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Gran Turismo 5


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Nevem, kaj vi delate s konzolami.

Dobite res defektno ali pa jo nič ne čistite, jo imate na neprimernem prostoru in vstavljate zapackane medije?

Jaz imam vse tri konzole še prve(ps1,ps2,ps3), preigrano OGROMNO pa ni nobenega problema.

(je pa res, da jih čistim in sem ful občutljiv na pikico praha na ploščku...kaj še le na prstni odtis ;))

______PS1 2MB_____PS2 120GB_____PS3 500GB______

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Nekaj % je res difektnih kot vsaka naprava, ki obstaja.

Ampak večina uporabnikov zelo "grdo" dela s konzolo.

Že če samo youtube posnetke malo pogledaš:

-kje imajo nekateri postavljene konzole v nekem ozkem predalu, da se sploh konzola nemore hladit(pregrevanje)

-nekateri jih imajo na tleh, da direktno prah s tla vleče v sebe.(pregrevanje)

-eni imajo medij samo na mizi...malo ga spraskajo zdaj, malo pozneje(laser)

-s prsti se dotikajo bralne strani(laser)


npr. v tem posnetku je lepo vidno:



______PS1 2MB_____PS2 120GB_____PS3 500GB______

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Sejmon, da ne boš preveč razpredal. Tudi sam sem pojem za občutljivost na spraskane cd/dvd/br-je. Obolim, če mi kdo da katerega od medijev, ki zgledajo takšni, kot da si gor redno režejo meso, salame in podobno. Že najmanjšo prasko registriram in v moje predvajalnike bo tak plošček težko zašel...

Ravnotako sem občutljiv, ko so v igri konzole. Mam še danes doma bajsiko PS2, ki sem jo kupil v Leclercu, ko so bile znižane na 80 starih jurjev... :) Zato si lahko misliš, kako sem bil (zdaj že) lansko leto razočaran, ko mi je laser šel po NATANKO 13 mesecih. In, glede na to, da sem PS2 res gnal do skrajnosti, pa je zdržala, me je še toliko bolj bolelo, ko je trojka šla ob dokaj neredni uporabi. Pač, hčerka je prioriteta in moj 'živi junak'. ;)

Marsikdo mi je 'svetoval', naj tole šenkam komu, sam pa nabavim novo. Ni šans. Tolk se mi je zafržmagalo, da sem imel namen zadevo vreč stran in nikoli več ne pomislit na PS, kaj šele nabavit kak sistem. Dat 400 evrov da izvem, kako imajo nove konzole kronične probleme z laserji... In da so to kao rešli s slim verzijo... Sorry, za tak brand, kot se Sony hoče imet, se take stvari ne bi smele dogajat.

Vglavnem, zadevo sem rešil sam; sem happy, pa še ponosen, ker mi je ratalo samemu poštimat zadevo, hehe. :)

Pero, laser sem nabavil pri digimartz

Upam, da se tole ne smatra za reklamo. Če je, naj moderator, prosim, izbriše, pa perotu na pm pošljem....

Pero, evo, za 100% iz prve roke lahko rečem, da je naročena roba ok. PAziti moraš zgolj na tip PS3, da potem nabaviš ustrezen pravi laser...

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  • Pred 3 meseci ...
  • Pred 3 meseci ...

11. oktobra izide patch "Spec 2.0", ki bo dodal kar precej stvari:

  • Simplified interior views added to all standard cars.
  • User control of the weather change feature.
  • Settings sheet which allows you to save multiple car settings.
  • New Spec 2.0 opening movie.
  • Improved UI response and usability.
  • Replay forward/rewind.
  • Mid-race save feature for endurance races.
  • Expanded online lounge features (narrowing down car types, shuffle races…).
  • Expanded Photo Travel features (you can now take photos of cars together with your avatar).
  • Added “NASCAR Pit Scene” stage to Photo Travel.
  • Added 11 new 2011 NASCAR models.
  • Added the Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motorsport (the car in which Kazunori contested the 2011 Nurburgring 24 Hours).
  • Improved physics and artificial intelligence.
  • Support for the Logitech G25/G27 steering wheel.

