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Kilzone 3 multiplayer bo, glede na uradni Playstation podcast (o tem je govora proti koncu v zadnjih 10 minutah), na PSN na voljo kot samostojna igra. Izid je najavljen za 28. februar v USA trgovini, pričakuje pa se, da bo na voljo tudi v EU trgovini.[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK] Predvidena cena za polno verzijo je 14.99$/9.99£/12.99€, verzija brez napredovanja (level up) bo free to play!

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KZ3 orožja:

M4 Revolver


Faction: ISA

Class: Side arms

Sights: Iron sights

The standard side arm for ISA soldiers, the M4 is a slow but powerful fallback weapon in case the primary weapon runs out of ammunition.

StA-18 Pistol


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Side arms

Sights: Iron sights

The Helghast counterpart of the M4, the StA-18 sacrifices some power and accuracy for a higher rate of fire.

M66 Machine Pistol


Faction: ISA

Class: Side arms

Sights: Holographic reflex sight

The preferred sidearm of ISA Shadow Marshals, the M66 has a very high rate of fire but not much accuracy unless fired from a crouched position.

VC8 Shotgun Pistol


Faction: Helghast/Visari Corp.

Class: Side arms

Sights: Iron sights

The VC8 offers good stopping power at short range, but quickly becomes less accurate over larger distances.

StA-2 Battle Pistol


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Side arms

Sights: Iron sights

As a sidearm the StA-2 is only really useful in close quarters battle, where its tremendous power can fell most targets in a single blast.

M82 Assault Rifle


Faction: ISA

Class: Rifles

Sights: Holographic reflex sight

The M82 is such a solid all-round assault rifle that its basic design has hardly changed over its years of service. Its low recoil, high fire rate, good range and holographic scope make this the workhorse of the ISA.

M82SE Assault Rifle (Suppressed)


Faction: ISA

Class: Rifles

Sights: Holographic reflex sight

The suppressed version of the M82 fires in bursts to reduce recoil even further. The added suppressor prevents the player from showing up on enemy radar.

StA-52 Assault Rifle


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Rifles

Sights: Iron sights

The StA-52 assault rifle is the mainstay of the Helghast army. Although it lacks the accuracy of its ISA counterpart, the M82, it makes up for this with a higher rate of fire and larger ammo drum size.

StA-52SE Assault Rifle (Suppressed)


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Rifles

Sights: Iron sights

The suppressed version of the StA-52 assault rifle fires in bursts to minimize recoil. Although it reduces the fire rate, the suppressor keeps the player from showing up on enemy radar when firing.

StA-14 Rifle


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Rifles

Sights: Reflex sight

Fitted with a reflex sight, this powerful low-recoil rifle is the best suited for mid- to long-range engagements. While it lacks the extreme accuracy of the VC32, it has a much higher fire rate.

VC32 Sniper Rifle


Faction: Helghast/Visari Corp.

Class: Rifles

Sights: Illuminated 2x and 5x zoom telescopic sight

Two different zoom levels allow the VC32 sniper rifle to be used in mid-range and long-range combat. For optimal accuracy, the weapon should be fired from a crouched position.

M32 Combat Knife


Faction: ISA

Class: Close quarter weapons

The M32 is the last resort of close quarters combatants. Suitable for both stabbing and slicing, it makes for a brutal melee attack.

LS13 Shotgun


Faction: ISA

Class: close quarter firearms

Sights: Reflex sight

The LS13 is a pump action shotgun with devastating close-range damage. It’s not very accurate, however, and loses its effectiveness at anything other than close range.

StA-11 Submachine Gun


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Close quarter firearms

Sights: Iron sights

The StA-11 SMG boasts low recoil and a high fire rate, and does tremendous damage at close range. It is ideally suited for ‘run & gun’ type tactics.

StA-11SE Submachine Gun (Supressed)


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Close quarter firearms

Sights: Iron sights

The suppressed StA-11 SMG keeps the player from showing up on enemy radar while firing. The state of the art suppression mechanism does not sacrifice fire rate or accuracy.

LS57 Submachine Gun


Faction: ISA

Class: close quarter firearms

Based off the M82 design, the LS57 SMG suffers from more recoil than the StA-11, but makes up for this in range and firepower.

