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[Uradna tema] MAG


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eh..pri meni velikokrat kar ostane pro loading screenu,neke napake ven meče,iz igre ven,včasih se niti ne poveže.

linija je 10/10.

Druge igre delajo vse ok.

Če se gre skupinsko se ful obrestuje pri točkah še posebej, če imaš mikrofon.

______PS1 2MB_____PS2 120GB_____PS3 500GB______

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Sem igral beto, solidna zadeva, lagga res ni bilo, no tu pa tam je vrglo ven iz matcha, ampak to je itak beta tako da razumem, sicer me zanima če si bo mogoče avatarja oz lika iz bete prenesti kasneje v orginalu ?

Sicer z katero nacijo igrate tak, sam sem kr z raveni začel, evropa pa take fore.

Edino kaj me močno moti so napačna imena oz izmišljena imena resničnih pušk, recimo za P90 je F90 za AUG A3 je nekaj na H itd...

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  • 2 tednov kasneje...
Saj je tudi čas v katerem s edogaja izmišljen ;)

BTW danes sem prednaročil zbirateljsko verzjo.

Slab odgovor bessie, -1 .

Metal geard ima tudi izmišljene čase pa so realna orožija. Dogajanje je na zemlji že to je pomebno. Sicer pa me zanima če je pri puškah enako kot za avtomobile v igrah, da moraš imeti licenco za puško, optiko, ostalo opremo, bojna vozila, itd.....

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Kako slab, kdo pa ve kaj bo čez 50 let in kakšna bodo imena sicer, pa mi je vseeno kako se imenuje, mogoče so pa v SOCOM.u prava imena, no zvenijo že tko., pa si raje tega omisli. Glede imena pa nmam pojma po moje moraš plačat za uporabo.

Evo tole je izmiljeno potem pa link do pravega





Close combat:












Machine guns:



Pa še link do SOCOM orožji



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  • 2 tednov kasneje...
The Beta version of MAG only offered six maps and two modes, the retail version has a full five modes with 15 maps to play. The final game also includes a handy offline training mode, unique armors, new cinematics, art galleries, trophies, and the always-popular Veteran Mode that lets you start all over again with a permanent XP bonus and the ability to switch your faction after hitting the level cap. Of course, graphical and audio improvements are in there too.

Evo prihaja...



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Do takrat bo pa še dolga... igra je z vsakim lvl-om boljša, bitke se večajo in tvoje možnosti se večajo, po lvl 60 lahko vklopiš veteran mode in zamenjaš frakcijo.

Same bitke so včasih prov neverjetne, ko ži misliš zdaj bomo pa zmagali se usuje nasprotnikov, da jih niti prešteti ne moreš in nekatere bitke so prav epske, samo WAOOU! lahko rečeš.

V igri pogrešam vremenske razmere in dan/noč, pogrešam uničljive objekte, če ne štejem vrat, sten, mostov, ki jih uničiš z eksplozivom... in kakšno drugo živo bitje ptice, podgane... (SOCOM ima vse to razen uničljivih objektov).

Moj izbrani poklic: Field Support



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  • 2 tednov kasneje...

Mag dobi danes zelo dober patc:

Patch v1.03

Available February 25, 2010 | 41MB (TPPS), 49MB (DLS)


* Overhauled tuning of multiple weapons of all types (see “Weapon” section below)

* Improved speed of weapon and gear swapping by approximately 500 milliseconds.

* Fixed bug in SVER’s Aralkum Mechanical Acquisition map and Absheron Refinery Domination map that allowed players to defuse a charge planted on a repaired gate or door.

* Added a “solid tone” sound effect near the end of a charge’s beeping detonation timer so that players know when the charge can no longer be defused and that they should vacate the area.

* “Medium Improved” Armor now works as intended with the speed properties of Medium Armor and a defensive value greater than Medium, but less than Heavy Armor.

* Changed resuscitated player’s camera orientation to match the last camera direction used while incapacitated instead of the pre-harm camera.

* Players no longer lose XP if a teammate is killed by an objective explosion caused by a charge they planted.

* Respec Point requirements in Barracks have been changed from 3K, 5K, 10K, 17K, 26K, and 26K-Repeat to 1K, 2K, 3K, and 3K-Repeat.

* Lowered the amount of damage necessary to kill an incapacitated enemy

* All fired projectiles (RPGs, Turret Rockets) have been given a steadier aim.

* Mines that haven’t been triggered are no longer removed from the map when the dead player that deploys them respawns unless that player changes their Loadout (note: The maximum number of mines you can plant cannot exceed the number you initially spawn with).

* Fixed bug that prevented “fully-resuscitated” players with more than 100 health points from receiving their full HP.

* Fixed bug that caused players to take unnecessary damage from both friendly and enemy vehicles when touching them.

* Players no longer lose leadership points after entering “Veteran Mode.”


* “From the hip” firing for Light and Medium machine guns have stronger recoil and are less accurate when moving.

* Tuned weapon damage for all three factions.

* Modified all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs) so that they’re less effective at long distances.

* Made Battle Rifles more effective.

* Reduced accuracy bonus for using iron sights and reflex sights so that players can no longer snipe with weapons that aren’t intended to do so.

* Increased damage values for all rockets to make them more effective (ex: three rockets can now destroy a DE turret).

* Shooting through thin materials (fences, tents, etc.) will be more consistent.

* Increased spread on shotguns.

* Improved animations for rocket launchers.


* Fixed bug that caused the recoil animation to end early or stop animating if a player was firing their weapon for a long period of time.

* Changed detonation time on smoke and poison gas grenades to prevent them from exploding in mid-air to eliminate unintended FX issues.

* Added realistic fogging effects to sky-domes.


* Fixed most conditions that caused players to be caught in a “respawn loop” which kept restarting the respawn queue when the countdown clock reached 0.

* Changed in-game conditions to make it less likely to experience in-game freezes.

* Improved client-side stability.


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