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Pregled iger samo za Wii v letu 2011


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Lost in Shadow


A puzzle-platformer video game where you control a boy’s shadow to climb to the top of a tower, battling against puzzles and enemies.

The Last Story


A console role-playing game that has been noted to be very similar to the Final Fantasy series.

Mario Sports Remix

I you think that this a complete remake of Wii sports then think again – because it features like power special moves and over-the-top, arcade like gameplay, also featuring characters from various other games.

Conduit 2


A first-person shooter game, making use of the Quantum3 engine, with quality mapping and support for a variety of peripherals.

Skyward Sword


Involving a lot of problem solving, you’ll need to think carefully about your decision making above the clouds and between two worlds.



Another role-playing video game involving futuristic sword-wielding, battling giant robots and a third-person exploration gameplay.

Metal Gear Sold 4: Guns of the Patriots


Featuring non-lethal attacks, it is influenced by battlefield psychology, it also has a very long plot.


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Z neke konference investitorjev na Japonskem danes:


Nov Kirby, čeprav je ravnokar izšel Epic Yarn. Očitno gre Kirbyja, ki so ga začeli delati že za GCja in bo sedaj končno ugledal luč sveta.

Vsaj na Japonskem pride letos ven še nek Nintendov špil Pandora's Tower. Tole je page, drugega ni znano nič.


-They have many other unannounced wii games in development
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