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HALO 3 - Finish The Fight !!![pazi na spoilerje]


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Prve bolj kot ne uporabne informacije o verjetno najbolj pričakovanem x360 špilu - in celo prvi skeni, očitno multiplayerja, s še precej nedodelano grafiko.

Legendary Edition

The CE will be called “Legendary Edition” and is a replica of Master Chief’s helmet complete with four DVD discs. The first disc will be the game disc, the second will contain documentaries and developer comments, the third disc is all about the spin-off material that has been created (Red vs. Blue, Spark of Life etc) and the last disc will contain all of the cut scenes from Halo 1 to 3 in HD. (you can see it on the 3rd photo)


Translated by Hyoushi

On plot twists

"Halo 3 will contain more plot twists than any other game in the series" --Jaime Griesemer

On Gears of War being competition

"We've played lots and lots of multiplayer and some singleplayer, and yeah, it's really good. But it's also quite a bit different from what we're doing. I realize that a lot of people are concerned that Halo 3 and GoW are going to compete for the same audience, but I think that when people get to play, they'll realize how different the games are. Gears is a much slower game where stragegy and cover plays a bigger part." --Jaime Griesemer

On graphics

"A lot is still missing in this build. Weather- and water effects are missing, and most of our HDR isn't in there yet. We're still at alpha stage, but when everything is in place, Halo 3 will be the best X360 has to offer." --Brian Jarrard

"We definitely have another strategy than Epic Games when it comes to graphics. We'll never engulf our game environments in lots of details like that. GoW looks absolutely fantastic, but we want to avoid compromising Halo's unique visual style. That's why we're making a clean, sharp game as opposed to one with insane amount of details." --Brian Jarrard

"There are many ways to convey emotion. Graphics is not the most important one." --Brian Jarrard

On multiplayer and bots

"Multiplayer has always been important, but it's developed in a different way which makes it look bigger for every game. We have a base that we always build the MP part on, whereas the SP mode practically has to be built ground-up every time. Xbox Live also made MP in Halo 2 even more important." --Brian Jarrard

"A lot of people ask us about bots. They think that the AI in Halo was pretty damn good, and would work well in MP as well, but it's really not that simple. The enemies in Halo are optimized for encountering the player in large numbers. They would be a lot worse at abstract thought AI like 'I have to defend my flag' and so forth. In short, to create bots for Halo would be an immense undertaking, and we rather put that time into making new levels, weapons and netcode." --Jaime Griesemer


There's apparantly some new kind of covenenant technology in the game, an energy barrier of some kind that lets players move through it freely but stops bullets and grenades.

New Weapons:

*Spiker: the weapon of choice for brutes.

*Spartan Laser: An anti-veichle weapon, fires a red laser that pretty much destroys any veichle that is hit.

New Vehicle:

*Moongoose: The ATV that was supposed to be in Halo 2. It carries 2 people and it doesn't have any weapons so it's mainly a means of getting from point A to point B as fast as possible."

from gamefaqs

Swedish magazine level has had the chance to play halo 3 in multiplayer and there are 3 levels which is revealed,

Valhalla = blood gulch, High Ground = Zanzibar, Snowbound = Frost bite.

New vehicle - Mongoose, mostly for transport 2 persons.

new weapon- spartan laser, hard to use but extremely powerful vehicle destroyer apparently

- nail grenade, sticks on walls and emits nails into the air.

new weapon - spiker (brute weapon),

your secondary weapon is visible at all times at your back. (THANK GOD!!!)

New transportation system in multilayer- man cannon, launches you into the air through air streams, you can still be fired at and you can fire back.

The X-button will have a special use which Bungie will not reveal.

No bots will come to H3. that will be all.

Bumper buttons can be used to reload both weapons independantly.

What if you could save your own movies from Halo 3's single and multiplayer gameplay and then rewatch them? In Halo 3, you can.




















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Drugače FTW!

Moo, a res se bo dalo replaye shranjevati? Nisem niti opoazil. Fucking končno! Noro dobrodošla stvar! :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Ker ipak, kolikor slab in scrub sem že, sem v svoji H2 karieri le naredil skupaj dovolj cool stuffa za eno spodobno montažo ali dve. Če že ne drugo bi izdal biblijo betrayalov. :red:

Samo kürc, kdo pa bo to vedno sproti snemal. Ta opcija bo mana z neba. :hyper:

Hmm, ena stvar, ki bi jo res rad videl, je tudi prosto nastavljanje konfiguracij gumbov. Nekaj berem o reloadanju vsakega orožja posebej, ampak fak, x360 ima na hrbtu 4 gumbe in če se niti v novi generaciji ne bom mogel obračati in uporabljati melee attack hkrati, bom popizdil, saj mi je to bil največji problem dvojke - na vse sem se navadil in užival, a edino takrat, ko se nisem mogel obrniti in mahniti naenkrat, sem si rekel "mater, sem omejen s tem usranim padom". Upam, da poskrbijo tudi za to. :crossfingers:

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Hudičev špil bo tole!!!! Men je že tale grafiak ubijalska!!! Važn m ije da bo HD podpora, HDR lightning mogoč kak napredn AA pa da se bo Chiefov armor šajnu pa sem na konju!!! Drugače nočem da preveč vložijo v grafiko, naj bo raje kak 32/64 player support in bo to en najbolj uživantskih špilov!!!!!

