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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Wii]

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Pohvale se vrstijo iz vseh strani. Edge je igri dodelil celo oceno 10/10. :car:

Revered gaming publication Edge magazine which is renowned for its harsh but realistic scores has awarded The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword a perfect 10/10. Yesterday the Official Nintendo Magazine revealed that it had awarded The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 98%.



“A triumph.”

“How apt that this ultimate tale of hero-making should see Nintendo’s hardware become the console it was always meant to be.”

Tisti, ki jo bo spiratiziral, si ne zasluži, da bi še kdaj igral katerokoli igro.

Urejano od Link
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Ja, tole bo dons prednaročeno. :hyper:

In če na dan izida špila pri menI ne bo, bom spet uveljavljal načelo 'če maš špil naročen, ni piratiziranje'. :tepen:

A ni treba za to met posebi zrihtano konzolo :headscratch: hec :hihi ni treba odgovarjat na to..

Drugače imam jst prednaročeno LE, fajn dobim dodaten gold wii-mote plus, da mi ni treba met tistga "podaljška" gorih.

Za levičarje:

The New Zelda Won’t Have A Lefty Mode After All

I e-mailed Nintendo public relations to be sure and even linked them the IGN video, which makes verbal mention of it but doesn't show it, to make sure we were talking about the same thing. Now I've got an official response: Nintendo confirms there's no left-handed mode in the game. Go figure.

This is no tragedy. What it means, I guess, is that Link will hold his sword in his right hand as he did in the Wii version of his previous Zelda console game. Prior to that, he'd been a lefty in all of his most famous games.

This lefty/righty thing is an issue because Skyward Sword requires players to use a Wii Remote with Motion Plus to swing hero Link's sword with finesse, the kind of finesse a left-hander like me might not feel when wielding the Remote in one's right hand. This wasn't an issue with the previous Wii Zelda, Twilight Princess. That game tolerated cruder, less careful gestures and had a more limited and less interesting move-set as a result. A lefty like me could easily just put the Wii Remote in their left hand to play Skyward Sword, but that forces the Wii's Nunchuk to go in the right hand, and makes you move the character with your right thumb on the Nunchuk's thumbstick. That configuration had felt unnatural when I tried it. I didn't like it, but some Kotaku readers said that they might want to play Skyward Sword with the Remote in their left hand... as long as the game would put Link's sword in his left hand. That's what this lefty mode would have been, but it's not in there.

Without the lefty mode, Link will keep his sword in his right and the player will simply have to decide which hand to put the Remote in and which will wield the Nunchuk. I'm putting the Remote in my right.

My fellow left-handers, do not fret. I was okay. You will be, too.

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Was Originally Planned With Button Controls

Wii MotionPlus sword swinging controls are new for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but the game’s defining feature wasn’t always part of producer Eiji Aonuma​’s plan. Aonuma began planning the next Zelda game after completing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Hidemaro Fujibayashi, director on Skyward Sword and a number of Zelda games for Game Boy, suggested to use Wii MotionPlus.

Fujibayashi was experimenting with the new hardware, but Aonuma was skeptical and stored the idea in the back of his mind. That is until Wii Sports Resort came out. After trying swordplay and archery, Aonuma felt that those mini-games had a similar feel to the Zelda series. Aonuma then told design leader Ryuji Kobayashi the game’s direction is going to change to support Wii MotionPlus. Kobayashi, unaware of Aonuma’s plan, was finalizing the basic battle controls with buttons.

That’s not the only change detailed in the Iwata Asks roundtable interview. Tanaka, the UI designer, was thinking about the game’s inventory system. Fujibayashi wanted an innovative system and Tanaka came up with the idea of twisting your wrist to change items. Iwata said that’s like changing the channels on an old TV. This idea was scrapped though since the wrist has a limited turning radius.

Early in development, the boomerang was actually the beetle, one of the new weapons made just for Skyward Sword. The weapon then evolved into a Rocket Punch, Kobayashi explained, who played around with the idea of a flying hand grabbing things. Once the design of the beetle was complete, the team started planning levels with the item in mind.

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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  • vrhovni
Limited edition ali navadno?

Navadno. Mam že dost kontrolerjev in MotionPlusov, pa ni dost rupijev trenutno. :tepen:

A ni treba za to met posebi zrihtano konzolo :headscratch: hec :hihi ni treba odgovarjat na to..

