Posted December 21, 2016 Če koga zanima,upam da bodo tud moje želje na znižanju Quote For i am Costanza,Lord of the Idiots! Link to comment
admins japanboy Posted December 21, 2016 admins Share Posted December 21, 2016 Isti dan kot na Xboxu. Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted December 21, 2016 admins Share Posted December 21, 2016 1 Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
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