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Sem kar zadovoljen s tem updatom, notranji pogled na standard avtih je kar uredu dodatek, nekateri modeli so prav lepi (npr. Catherham, Le mans racing cars, Chapparal 2J), nekateri pa prav slabi. Sem poskusil neko hondo iz leta 83 pa je bil notranji pogled res ostuden: črna tekstura ter volan. :D

AI je dodatno izboljšana, malo bolj kompetitivna, bi pa lahko bila še bolj agresivna, a to bomo najbrž videli v GT6 (po moje bi bilo najbolje da za GT6 naredijo povsem novo AI, ker v GT5 je vedno tako da sta eden/dva avta kompetitivna, ostali pa so samo za gužvo).

Končno si lahko sami določamo vremenske razmere na progi tako da to ni več odvisno od sreče. "Kazov" avto je kar vredu mašinca, končno se lahko savea med endurance dirkami. :D Edina škoda pa je da so dodali EXP bonus ki se viša z vsakodnevnim zaporednim igranjem igre, vendar se aplicira samo v Seasonal Eventih ne pa tudi v A-Specu, tako da je ta postal še bolj neuporaben. EDIT: sem ugotovil da bonus dobiš tudi v A-Specu, fora je bila v tem da nisem bil online, saj bonus prejmeš le če si povezan v PSN.

DLC je na prvi pogled majhno razočaranje (dobimo 4 nove Nissane ter 2 novi Mazdi :?:eye:), a za 12€, kolikor bo stal complete pack niti ni tako slab deal. Ga bom gotovo nabavil. :D

Urejano od T.M.R.
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Kake zvočnike uporabljaš? Stereo/od TV-ja? Če maš stereo je mogoče razlog, da maš nastavljen zvok na 5.1 in ti potem deluje tako kot da zvok šteka/na trenutke zginja. V tem primeru probi nastavit na stereo.

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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Pazljivo pri nakupu DLC-ja!!

Gran Turismo 5 DLC locked to one PSN ID

You can only play the new Gran Turismo 5 DLC using the PSN ID you bought the content with - it's locked to a single account.

The Gran Turismo 5 website confirms this:

  • "The DLC released on October 18th is tied to the Account ID used to purchase the DLC. It is not possible to use the DLC with accounts other than the one that was used to make the actual purchase. Therefore, please make sure to purchase the DLC with the account that is used to play Gran Turismo 5."

Gran Turismo 5 creator Kazunori Yamauchi was inundated by fans asking why on Twitter.

"Resolving the problem with using the DLC on multiple accounts is not simple," he said.

"It would be best if we could attribute the entitlement to use the DLC items to multiple accounts in the same PS3.

"But there is nothing like that in the PSN setup, and we can only assign the entitlements per user ID.

"There just isn't a good solution for this I can think of."

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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Baje da bodo to uredili decembra, čeprav se govori da bo delovalo le za accounte iz iste regije:

We’re planning an another update for GT5 in December. In that update users who purchased cars and tracks from the DLC already, can receive a free “family upgrade” in the PS Store, which will let all users in the same PS console use the DLC.

People who bought the DLC cars will have those cars added to the dealers in the December update.

After this December update you can purchase a second car and so on from the dealer.

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Danes je izšel nov patch, ter prvi Seasonal Event za B-Spec:

The latest version of Gran Turismo 5, version 2.01, has just been released. Weighing in at 112MB, it provides a number of bug fixes, patches, and tweaks. Here’s a complete change log:

[Major Changes and New Features]

- Compatibility of Kart Space I/II with cars other than racing Karts

It is now possible to race on Kart Space I/II of the DLC in cars other than racing Karts in online races and in the Free Run of Practice.

(In the one make races of the Arcade mode and Practice, the courses are still limited to racing Karts.)

- Expanded the car restrictions in the Online Lounge

It is now possible to simultaneously set [Car Restrictions], [Performance Points], [Power], and [Models] in regulation settings. ( [Vehicle Tuning] must be set to [unrestricted] and [Car Restrictions] must be set to something other than [select from Garage].)

[Other Improvements]

- In the Open Lobby, it is no longer possible to vote to kick out the person who created the room. (If the player leaves the room after creating it then comes back, they are then subject to the vote.)

- Adjusted the force of the steering wheel returning to center after a race when using the “Guillemot T500RS”.

- Improved the steering model when driving racing Karts with the DUALSHOCK®3 Wireless Controller, to prevent overly spinning out.

[Correction of Known Issues]

- Corrected an issue where the BGM would stop playing when returning from the Lounge to the Open Lobby.

- Corrected an issue where if further engine tuning was performed on a car that already had engine tuning, the engine tune field would become incorrect when changing setting sheets.

