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Duke Nukem Forever [360/PS3/PC]

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Po trinajstih letih bomo kot kaže končno lahko igrali Duke-a.

Pri 3D Realms-u so ga napovedali že daljnjega leta 1997.

Na začetku so uporabili takrat napreden Quake 2 pogon, ki so ga leta 1998 najprej zamenjali za Unreal-ov in kasneje neuradno še večkrat za druge (čeprav 3D Realms trdi da so samo enkrat menjali pogon). Vmes so tudi večkrat prestavljali datum izida. Prvotno bi naj izšel sredi 1998, nato so ga pa junija 98' prestavili na 1999, kasneje na 2000, 2001 itd...

Ko je studio 3D Realms maja 2009 zaprl svoja vrata smo mislili, da je zgodba o novem Duke-u dokončno končana, ampak nam je novica, septembra prejšnje leto, da je razvoj prevzel studio Gearbox Software, vlila novo upanje in sedaj končno imamo še datum izida.

Razvijalec: 3D Realms, Gearbox Software

Založnik: 2K Games

Datum izida: 10. junij, 2011












Edited by Dante

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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Pred parimi dnevi izdan teaser trailer za pre-dolgo pričakovano nadaljevanje legendarne streljačine je ponovno vlil nekaj upanja tistim, ki že več kot desetletje čakamo na četrti del Duke Nukem-a.

Še bomo čakali. Nekako dvomim, da bo tole zunaj pred 2010, če sploh. Bi bil pa vesel, če bi me 3D Realmi postavili na laž :)

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Ej, drugače mislim, da so rekli, da igra pride za X360

ja duke nukem je napovedan za PC/XBOX360 :)

Ne, uradno je napovedan samo za PC! Po raznih straneh pa se širijo govorice ali pa celo "uradne" novice, da pride tudi za XBOX360 in PS3, nekatere strani pa poznajo celo točen datum izida...potem pa ljudje temu nasedajo in širijo okoli neresnico.

Na uradni strani piše tole:

Will you port DNF to Linux/Mac/Xbox/PS2/Xbox 360/PS3/Wii/etc.. The decision on what to port DNF to hasn't been made, and won't be made until the game is about ready to be released (or after it's done - we simply don't know yet). Yes, some of the more recent consoles are more likely than others, but we honestly have not done any work on any port to anything other than the PC original.

Tako, da obstaja možnost, da pride tudi na konzole (če sploh pride kamorkoli :) ) vendar še ni uradno.

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Duke Nukem Forever the Interview

Is the Duke Nukem character that we see in the demo, the actual game character?

Tramell - Much of the credit goes to the programmers. That is 100% in-game, in-engine footage. That model IS the current Duke Nukem in-game model. This is not to say that we won’t be making adjustments to the model as we refine and polish the game. Everything in the teaser was taken straight from the engine via Fraps. Of course we added the logos and white flashes in editing to complete the total package.


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  • 2 months later...

Shacknews videl Duka v igralnem stanju!


However, that all changed recently. For a good half hour Shacknews witnessed several different DNF gameplay scenarios, mechanics, and environments being demonstrated.

We actually got to see the truth of Duke curator George Broussard's many past claims, including environmental puzzles and interactivity, a host of finished weapons, the existence of an in-game forklift, and plenty of heads and arms being blown off.

We both confidently agree that after seeing this demonstration, Duke Nukem Forever is looking great, and will easily stand apart from the crowd in both visual and gameplay styles.

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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Sam glede na to, da ga 11 let pacajo skupaj...kaj je pa sploh se ostalo od takrat? ime glavnega bad-guya? vav, res so veliko naredili prvo leto...skoda da so graficni pogon zamenjali, mislim da so takrat enega res impresivnega ustvarili....

Drgac pa mislm d spil bo izsel...mislem, ker kreten bi delal 10let, sestavil kup trailerjev, predstavil del spila "novinarjem"....potem pa ga vrgel u smeti? Sej jih bojo feni fental, če to nardijo....mislm č bi to men kkšni offspringi nardil, bi jim 100% poslal email, v katerem bi bla slika opice....


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