Poleg tega upam da bodo nardil kak nov MP način, sploh če bo res 64 player support!!! Kak siege, defend al pa teritories z bazami!!!

Že vidm kak vas bom tolku ko prasce!!! KLAN OBVEZNO!!!!!! :ihih: :ihih:


xFire: spankrock

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31.3.2007 je trenutni neuradni termin. Zdi se mi da po podatkih Amazona no nisem 100%.

Halo 3 Will Come in 3 Packages

>> Pre-orders for Halo 3 started today on GameStop http://www.gamestop.com/gs/halo3

The game will be available in 3 packages:

* Regular ($59.99)

* Collector's Edition ($69.99): Collector's Edition details are unavailable at this time. Once details are available they will be posted here.

* Legendary Edition ($99.99): Purchase the Halo Legendary Edition and receive a Halo Spartan Mjolnir Mark VI Helmet Replica! Also includes three bonus discs that contain:

- Behind-the-scenes at Bungie Studios with new insights into the Halo Universe and the making of Halo 3.

- A special hi-res collection of all cinematics from Halo 1 and Halo 2 with director commentary from the Bungie Team bonus

- Community content from Red vs. Blue, This Spartan Life and Exclusive Gamer Tiles & a Theme

- Each unit will be serialized for added individuality and collectability

Note that the prices are not officially confirmed by Microsoft yet.

GameStop also mentions a release date of Nov 1st 2007 (that's in just 1 year) ... but that's just an estimates and not an official date announced by Microsoft/Bungie.

Hehe 1. November 2007 kaj so smešni :D

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I'm loving it! Ohranli so Halo stil ampak vseeno se vidi, da nekaj update-ov v grafiki je. Mislim, da to bo se kako spedenano...

Hell yeah 4 replayz! We shall all be seen.....

Upam da ne bo slucajno kak gameplay zajeb in da, ce bo ze moc konfigurirati kontroler, ne bomo rabili kricat cheater cheater!

However...X360 je ze dolgo na spisku. Samo kaj cem ce tozbe trajajo! :crybaby: :doh:

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Francoski OXM razkriva še par stvari ..

Following last week's Swedish mag revelations, more Halo 3 multiplayer details have surfaced from the French edition of Official Xbox Magazine.

The OXM previews three new multiplayer modes. Ninjaball, which - funnily enough - is about getting ahold of a ball, Elimination where the object is to kill off opposing team members and Tankflag, which is basically capture the flag with an erm, tank.

There's also more details on the new Spartan Laser weapon, which is apparently balanced in that you have to lock-on to a vehicle for three seconds before unleashing a ground-scorching laser of death.

Meanwhile the "Man Cannon" - which is a euphemism commonly used around the CVG office - can apparently be used to shoot explosive barrels and even vehicles around the map, which can be shot down or fired from whilst in mid-air.

Halo 3 is currently in the alpha stage of development, with a typical non-committal release date of "when it's ready".

.. in še par extra informacij, očitno od francoza, ki je vir za zgornji članek:

The multiplayer will be 16 players, maximum.

Halo 3 will be released "when it's done"

The gameplay (i.e. handling, control etc... of the Warthog and Ghost are the same as in halo 2 (I imagine some minor adjustments have been made, though).

New multiplayer level: Valhala, is the son (i.e. similar too and/or improved) of blood gulch, NOT the remake.

The X button is completely unused for the moment!

The 10 sec movie of solo take 30 GO! (Not sure what this means, although I suspect that maybe the much touted 'movie maker' feature can record 10 seconds of single player and perhaps 30 seconds of MP? Not clear.

Bungie insist that the game is only at the alpha stage of development and the final game will be a lot better in term of graphics!

Brutes will have Brute vehicles and (presumably, new) weapons !

The environment can be destroyed in some place!

There is a new multiplayer interface! Now we can add a player without adding them in our friend list!

The new grenade name is the 'Spike' grenade. I believe it is a brute weapon.

The Brute arsenal is built for the power, not the aesthetics!

Det'sa ol for nau!

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Thnx, keep 'em coming! :china:

Vse deluje čisto kul, edino to, da "X" gumb nima vloge, me malo skrbi - da ni kak namig, da v H3 ne bo več H1/H2 skokov? To bi bila skrajna škoda, saj je prav skok kot način taktičnega premikanja skozi mape, doseganja strateških pozicij, ki pa hrkati ni mogel degenerirati v besno poskakovanje za izmikanje metkom bil po moje glavni adut Hala in to, kar je naredilo mape, kot so Lockout & co. tak masterpiece. :?

Ampak ok, računajmo, da vedo, kaj delajo. :cool:

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The New Needler:

IT IS NO LONGER DUAL-WIELDABLE!!! Not much is explained but they do say that it is going to be made more powerful, balanced, and "usable".

The Brute Ghost:

The only details on the Brute Ghost were seen in the 20-second Single-Player Video (more on that later). It is summarized in the magazine as a "bulkier version of the classic hover bike" shown in the vid with a Brute climbing into it.

