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Pregled iger samo za X360 v letu 2011


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Gears of War 3


Obviously. The Xbox 360 is the home of Gears of War and the third entry to the series will no doubt be bigger, better and more badly in need of a decent script writer than Gears of War 2 was.

We'll finally be taking part in Marcus and Dom's latest exploits late next year, after it was delayed from its initial spring release. The game looked pretty damn impressive when we played it at E3 last year, so hopefully the extra time will give Epic the chance to bolt in something even more spectacular.

Codename D

One of the "Tokyo Game Show 5", a selection of Kinect titles revealed at Tokyo Game Show 2010 that are supposed to appeal to the hardcore. Codename D is probably not the game's final name and there are very few details at all about the game itself.

All we do know is that it's being developed by Suda 51 and his team at Grasshopper. Based on that alone we're eagerly awaiting more information.

Project Draco


Panzer Dragoon. Either that name leaves you scratching your head or starts off a chain reaction of fluffy, nostalgic thoughts and memories. Project Draco is being developed by the man behind Panzer Dragoon and his team at Grounding.

Again, details are very limited, but screenshots revealed in a recent issue of Famitsu show that there will definitelybe dragons. As if the name didn't already give it away.

Steel Battalion Heavy Armour


We're intrigued to see how Capcom can turn a game that's famous for it's ridiculously expensive, 40 button controller into one that uses a peripheral with no buttons whatsoever.

How will the game translate our movements into those of a complicated and precise walking-tank? We can't wait to find out, hopefully in 2011.

Halo 4

What do you mean Reach was the last Halo? You big silly, why would Microsoft set up a dedicated development team in the form of 343 Industries if there to be no more Halo games?

Nothing's been announced yet, but 343's been toiling away since Bungie went independent in 2007 so now doesn't seem a bad time for a reveal - although given that we've already got a Gears game for 2011, expecting Halo as well might be a bit much. Microsoft would have to be very confident about next year to release its two biggest shooters side by side.

Still, it could appear at E3 for a release in 2012. We're still wondering if it'll have anything to do with the old Peter Jackson project, Halo Chronicles.

Rise of Nightmares

Another one of the Tokyo Game Show 5 and another example of game details being very slim. All we know is it's a survival horror game from Sega using Kinect. Survival horror is one of the genres in which we expect to see some real innovation taking place with Kinect, so we're looking forward to finding out more.



A reboot of a much beloved PC series, Xcom is doing away with the strategic base building and turn based tactical combat and going full FPS. With BioShock 2 developers 2K Marin on the case, we're intrigued to see exactly how they go about modernising the franchise in 2011.



Much the same as Rise of the Nightmares, Haunt is another survival horror game for Kinect and is one of the Tokyo Game Show 5. This one has a big name attached, however; father of Parappa The Rapper (and, arguably, the entire music genre) Masaya Matsuura.

Codename: Kingdoms


Crytek is famous for its first person shooters which tend to feature incredible hyper-realistic graphics with a modern day super soldier as the protagonist. So it was weird when, at E3 2010, Microsoft revealed a new Crytek game onstage which looks nothing like any of their previous games.

Codename Kingdoms looks more like an action game set in either the distant past, or a fantasy world. It's hard to tell from the very anaemic teaser trailer, but no doubt we'll be hearing a lot more about this game before its 2011 release.

Star Wars Kinect


Shown off at the E3 2010 Kinect unveiling, this unnamed Star Wars title looks to finally allow gamers to swing their own lightsabers and use the force. The game clearly wasn't being played live, but it showed the intended gameplay style. On the surface it appears to be a third person action game that's on rails.



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Nekaj sem še našel o HALO 4. Sicer informacija ni 100% zanesljiva, nekaj pa je:

Upam samo, da bo FPS, kot je originalna trilogija.

Halo 4 has been confirmed to be in the making. It will be made by 343 Industries, a branch of Microsoft Game Studios exclusively developed for Halo. They made Halo Waypoint and helped make Halo Legends. Don't worry, lots of employees are from Bungie. Should be a decent game. Judging by the Halo 3 Legendary ending, it will be based on surviving on an unknown planet far away from earth, possibly forerunner. It is NOT Reach, as it was too close to Earth. It is also NOT Onyx, which was, in effect, destroyed. I'm guessing it will be a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic style game. Look it up. Maybe not an RPG, but with the same feel. What do you think?



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Ta lestvica je malo hecna...GTA V in Hitman vprašanje če bota pršla letos, Max Payne je pa itak bil že tretjič prestavljen in ga skor ziher ne bo letos. Itak je pa lestvica subjektivna, tak da jo treba z rezervo vzet. Kje je Batman: Arkham City, novi Ghost Recon, Forza, Gears of War 3, novi CoD, Dragon Age II, LA Noire, Crysis 2, Homefron, itd.?


@Barocco74: Hitman v Blood Money ne umre. ;)

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RUBUZ če se prav spominjam(igral na PC),se krsta z njegovim truplom spušča,pri meni se je tako končala,zraven pa še song ave maria ina pa ENDING(kdo je špil naredu...),

sem si na you tube-u si ogledal konec,pa ne morem VERJETi,da tega nisem odigral!!??

si ga bom naložu ,še enkrat in ga odšpilu,hvala za reply ,ker sem si ustvaril ,čisto drugačno predstavo o nadaljevanju.

kar, se pa lestvice tiče ,se strinjam ,da so marsikatero napoved ,premaknili ,tudi za par let,je pa nenkakšen okvir ,kaj naj bi prišlo mogoče 2011-12.





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Medtem ko se krsta spušča v krematorji in v se v ozadju igra Ave Maria (ki tam neverjetno paše poleg :) ) pritiskaj tipke za premikanje (WSAD) in skok kot zmešan in Hitman bo vstal od "mrtvih".

Fora je ker ti tista ženska (Diana), ko te kao izda oz. zastrupi, namesto strupa da tist serum ko ti organizem tako upočasni da zgledaš mrtev (isti serum uporabiš v tisti misiji ko si v rehabilitacijskem centru, in je v podzemnih celicah en agent ki ga ven spraviš lahko samo tako da umre (če seveda igraš kot Silent Assassin :) ). In ko ga potem iz celice spravijo v mrtvašnico ga ti ubodiš z "antistrupom"). In potem tik preden Hitmana pošlejo v večna lovišča, pride to tebe Diana ti položi dve pištoli na prsa in da poljub na usta, in s tem poljubom ti verjetno da "antistrup". :) V glavnem meni je bil ta konec zelo všečen in eden izemd bolj zapomljivih. :)

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