M224-1A Light Machine Gun


Faction: ISA

Class: Machine guns

Sights: Iron sights

The M224-1A is an LMG with large magazine capacity and plenty of range. It’s an excellent suppressive weapon, but has a comparably low fire rate.

StA-3 Light Machine Gun


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Machine guns

The StA-3 is an LMG with a sizeable ammo drum and a tremendous fire rate. It is unmatched in its suppressive capabilities, especially when fired from a crouched position.

StA-62 Minigun


Faction: Helghast

Class: Machine guns

Originally intended for stationary defense, the immensely powerful StA-62 can be dismounted and carried around, although the weight of the weapon slows down the operator.

VC9 Rocket Launcher


Faction: Helghast/Visari Corps

Class: Rocket launchers

The VC9 is ideal for taking down enemy vehicles and entrenchments. Although it lacks the homing capabilities of the W.A.S.P. Launcher, it has a relatively fast reload rate.

StA-X3 W.A.S.P. Launcher


Faction: Helghast

Class: Rocket launchers

Like the StA-62, the StA-X3 can be dismounted and carried. The weapon fires a volley of homing missiles in primary fire mode, and a targeted ‘bunker buster’ strike in alternate fire mode.

StA-X6 Jetpack


Faction: Helghast/Stahl Arms

Class: Vehicles

The StA-X6 comes equipped with a belt-fed submachine gun based on the StA-11 design. The range of the weapon has been upgraded to allow the wearer to fire from great heights.

LS209 Exoskeleton


Faction: ISA

Class: Vehicles

Slow and clunky but extremely well-armored, the ISA Exoskeleton is equipped with a heavy machine gun and a rocket launcher. It does have a weak spot that can affect the operator, however.

M194 Fragmentation Grenade


Faction: ISA

Class: Explosives

The M194 is a standard- issue fragmentation grenade with a digitally enhanced fuse igniter. It is ideal for sweeping rooms or clearing out enemy entrenchments.

PXM199 Proximity Mine


Faction: Both

Class: Explosives

The proximity mine tracks the proximity of enemies and explodes when one enters within a two meter radius. Unless the target is extremely well-armored, this is usually enough to neutralize any enemy.

VC116 Sentry Turret


Faction: Helghast/ Visari Corp.

Class: Special

The VC116 is an automated defense turret that can be deployed by Helghast Engineers. It has excellent detection range, but only average firepower and accuracy.

LS116 Sentry Turret


Faction: ISA

Class: Special

The LS116 is the ISA equivalent of the VC116 Sentry Turret. It has an equal detection range, and matches its counterpart in firepower and accuracy as well.


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Včeraj sem (pre)igral KZ3 SP demo, (na hard zahtevnosti, elite se odpre ko končaš) in lahko rečem samo vaou! Najprej mi grafika ni bila najbolj všeč sčasoma pa čedalje bolj in nakoncu odlična. Premikanje je zdaj podobno ostalim FPS igram (torej ni "laga" ki je dajal občutek "človeškosti") tako, da je vse bolj gladko. Samo igranje je bilo odlično in že dolgo nisem v FPS-ju tako užival, grtafično, zvočno in igralno odlična izkušnja, neke močne zgodbe v Demu pač ne moreš pričakovati, začne se z napadom na "naftno" ploščad, kjer uničiš protizračno obrambo, preizkusiš jetpack in na koncu sesuješ tank ali dva.

Demo je na voljo zaenkrat PSN+ uporabnikom in če se ne motim Qore naročnikom


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Ravno igram Killzone 3 in laga ni opaziti kot v drugem delu...tak da hura!

Nad grafiko sem bolj kot ne razočaran.Zvok DTS kar je plus,...glede na to da ga Dead Space 2 nima(prvi del ga ima).

Podpira 3D ter move.Zasede 40GB+ prostora.

Edited by sejmon

______PS1 2MB_____PS2 120GB_____PS3 500GB______

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sejmon, kako si 14 Feb. špilav če izid špila v Eur je ta petek (25.2 ) in v Ameriki je izšel učeraj 22.2 ???

Mal čudno to.. boh.

Skratka, sem čisto oboževalec killzone serije od prvega dela!

Me pa zanima, če je možno v slo dobit Helgast Edtion? Čene bom mogu v Italijanski Gamestop skočit heh :)


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