Single Player:

The guys at EGM got a 20-second video of the MC "tearing" around a huge industrial compound with gunfire coming from all types of Covenant crafts including a hulking wraith and "what looks to be a new Brute Ghost". There were "ships flying overhead, lasers everywhere, multiple enemies all around etc". Again, EGM rejects us much info on the stuff that no one else has...(More details to be revealed on Nov. 20 on the Mini-Site)


One of the things I am most excited about is being able to record gameplay onto your hardrive or memory card. The best way to describe this is as an example: Late one night you go into matchmaking and have the best game of your life. You rack up 95% of your teams kills and attain little deaths. You were playing like a GOD. The problem is, none of yours friends were with you. Don't fear, as long as you chose to save the temporarily stored video of the match, you can share your glory! Start up a party and get all of your friends in it, then bring up your saved video and launch it! The video will automatically come up on everyone's screen and the host will be able to control play, pause, slow, rewind, etc. while everyone else can choose how they want to see it, be it First Person, Third Person, or from a "fly-it-yourself bird's eye view". All I can say about this is, WOW.

Game Settings:

No longer are certain things such as speed reserved for either one person. That's right you can give all special traits to everyone!!! And for even more fun, you can even give them to the leading/losing teams in a match! But along with the old traits come a line of new ones. My favorite is being able to make characters more visible, BY SETTING THEM ON FIRE!!! You can even turn down gravity to allow people to jump twice as high, and prevent certain people from picking up weapons. That was all that was specofied in the mag but they say there is more...


Have you ever been in a party and the host is putting a gametype that no-one wants to play? Well vote against it! This can allow people to override the host's power. Whatever happened to the good ol' x button?

Advertising Customs:

Now you can put your custom gametype or even your custom game lobby out there for everyone to see! This was Bungie's answer to custom matchmaking...


Now you will have an actual "military" rank in Halo 3. This will be seperate from your matchmaking ranks and will include your overall stats, ranked, unranked, and even customs.

The X Button:

Still a mystery...

Ok Now More Info on the Older New Stuff:

The Brute Spiker:

I doesn't launch orange needle. It launches two foot superheated metal spike which resmble orange needles.

The Spike Grenade:

This thing latches onto ANYTHING. Covered with spikes, it will kill a Spartan if it you hit one on the head with it, but will stay embedded into it until it explodes: The explosions send out a conical volley of spikes, conical being so that if you are in a certain blind spot near the grenade, you won't be damaged.

Spartan Laser:

Can penetrate through multiple targets...

Grenades in General:

You can now only carry two of each...thats wack...


Yes you can drive anything into these "cannons" but heavier things, such as the Warthog, won't go nearly as far...


I personally don't think it is another Coag or BG, it IS a large map but it is balanced so snipers and heavy rockets don't rule it...


There is a lot more to this map than there looks. The bases seem to be pretty large undergound and there are also linking tunnels and pathways. Energy shields (more on that lower down) protect many entrances and if you get too far out into the barren winter tundra, sentry turrets will shoot you down...


My favorite map, the battle revolves aroung the main base with openable/closeable front gates. There are numerous entrances and hiding place inside the structure such as a blown out bunker or a small "crouch" pipe.

Energy Shields:

This IS old new stuff, just less known I guess. Anyways these energy barriers won't let some grenades through the mag doesn't explain but apparently spike grenades stick to them. I'm not going to go to into these things because most of the info is already out there...

Nekaj novic iz novega EGM-a, nekatere nove, druge niti ne.

For tonight, God is a DJ!

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Me prav zanima kak se bodo izkazale te nove granate.

Ker se jumpanje tiče, to sn 100% da bo ostalo, preveč bi to spremenilo igro.

Aja start orožje v multiplayeru je ratal ta nov assault rifle, bungie pravi, da bi naj bil popolno začetno orožje, kdo je 5 min igral multiplayer ve, da smg smrdi :beer:

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Single Player:

The guys at EGM got a 20-second video of the MC "tearing" around a huge industrial compound with gunfire coming from all types of Covenant crafts including a hulking wraith and "what looks to be a new Brute Ghost". There were "ships flying overhead, lasers everywhere, multiple enemies all around etc". Again, EGM rejects us much info on the stuff that no one else has...(More details to be revealed on Nov. 20 on the Mini-Site)

Bi se dalo tokje dobit?

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Sorry za spam....ampak kekken če bo tako da bo H2 vedno bolj aktualen, potem bomo vrgli še kako preko Xlinka ne ?

BTW, me ni blo na netu zadnji teden in pol ker brat ni podaljšal pogodbe za internet, ste me pogrešali a ? Sej vem da ne....

Pa ok back on topic, H3 bo pomojem moral pokazati dosti dobrih stvari da bo premagal GS oceno GoW ki znaša celih 9.6......sicer pa jaz upam v M$ da bo to zmogel z levo nogo....in upam da mi M$ podari kaki free paket of doom.....z x360, h3...dosmrtno izkaznico livea itd.....čelado MasterChiefa...itd....hec na stran...


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