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"Thanks, on behalf of everyone here.

And for those of you that are disappointed in 1.03, it's not the end of the world. We're working on 1.04 now, and DLC, and we're making map changes to fix balance issues, and there's a ton of other stuff I can't even talk about yet.

Our approach to this game isn't a 1-2 month release, followed by us moving on. It's a game that's meant to expand and change as time wears on -- the "ever-changing global war" line isn't just a catch phrase, it's our philosophy here.

You really have no idea how many plans and things we have in store for you guys.

Anyhow, thanks for both the positive and negative feedback, all is helpful."

Zastonjski dodatek za armor žal deluje samo na USA accountu (zaigranje uporabljam SLO), kljub temu, da imam USA verzijo igre :crybaby:


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Včeraj je prišel nov popravek 1.04 in marsikaj izboljša.

Patch v1.04

Available March 12, 2010 | 40MB (TPPS), 30MB (DLS)


* Characters colliding with geometry will now be resurrected towards the player who revived them.


* Sniper rifles have been tuned to be less effective when they’re not scoped.

* Slightly pushed out “effective” range of all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs).


* Fixed error text “undefined Unnamed” and the appearance of a blue APC icon that appeared when a Squad Leader FRAGO’d an APC objective.


* Corrected “Kills at 120m” stat display bug.


* Significant anti-cheat improvement that minimizes and blocks several “lag pedal” device exploits.

* Enhanced all queues to accept Zipper-activated “Directives” game states.

First up is the availability of our pre-order bonus armor! Originally offered as part of our incentive plan to those who purchased the game prior to its release on January 26, these special “medium improved” armor types and their faction-specific camo (Spyder for Raven, Hazard for SVER, and Bulldog for Valor) are now accessible to any and all MAG players in North America starting today, March 11.

The best part? They’re all free! All you have to do is log on to the PlayStation Store after today’s update and grab ‘em when you see ‘em. Once they’ve been obtained, your new armor can then be found in-game between the medium and heavy armor types when prepping your character in the loadout screen. Expect it to take up 800ccs of your total capacity. Stay tuned for bonus armor release timing in other regions outside of North America in the near future.

But that’s not all. We’re also pleased to announce that the latest patch update is coming too! Available starting tomorrow, March 12, at 1am Pacific/ 4am Eastern/ 9am GMT, our new patch tidies up a few technical things while also addressing a bigger item: blocking several “lag pedal” exploits from users that employ special devices as an attempt to cheat (Busted!).

Note: Though we originally stated that v1.04 had a fix that prevented users from spawning inside geometry, we have since discovered that the update did not solve all occurences. Though we have indeed made a correction so that characters colliding with geometry will now resurrect towards the player that revived them, it has not fully solved the unintended result of players reviving inside geometry like objectives and walls. We apologize for the confusion and are working towards a resolution to be found in a future update


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kar veliki patchi...saj tako je tudi prav. :beer:

lahko kaj poveš o sniperjih.

V cod6 ji je kar nekaj, samo jih je ni težko izslediti...ko najdem lokacijo ga pospravim

z grenade launcherjom,

semtex prilepim na hrbet, :cool:

Predator Missile

ali pa tudi headshot s scar.

To vem, ko sem igral demo, da jih je precej težje najti.

A jih je veliko, mogoče kaki special weapon?

sniperja mi ne omenjaj :D

______PS1 2MB_____PS2 120GB_____PS3 500GB______

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V bistvu se snajperji bolj malo ukvarjem, sem field support, miniram, popravljam in kosim s težko strojnico. Je pa bilo včeraj igranje na nek način lažje, ali pa sem padel v skupino, kjer so me ubogali ;) po 50+ urah sem včeraj padel na del ene mape kjer nisem še bil in sem že mislil, da so dali novo mapo v patch, pa ni bilo tako... heh

Tukaj imaš eno orodje, ki ti prikaže orožja in koliko točk rabiš za nadgradnjo


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Še en manjši popravek bo danes on-line:

Here are the complete patch notes for v1.04a:


Adjusted player boundaries to limit “spawn camping” exploits in Darien Network, Copper Hills Relay and Syr Daria Uplink maps.

Map – Syr Daria Uplink

Pushed in physical defensive boundary for Attacker’s “Alpha Squad” spawns 10 meters.

Removed two short staircases in front of Attacker’s “Alpha Squad” spawn.

Relocated box truck to block sightline on attacker’s right side at “Objective A” stairwell.

Added box truck to block sightline exploit to Attacker’s “Alpha” squad main entrance.

Added fence line to Attacker’s right side at “Objective A.”

Pushed parachute drop near “Objective C” forward by 25 meters.

Added new entrance to “Objective C” building in right corner.

Added additional geometry near “Objective C” to block sightline exploits near main door.

Added and removed various small object and panel locations to repair or enhance sightlines.

Multiple terrain repaints in various locations.


