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Ekskluzivno:Kilzone 3 multiplayer na PSN - free to play


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Ja sej glih v tem je fora, da je dobrih aktualnih in iger za nazaj kar nekaj in je zlo težko pri vseh nabrat trofeje in achievemente. Sicer je pa to tak mali nateg, da potrošniki pač igramo v nedogled dokler se ne odklene čimveč ali pa kar vsega in s tem določene igre dobijo tisto "podaljšano" svežino. Če ne bi po moje po enem playthrough čez kampanjo in parih MP odnehal. Razen če je igra res dobra oziroma ji blagovna znamka garantira kar nekaj let popularnosti.

Mene achievementi in trofeje ženejo naprej k igranju. Kar nekaj iger sem enostavno že pozabil, ko sem odklenil vse dosežke. Na PS3 imam samo en platinum, upam da bo KZ3 tadrug, potem pa naprej, kot so Uncharted, Burnout, SOCOM 4. Heh...sej ne bom vsega sfolgal.

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  • Pred 1 mesecem ...

Včeraj je prišel nov patch 1.12 za Killzone 3.

Here is the full list of changes included with patch 1.12:


  • Changed Marksman’s scramble ability into an active ability – The marksman scramble ability now needs to be activated and deactivated via the d-pad, and has a cooldown period.
  • Increased tracking response for engineer turrets – The turn speed of turrets has been increased, allowing them to track players more easily.
  • Increased armor for engineer turrets (30%) - Turrets can still be destroyed by a single explosion from a grenade or missile launcher.


  • Improved StA-2 Battle Pistol - Detonation time for the StA-2 Battle Pistol’s grenade is shorter, and the damage it deals is more severe.


  • Added realtime projector to MP15 Radec Academy – A realtime projector has been added to the theater room, projecting onto the large wall with two doors.


  • Toned down overly enthusiastic death screams – Aieeeeaaargh!


  • Increased mission points in Warzone – There is more of an incentive to go after mission objectives now.
  • Doubled cooldown time on mortars – Cooldown time was increased from 30 to 60 seconds to avoid spamming the Search & Destroy mission area.
  • Fixed tournaments not ending as soon as one clan leaves.
  • Fixed clans being able to rejoin games that were already finished – Clans used these exploits to boost their game wins and climb the leaderboards.
  • Reduced wait time at end of the round – The wait time was brought down from 60 to 45 seconds.
  • Reduced pre-game wait time at end of the round – The wait time was brought down from 30 to 20 seconds.


  • Added menu option to disable Sixaxis-only actions – Sixaxis-only actions can now be switched off in the menu, so players only have to press ‘O’ to start an action. This will make Killzone 3 more accessible to disabled players.
  • Added map name to spawn screen – The map name can be seen in the top left, under the titles.

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  • 3 tednov kasneje...

No, super, jaz imam tudi R3, a je še vedno zavit v celofanu ker moram najprej Deus Ex: HR končat, ta mesec pa sem bolj na tesnem s časom za igranje. Vaju bom dodal ko pridem iz službe.

KZ3 pa igram 2x-3x tedensko, pa nimam nikoli težav za dobit partijo, sploh zdaj ko je izšla v Platinum izvedbi se mi zdi da se je vsulo nekaj novih igralcev (vsaj po rankih sodeč).

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  • Pred 5 meseci ...

Kilzone 3 multiplayer bo na PSN na voljo kot samostojna igra

On February 28th Sony will release the multiplayer mode of Killzone 3 as a stand alone product via the US PlayStation Store for $14.99.

The announcement comes via the US Official PlayStation Podcast (listen past the 10th minute mark) and therefore relates to the US market alone, but considering the first party status of the content, it's fair to assume it will be available on the EU Store as well the day after, on February 29th, probably for £9.99/€12.99.


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Ta vikend dvojne XP za MP

For those who already own Killzone 3 (or decide to purchase the full version of Killzone 3 Multiplayer), we have another anniversary treat: this weekend will be Double XP Weekend! Starting on Friday, March 2 at 8:00am Pacific time, and lasting until Monday, March 5 at 2:00am Pacific time, all XP earned in online Killzone 3 matches will be doubled. The trial version of Killzone 3 Multiplayer is excluded from the Double XP Weekend, of course – we wouldn’t want you to hit that Sergeant I rank too quickly!


