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Ponovno ekstra FC-ji za posamezne igre?


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Ja, sem že jaz v mega Wii temi napisal ..


Strangely, despite the Wii hardware having its own friend list, Battle Revolution uses its own, independent friend list. Each game includes a unique 12-digit friend code, different from your Wii system number. To create a friend, both sides have to input the other's code. How you actually go about exchanging these codes is a mystery, as the information is not included on your battle pass. Once again, I presume Nintendo wants you to only exchange codes with your real life friends.

Ahahahaha. Keri kreteni so to pri Nintendu glede onlinea, ne moreš verjet. Ni besed, res. :doh:

Nadaljujmo tle o tem, da ne bo tam pomešano med vsem ostalim ..

Priljubljena teorija utopistov trenutno je, da bodo posebej kode samo pri Pokemon Battle Revolutionu, zaradi povezljivosti z DSjem .. jaz v to ne verjamem lih, nažalost. :petting:

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