Fixed crash that sometimes occurred when reviving players who died while interacting with objective.


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ej trenutno sem v lvl 24 Raven in počasi napredujem vsak dan za kaka 1-2 levela navzgor.

Problem je v tem da skor vedno padem v tak tim da vsi letijo po svoje ko ene kure, pa namesto da bi te folk oživel ko je še čas se raje poleg mene strela ko budale nakoncu pa itak vsi obležijo zraven.

Povej se ti je že zgodilo da ti je po respavnanju ostal sredi ekrana križec in nisi mogo nazaj v igro ampak se ti je vedno znova in znova odštevalo. Meni se je to že dvakrat zgodlo. Vse kar mi je preostalo je da sem na novo zagnal igro.

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Ne to se mi še ni zgodilo, sem pa enkrat "oživel" znotraj objekta in nisem mogel ven, pa enkrat sem bil "mrtev" pa sem še vedno lahko malo sem pa tja skakal menjal orožja, nisem pa mogel streljat in mene niso mogli ubit. Ja se dogajajo takšni bugi, niso pa zelo pogosti, jaz sem nekje pri 40+ lvl.

No, če želiš nekoga pozdravit moraš najprej vse spucat ali pa vršt dimno bombo drugače lahko še tebe pospravijo.

Problem je, če poveljnik označi neko tarčo, bunker npr., drugi bi pa še kar tower nabijal, ki itak ni problematičen, če pospraviš bunkerje in potem začnejo kickat poveljnika... je pa neverjetno, ko naletiš na uigrane kolege in tarče padajo kot za šalo ;)

Imam pa ponavadi bolj malo killov sem pač field support :beer:


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Kar se tiče killov sem kar podoben. V večini popravljam, oživljam, ali pa sestreljujem prevozna sredstva. Odvisno od situacije. Ja to se strinjam da moreš prvo počistit in potem oživljat. Ampak včasih je bolše oživet kolega da ti pomaga pospravljat. Pa tudi še ena fora mi je smešna, dostikrat popravljam kak antiair in potem namesto da bi mi eden in edini hrbet kril začne sam tudi popravljat. In kaj se zgodi oba pristanema ko krajnske klobase narezana z nožem. Zato jaz v večini odneham pa čekiram na skrite talente.

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Upam da ste tole opazili

But that’s not all. To commemorate the release of our DLC, we want to throw in a little extra. And so, as a thank you to all of our fans, we’re offering Double XP to any and all MAG players starting March 25. Simply log in at 12am Pacific/ 3am Eastern/ 8am GMT and play MAG as you normally would. Every time you complete a game your experience doubles, and yes, this bonus stacks for Veterans who already have an XP bonus to begin with! Just make sure you actually complete the games you play – if you quit early, your bonus won’t apply.

Expect the Double XP promotion to run until 11:59pm Pacific time on Sunday, March 28. Be sure to take advantage of it as much as you possibly can until then.


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Oh, and for those of you who asked, here’s the in-game loadout cost you can expect to see for the new inclusions:

* Flashbang Grenades (500 credits)

* Raven’s APEX 100SE (600 credits)

* SVER’s RTK-74 Vla (600 credits)

* Valor’s Mk 46 Mod 1 (600 credits)

* Uniform: Trooper Light (0c – camo selection in Armor and Apparel screen)

* Uniform: Trooper Dark (0c – camo selection in Armor and Apparel screen)


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Oke malo sem brskal po netu glede mojega problema z downloadom in sem opazo da nisem edini.

na UK storu sem označo za download dodatka, ponudlo mi je da nadaljujem nakup, me vrglo nazaj v ps store, mag dodatek je označen z rdečim znakom da sem ga potegno (kar se nikjer ne vidi da sem ga sploh potegno). Vsaj v storu bi se moglo videt pod downloads.

Grem v MAG in v slo accaunt in v uk accaunt, dodatka ni videt nikjer.

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Orožja se vidijo pod armor, so pa špekulacije, da je ta dodatek v bistvu že na blue rayu in ga samo odkleneš s potegom iz PSN.

Preveri katero verzijo igre imaš EU, Asia, USA, bojim pa se da je DLC vezan tako na verzijo kot na account.

Bonus pack, ki je samo na USA PSN sem potegnil in mi dela samo pod USA accountu imam pa USA verzijo igre, pod drugimi accounti zadeva ne duluje. Pri Ščitih nimam dodatnega ščita.

Ta DLC bom pa preizkusil danes, če deluje. IZ UK PSN-ja mi ni deloval, predvidevan, da zaradi USA igre.

Pri SOCOm-u npr. ni bilo teh težav.


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  • 3 tednov kasneje...
Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that we definitely hear you on this issue. We are actively investigating a few different options to fix the problems you've been having with accessing DLC content. I can't guarantee everyone will be 100% happy with the results (especially those of you who live somewhere without PSN store access) but I'm happy to tell you that we are working hard on a solution!



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