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Ekskluzivno:Kilzone 3 multiplayer na PSN - free to play


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To show our appreciation to all you Killzone fans, we will be holding a “March for Helghan II Sweepstakes,” where you have a chance to win a Killzone 3 Limited Helghast Edition just for playing Killzone 3 online multiplayer. Starting Friday, March 25th (that’s tomorrow!) and running through Sunday, April 10th, we’ll be giving away 10 Limited Helghast Editions each day for 17 straight days. Members of the Killzone 3 team will log on to PlayStation Network throughout the sweepstakes and randomly select players in multiplayer matches. We will not select players more than once during the sweepstakes, and will notify winners via the email address associated with their PSN account.




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Prihaja DLC...

MP-09 JUNKYARD // Game Type: Guerrilla Warfare (16 players)

The junkyards of Helghan are a wasteland to some, but a valuable resource to others. In the main junk processing facility of Helghan, ISA and Helghast Forces are clashing in an attempt to salvage vehicles and supplies for their war effort. Jetpacks are the key to taking the high ground, but the huge Exoskeletons can quickly turn the tide of the battle on the ground.

MP-10 STAHL ARMS // Game Type: Warzone (24 Players)

As the Helghast write a new and appalling chapter on humanoid experimentation, beleaguered ISA Forces mount a desperate attack on the notorious Stahl Arms research facility, where they hope to free ISA soldiers who have been taken captive. Stahl’s Helghast forces will stop at nothing to ensure that the ISA attack fails, even if it means exterminating the very prisoners they need for their weapons research.

The Steel Rain map pack will be available on PlayStation Network starting March 29.



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Ej Bessie na kolk maš naštiman sensitivity na Dualshock (X, Y axis)?

Jaz drugače uporabljam Splitfish Shark FX, pa se mi ga včasih ne da prklapljat in probavam z Dualshockom. Pa mi ne gre najboljš, ker že tako nisem fps gamer pa še tele game padi...

Zgleda da se morem še fejst privadet. Napredoval sem do tja ko je tudi demo za to igro bil, ko po snegu laziš pa letaš z jet packom po ice bergih. Mam še dosti do konca solo kampanije? Ter ali se lahko pogledati naknadno na kateri težavnosti stopnji sem, ker ne vem če sem dal Normal ali Hard, mislim pa da je Hard.

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Po moje nisem nič nastavljal, tako, da je po moje kar privzeto, sicer pogosto zvečam sensitivity ampak za KZ3 ne vem če sem.

To se mi zdi, da je nekje na polovici, vse skupaj itak traja samo cca 5-6 ur na Hard. Lahko pa vmes spreminjaš težavnost, najtežja se ti odpre, ko končas igro.


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Opis v Jokerju kr hvali igranje z move in po možnosti z Sharp Shooterjem. Tako da sem se odločil za nakup, pa ne samo zaradi te igre, pač Move se mi zdi zanimiv.

Drugače pa lol... Ne vem če sem motorično nesposoben al kaj. Težko se bom navadil kdaj se premika samo merek kdaj se pa začne cela kamera obračat. Pa z nastavitvami se zezat en cajt. Zdej sem dau sesitivity kr na 0%, pa vse ostalo blizu 10%. Vglavnem, zajebano...

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Še en vikend z double XP (tokrat kot "welcome back" za japonski PSN):

The double XP weekend will start this Friday, June 3 at 17:00 PM UK time, and last until Monday, June 6 at 10:00 AM UK time. As the name implies, all XP earned in Killzone 3’s multiplayer matches during this weekend will be doubled, so if you missed out on the previous Double XP Weekend this is your chance!
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Nov DLC "From the Ashes", ki bo prinsel dve novi mapi za Guerrilla Warfare in dve novi mapi za Warzone. DLC bo na voljo 22.6.2011.

First up is a preview video of Lente Missile Base, a Warzone map for 24 players set inside an abandoned missile base at the edge of the Kaznan Jungle.


The second preview video features Mobile Factory, a Guerrilla Warfare map for 16 players set aboard one of the largest vehicles from the single player campaign.


DLC Pack 3 “From The Ashes” will be available from the PlayStation Store on Wednesday, June 22 for €4,99. But that’s not all! Those of you new to Killzone 3 will be interested to learn that we’re simultaneously releasing the DLC Bundle Pack. As the name implies, this pack bundles the Retro Pack, the Steel Rain Pack AND the From The Ashes Pack – a total of eight maps – for the low, low price of just €9,99.
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Še ostali dve mapi iz tretjega DLC "From the Ashes", menovani tudi Retro map pack, ki sta novi verziji že znanih iz prejšnjih Killzone-ov.

The first preview video features Tharsis Depot, a Guerrilla Warfare map for 16 Players based on the Killzone 2 classic.


The second video shows the new version of Radec Academy, a Warzone map for 24 players.


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This Weekend Is Triple XP Weekend!

By Victor Zuylen, posted Jun 23 2011 12:00AM

Comments (7)

Earlier this week we released the third DLC pack for Killzone 3, ‘From The Ashes’, as well as a DLC Bundle containing all three DLC packs. Of course there’s only one way to celebrate this momentous occasion: organize a Triple XP Weekend!

You read that right – from Friday, June 24 at 17:00 PM UK time, until Monday, June 27 at 9:00 AM UK time, all XP earned in Killzone 3’s multiplayer matches will be tripled. So whether you’re exploring new DLC maps or just re-acquainting yourself with the stock maps, you’ll rank up faster than ever!

Se vidimo!


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Jap, to bo pa treba izkoristit.

Mene že muka daje, pa sem šele na 31/45. Rabim pa še kar nekaj točk za odklep professionov. Drugače pa če so kje bedaki so na internetu. Včeraj cel večer v Warzone eno navadno kempanje. Ni čudno da so v igro vključili turret bote. Ko naberem trofeje ki mi manjkajo, me bo igra po moje minila.

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Dej a bi mi lahko nekdo pomagau nabrat MP trofeje ki mi še manjkajo, pa da se mi ta špil skine z glave in začnem še kej druzga igrat. Lol.

Vglavnem, rabim enga marksmana v nasprotni ekipi da ga petkrat počim, pa inženirja da mu shekam tri turrete, pa ene par Exo/Jetpack seans. Pogoj je da ma vse DLCje. Tako da če bi mi kdo naredu eno uslugo za tak manjši humiliation potem bom zlo veseu, ker preveč časa rabim za te trofeje, ki itak nič ne pomenijo, ampak so.

Bessie ? :frfr: Anyone?

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Kul, tole zbiranje trofej in achivementov je vredno spoštovanja, men npr. se niti ne da posebej s tem ukvarjat, če kaj rata sproti OK, če ne pa tudi ;) no včasih se že splača potruditi zaradi izziva, ampak traja predolgo, časa pa ni na pretek iger je pa čedalje več...


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