- Corrected a discrepancy in the numerical figures in the setting sheets.

- Corrected an issue where wheels and horns would become different in every setting sheet change.

- Corrected an issue where the removal of aerodynamic parts and wings would not be implemented when changing setting sheets.

- Corrected an issue where the TCS and ABS settings would change when changing setting sheets.

- Corrected an issue where if a certain operation was performed when using a steering wheel controller with an H pattern gear shifter, the shift lever position, gear position display and the car operation would become mismatched. (On the Logitec G25 Racing Wheel, Logitech G27 Racing Wheel, and Guillemot T500RS + TH8RS Shifter.)

- Corrected an issue with the key assignments on the Logitech G27 Racing Wheel.

- Corrected an issue where the driver hand motion did not match the steering wheel motion.

- Corrected an issue where autopilot would not be disengaged after returning to the course, when resuming an endurance race where the pit lane was entered at overspeed before saving.

- Corrected an issue where the Practice ranking board would reset if the weather change/time change setting was changed when editing an existing track in the Course Maker edit screen.

- Corrected an issue where no courses could be saved in the Course Maker if the update (2.00) was installed without going through earlier updates.

- Corrected an issue where an error would occur at game start if the update (2.00) was installed on a system that has a save data that has never been updated from the first version.

- Corrected an issue with the Hybrid System simulation on the Toyota Prius G Touring Selection ’03, Toyota Prius G ’09, Toyota Prius Touring Car.

- Corrected an issue on the Ferrari F10’10, where drivers were experiencing random vibration.

- Corrected an issue where the wheel color would not appear correctly in pit work, if the wheel had been repainted.

- Corrected an issue where the [Reset to Default] button was not functioning on cars that originally come with turbo kits, when other turbo kits were installed.

- Corrected various other issues regarding the update and the DLC.

A special new “Online B-Spec Challenge” Seasonal Event, the first of its kind, has also been made available. As you might expect, the races are for your fastest B-Spec driver and take place at the following locations:

  • 400PP High Speed Ring (5 laps), 125,000 Cr. Prize
  • 500PP Rome City (5 laps), 170,000 Cr. Prize
  • 650PP Tokyo Route 246 (10 laps), 220,000 Cr. Prize

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  • Pred 1 mesecem ...

Nov patch 21. decembra:

  • Users can now change wheels on Standard cars
  • The settings sheets will include a new ‘copy’ feature
  • In GT Auto, players will be able to see how the oil changes, aerodynamic parts, engine overhauls, and racing modifications will affect performance points and engine power, before and after their application
  • Free coupons have been added that allow you to wash cars, change oil, overhaul your engine, or refresh the car body in GT Auto (10 coupons will be distributed for free to each of those who have downloaded the 2.02 update)
  • Pressing the Square button in the car coupon selection screen of the Car Delivery will now allow you to exchange all car coupons at once, rather than doing one at a time
  • In screens where the [Garage] and [Driver List] buttons are displayed in the A/B Spec events, Special Events, and Seasonal Events, pressing the Square button will now show the [Garage], and pressing the Triangle button will bring up the drivers list
  • In My Lounge, the room settings will feature a new ‘Max. number of participants’ setting
  • In the event selection screen of seasonal events, there are now ☆(star) marks that show the number of Gold Trophies attained in each event
  • Improved racing sound effects
  • Elements of the steering assist controls (used when using certain controllers on Racing Karts) have been tweaked.

Najbolj me zanima kaj mislijo z "improved racing sound effects".

Pa še Toyota 86 bo vključena v popravek:


21.12. izide tudi nov DLC, tokrat s samo štirimi avti za 3.99€:

  • 2011 Mini Cooper S
  • 2010 Volkswagen Golf VI R
  • 2010 Volkswagen Scirocco R
  • 2012 Nissan GT-R Black edition R35



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  • 2 tednov kasneje...

Sem nov tukaj in na novo imam tudi ps3 in gt5.

Vse ok, namestil zadnji update, posodobil igro pred prvim igranjem. Sedaj pa bi rabil pomoč. Slika v home meniju je super, prav tako v menujih gt5. Ko pa gledam avto garaži pa je slika nečista, ni tiste ostrine in je avto prou čuden. Tudi med dirko ni avto tak kot bi mogu bit.

Zato bi prosil za pomoč pri pravilnih nastavitvah. Sem že preizkušal pa mi ne porata.

Imam pa prek hdmi kabla na monitor. (LG W2261VP)


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