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[Uradna tema] Call of Juarez: The Cartel

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New Co-Opetition Game Play - Partner with 2 other teammates to achieve joint objectives, while sneaking behind their back to advance your secret personal agenda Play the 20-mission campaign mode solo or with up to 3 friends Triple the replay value: Play the entire campaign with each of the 3 characters; each character has their own unique story and distinct ending.

Fun Multiplayer Experience - Play up to 6 vs 6 in Team Death Match and Cops vs Gansters As you play, your character will evolve, unlocking weapons and gear

Rich Story Combined With Game Play Variety - Relevant character-driven story that unfolds differently depending on which character you play Game play is driven by variety: Punitive raids, witness protection, tough interrogations, undercover missions, shootings in crowd, car chases and more Choose between 30 weapons including pistols, revolvers, sub machine guns, machine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, anti air weapons and more.


According to Ubisoft, The Cartel brings "the best elements of the Wild West to a new and modern setting. As a first person shooter with an immersive and mature story, players can expect to embark on a journey like no other – one that will take them from the heart of modern day Los Angeles, California to Juarez, Mexico."


Ubisoft's western-themed first-person series is going modern this summer with the upcoming release of Call of Juarez: The Cartel for "next-gen consoles" and PC.


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A so že kje kake slike, release date, kaj podobnega? Sicer prejšnjega nisem igral, bi pa vseeno raje videl, da nadaljujejo s to western tematiko, kot pa da se grejo neke CoD klone, ki jih je že itak preveč. Glede na to, da bo dogajanje postavljeno v LA in Mehiko je po moje za pričakovat polno latino mafije in tega stuffa - vseeno pa raje počakajmo na kaj več informacij, itak je brezveze špekulirat kaj bo iz tega nastalo.


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