Bessie Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 Ne gre le za odkrivanje tople vode, ampak odkrivam kar cel gejzir! Ob vsemu hypu (predvsem lastnem) se mi zdi edino pošteno, da doprinesem še kaj koristnejšega v dotično temo, trenutno enega izmed najpopularnejših (ali vsaj najtežje pričakovanih) špilov. Ever?! [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]Predno se zapodim v preigravanje in posadim ženo na frčoplan čez Atlantik pa še nekaj sličic kaj pravzaprav tvori CE različico. Iz prve roke. Okej. Zdej pa grem. View full article Quote Link to comment
TriGGer Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 No, kul. Najbolj pričakovan špil leta so far. Ravno sem začel študirat, če bi bilo pametno se čim bolj izogibat vsemu promo materialu, da dobim potem vse novosti out of the box namesto da vem za pol igre še preden jo kupim. Quote Link to comment
Link Posted April 8, 2011 Share Posted April 8, 2011 Enako jaz počnem pri večini iger in filmov. Pogledam mogoče prvi trailer/teaser, kasneje pa se jim v velikem loku izogibam. Raje imam presenečenja. Ne dvomim v to, da bo špil fantastičen. Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted April 20, 2011 admins Share Posted April 20, 2011 Prvi dve ME3 sliki: Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted May 4, 2011 admins Share Posted May 4, 2011 Delayzored. Mass Effect 3 will be released in the first three months of 2012. The development team is laser focused on making sure Mass Effect 3 is the biggest, boldest and best game in the series, ensuring that it exceeds everyone’s expectations.” - Casey Hudson, Executive Producer Mass Effect series Quote Link to comment
TriGGer Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 Fine with me, naj si kr vzamejo čas in naredijo igro tako kot je treba. Jeseni bo itak dovolj drugih iger, da nam ne bo dolgčas. Quote Link to comment
Bessie Posted June 14, 2011 Author Share Posted June 14, 2011 > Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted June 15, 2011 admins Share Posted June 15, 2011 Seems to be true. Maybe it's the reason of delay. Quote: Additionally, our source also detailed some parts of the multiplayer campaign. Here’s what we’ve been told: The game will feature a Horde style multiplayer mode with “crap loads” of maps. It will also have the regular modes such as Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag. The Horde mode will have objectives like Capture The Flag, King of the Hill, and simple shoot-to-kill ‘waves’ as well. Up to four players can play cooperatively in the Horde mode. Maps are “fairly small” but well designed. Players can choose from 6 different classes, or use a prebuilt one’s. Our source didn’t confirm what those classes were, but we reckon all those from ME2 will be present. There will be a level cap of 60. Some of the enemies were confirmed as well: Geth, Marauders, Husks, and a new enemy type called Brutes. The source described them as insanely “huge ass”. The game will also feature a ‘multiplayer store’. The store will carry upgrades for weapons, etc. and other items. Players will be able to buy said upgrades and items by earning in-game money based on their performance in the multiplayer. Our source wasn’t sure if the in-game money can be earned via the single player campaign as well, “but I doubt it. Seems like the (singleplayer and multiplayer) modes will be separate.” Ray Muzyka has officially changed BioWare's stance on Mass Effect 3 having multiplayer to "we're not saying, but stay tuned." Originally Posted by CVG: Ray Muzyka: "We're exploring multiplayer modalities for all of our games. We're interested in the idea, but, you know, we have nothing to announce on that front on the show today." CVG: "But, is it something you can say is definitely not in Mass Effect 3?" Ray Muzyka: "No, we have nothing to announce today at E3. We're announcing a lot of features here, there's a lot of cool stuff, and we're always looking forward to the future where we can talk about more things." CVG: "I look forward to hearing about it." What the hell Bioware? Že E3 trailer s samim poudarkom na bojevanju mi je vzel dosti navdušenja, zdej pa še to? I sure hope this game aint gonna suck ass. Quote Link to comment
Rafko Posted June 16, 2011 Share Posted June 16, 2011 Čist en tak simpl vprašanje?? Kaj zamujam pri tej igri?? Nisem igral ne prvega dela ne druzga. Me pa zanima zakaj za to igro vsi govorijo, da je top šit?! Resno me zanima... Quote "Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation." Link to comment
Bessie Posted June 16, 2011 Author Share Posted June 16, 2011 Zgodba in različne poti skozi zgodbo. Quote Link to comment
TriGGer Posted June 16, 2011 Share Posted June 16, 2011 Also, Normandy. A beautiful thing. Pa Mordin je faca. Quote Link to comment