Jst mam porihtano konzolo še od prvih začetkov homebrewja, ko še niti ni omogočal piratiziranja .. sedaj mam pa vse svoje špile rippane na zunanji disk, s katerega jih poganjam - brez menjavanja diskov in mnogo bolj priročno. Ob takile situaciji mi zna pa še kako drugače priti prav. :blush:

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  • vrhovni

/high-fives fellow Zelda fans :wave:

Težko iz tega demota vlečem neke hude zaključke, ampak dejmo nekaj spesnit. Kot prvo: špil je vsaj meni fenomenalno lep. Ta stil, da vse skupaj izgleda kot delo kakšnega impresionista, izpade super. Še celo pri meni, na monitorju, kjer vsak SD signal izpade precej bedno. Če koga zanima, kako bi SS izgledal v HD .. od tele strani naprej. :love: Sem sprobal tudi sam preko Dolphina in ti pade dol čeljust v primerjavi z normalnim Wiijevim outputom. Lep, lep špil.

Demoti so trije: letanje naokoli z Loftwingi, mini-dungeon in boss fight z Ghirahimom. Letanje je v bistvu precej podobno tistemu kratkemu letalskemu segmentu iz Twilight Princess .. svojo ptičuro upravljaš z nagibanjem Wiimotea, pritisk na A mu da omejen pospešek, mali zamah v levo pa ga prepriča, da zamahne s krili in pridobi na višini. Loviš nekega spuščenega Loftwinga, ki ga je dosti neproblematično ujeti. Potem ti malo uide, sotekmovalci te začnejo obmetavati in jovo na novo, dokler ga spet ne ujameš. That's basically it.

Drugi del je mini-dungeon, kjer lahko preizkusiš novosti, ki jih doda Motion+. In te so res fakin hude. Link se z mečem obnaša dejansko natanko tako, kot ga premikaš ali mahaš z njim sam. Od ležernega premikanja meča z ene na drugo stran, višje, nižje, postrani, do vseh možnih zamahov, pod različnimi koti .. kontroler zazna brez problema vse. In na tem temeljijo tudi nove uganke in sovražniki, ki jih moraš mlatiti z zamahi iz in v pravo smer. Če se brani z leve, moraš z mečem na desno stran in usekati v drugo smer. Če drži orožje horizontalno, moraš ti ravno tako vsekati horizontalno mimo njegove obrambe. Sistem deluje super in je precej bolj naraven, kot random mahanje v TP, da je Link napadal. Zanimivo je, da tudi več ali manj vsa oprema temelji na M+ in ne na npr. pointerju. Po meniju s pripomočki izbiraš z obračanjem wiimotea, ne s pointerjem. Isto pri merjenju z lokom/fračo, kar je na začetku malce nenavadno, ampak se hitro navadiš in postane povsem samoumevno. Izhaja pa iz tega tudi edini problem, ki sem ga opazil .. enkrat ali dvakrat se mi je zgodilo, da se je M+ očitno malce odkalibriral: enkrat je Link držal meč povsem mimo osnovne poze, drugič pa je bilo merjenje precej sfaljeno od tistega, kar bi pričakoval. Za take primere imaš v meniju opcijo ponovne kalibracije in potem spet vse dela normalno.

Ghirahima sem tepel samo enkrat, gre pa bolj kot ne isto za sprobavanje mečevanja in branjenja s ščitom (tega dvigneš z zamahom naprej z nunčakom). Tukaj mi dejansko ni bilo čisto jasno, kaj so hoteli od mene, ker se hudič brani vsega, s čemer ga tepeš, vsake tok pa jih je na random fasal mimo svojih blokad. Ne vem, verjetno sem jaz kaj zajebal, ker kolikor sem bral na netu, je nek logičen način, kako jih faše. Moram probati še enkrat. :)

Vsekakor deluje špil iz tega kratkega in časovno omejenega demota super. Twilight Princess na steroidih (kako delujejo upgrejdi opreme in zbirateljstvo mi npr. sploh še ni jasno, čeprav imaš tu na voljo tri ščite), s fenomenalno grafiko, na prvi vtis izjemno obetajočim sistemom bojevanja in baje utrganimi količinami vsebine. Orkestralna glasba je nivoje nad dosedanjo, je pa vredno omeniti, da je precej manj izpostavljena, kot npr. v Super Mario Galaxyju. Kar je je v demotu, je mnogo boljše kvalitete kot v TP, ampak daleč od bombastičnosti SMG, kjer sem si od vsega jaz pomoje zapomnil ravno glasbeno spremljavo. Upam, da je v dejanskem špilu, tudi kaj več hudo epskih spremljav. :yes:

18. november ne more priti dovolj hitro. :hyper:

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