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  • Pred 6 meseci ...


That’s three of the best shooters ever to grace PlayStation – Killzone HD, Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 including all multiplayer maps – in once package, coming to PlayStation this October.

Killzone trilogy confirmed for October PS3 release date

All three games and their multiplayer maps will be released on October 24th for the sum of £40.84 – here’s all the maps bundled in:

Killzone 2 maps:

Steel & Titanium Map Pack

Flash & Thunder Map Pack

Napalm & Cordite Map Pack

Killzone 3 maps:

Killzone 3 Steel Rain Map Pack

Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack

Killzone 3 From The Ashes Map Pack


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  • 2 tednov kasneje...


Zabaven pogovor s "predelovalci" prvega dela iz serije, med drugim so imeli izvorno kodo shranjeno na traku v neki kleti v škatli za čevlje...

Frank: It was quite an interesting challenge. The first issue we ran into was that we no longer had a machine to read most of the tapes. And the second issue was that the tapes were stored, uh, “offsite”…

Michiel: Go ahead, you can say it!

Frank: By which I mean, in a shoebox in the cellar of one of our IT support staff members, without a list of contents of any kind.

In a shoebox?

Frank: Like I said, we were young and we used to do things differently back in those days.



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Drugi del intervjuja


VZ: Aside from fixed bugs, what else has been improved for the HD version?

FC: Where possible, the Killzone assets we retrieved have been resampled or recreated at a higher resolution. Textures, for instance, were originally designed at twice the required size and then downscaled to fit into PlayStation 2 memory. For PlayStation 3 that’s no longer a concern, so the game uses the full-sized textures. Similarly, the menus and HUD-elements have all been upscaled and reworked to look good in 720p.

ML: A lot of the improvements to the game have been facilitated by switching to the more powerful PlayStation 3 hardware. The frame rate is smoother, the shaders are of a better quality, the LOD settings have been tweaked to nearly always show the highest level of detail, and the engine now applies MSAA filtering – which, by the way, looks really sharp on a lower-polygon title like Killzone.

FC: The conversion team also introduced trophy support and an updated control scheme, to bring the game in line with modern PlayStation 3 shooters. I believe [Killzone 2 and 3 game director] Mathijs de Jonge helped out with the controls?

ML: Yes, he did. The difference between PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 controller sensitivity meant that the controls required tweaking anyway, so Mathijs used the opportunity to change them to something more familiar to players of Killzone 2 and 3.




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  • 3 tednov kasneje...

Nagovor ljudstvu:

“My people… Sons and daughters of Helghan… Today is a glorious day for our nation. For many years, our history was incomplete – divided, fragmented, and split up over multiple platforms. But on this day, the record of our great struggle is made whole. On this day, Killzone Trilogy is released for PlayStation 3!

Experience the power of the Third Helghast Army in the original Killzone, remastered in majestic HD. Witness the tyranny of the ISA as it attempts to seize Helghan in Killzone 2. Tremble before the awesome might of the Helghast war machine in Killzone 3. Then, go online and smite the enemy on any of the enclosed DLC multiplayer maps!

In honor of this momentous occasion, I have declared the coming weekend a Double XP Weekend. All acts of valor in online multiplayer matches of Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 shall be doubly rewarded! Go online and strike at your foes without fear or hesitation… Remind them, with every bullet fired and every drop of blood spilt, that Helghan belongs to the Helghast!”

You heard the man! The Killzone Trilogy bundle is now available in stores for €49.99/£39.99; Killzone HD is also separately available from the PlayStation Store for €14.99/£11.99. The Double XP Weekend starts on Friday, 26th October at 5:30pm BST, so make sure you mark it on your calendar. You wouldn’t want to upset the Autarch, would you?


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  • 1 year later...
Končno sem se spravil igrat KZ3 singleplayer, pa mi ni nič žal da ga nisem igral že prej. Tako boring streljačine nisem igral že dolgo ... eni in isti boji skozi ves špil, edino lokacije se spreminjajo. Mp pa je bil kar OK dokler je trajalo.

Poba ne vem kero igro si ti igrou ampk pr Killzone 3 maš pa tok raznolike misije d joj. Furaš različna vozila, podpora z zraka, jetpacki, silent misije, stand ground deli...


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