Bessie Posted August 17, 2011 Author Share Posted August 17, 2011 > Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted August 24, 2011 admins Share Posted August 24, 2011 Gamescom predstavitev: > Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted October 10, 2011 admins Share Posted October 10, 2011 In Mass Effect 3 je dobil multiplayer! “That’s right – Mass Effect 3 is getting multiplayer,” says the site. “We travel to BioWare’s office in Edmonton for hands-on time with the series’ first foray into online gameplay, and chat with Mass Effect Series Producer and Mass Effect 3 Project Director Casey Hudson about the decision to go multiplayer in the epic battle for the galaxy.”In addition to the above, it also says “Fight alongside your friends as the galaxy goes to war,” which we are guessing points to multiplayer co-op rather than online features such as death match etc. VIR! Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
TriGGer Posted October 10, 2011 Share Posted October 10, 2011 (edited) Neee... Pa ne multiplayerja, ne v tem špilu. Ok, co-op še prebavim, mogoče bo celo dobro izpadlo v nekaterih situacijah, ampak meni bi bil exclusively-SP game dovolj. Ne znam si predstavljat, da bi mel vedno in povsod v igri zraven vsaj enega, če ne več co-op buddyjev. Ko greš na misijo še gre, kaj pa ko hodiš po ladji, pa v raznih dialogih? Bomo vidli, kako bojo razvijalci vse skupaj razvili. Edited October 10, 2011 by TriGGer Quote Link to comment
Bessie Posted October 11, 2011 Author Share Posted October 11, 2011 (edited) Moda bo pa vseeno v redu: executive producer Casey Hudson has officially announced the details of the secret four-player co-op multiplayer missions on its forums. According to Hudson, the co-op missions will take place outside of the main campaign and not affected by the game saves from the two previous Mass Effect games. "Players can choose from a variety of classes and races, form an elite Special Forces squad, and combine their weapons, powers and abilities to devastating effect as they fight together to liberate key territories from enemy control," he revealed. "Success in multi-player will have a direct impact on the outcome of the single player campaign, giving players an alternative method of achieving ultimate victory against the greatest threat mankind – and the entire galaxy – has ever faced." In addition to the multiplayer, Bioware will also be adding a new feature called "Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system." According to Hudson, the Galaxy at War system is "a new way for players to manage and experience the galactic war from multiple fronts, including a new 4-player co-op mode. The key to saving the galaxy is the “Galactic Readiness” level, measured by Commander Shepard’s ability to apply every possible asset – people, weapons, resources, armies, fleets – in the final battle against the Reapers. Players can impact their game’s Galactic Readiness level in multiple ways via the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system, including multiplayer. Other platforms and interfaces will be announced in the coming months. It is important to note that the system is entirely optional and just another way players can have control over your game experience – it is still possible to achieve the optimal, complete ending of the game in Mass Effect 3 through single-player alone." Edited October 11, 2011 by Bessie Quote Link to comment
TriGGer Posted October 11, 2011 Share Posted October 11, 2011 Tako je že boljše, ja. Jaz hočem standardno kampanjo, kar mi dajo zraven bom pa samo še bolj vesel. Sicer pa me tole kr malo spominja na kako strateško igro... Bomo videli, kaj bo nastalo. Bioware ni ravno big on disappointments. Quote Link to comment
mistress3riple Posted October 12, 2011 Share Posted October 12, 2011 Čist en tak simpl vprašanje?? Kaj zamujam pri tej igri?? Nisem igral ne prvega dela ne druzga. Me pa zanima zakaj za to igro vsi govorijo, da je top šit?! Resno me zanima... mene je zavedel naslov pri igri in zaradi tega je nisem začela igrat. potem me je pa friend prepričal, da jo moram resnično probati in mi ni žal. zgodba je odlična in možnosti pri pogovoru bi lahko rekli, da so neskončni. če ti je všeč dobra zgodba s streljanjem, potem je to to če bi rad igral ME3, potem moraš nujno prej igrati 1ko in 2ko, ker je zgodba važna In Mass Effect 3 je dobil multiplayer! VIR! ne vem no. meni je ME všeč ravno zato, ker je tok dobra single play igra. ampak, bom počakala in si potem ustvarila mnenje. mogoče me pa preseneti, kot me je assassin's creed brotherhood. imam občutek, da bo ME3 le še ena nedokončana igra na pojem spisku zaradi mp. nisem velik fan mp iger, saj nisem preveč dobra in zato ne naredim vseh mp ach. Quote Link to comment
Bessie Posted October 12, 2011 Author Share Posted October 12, 2011 Achivementi so itak za hunterje in da zbiraš pika na XBL, če zadevo preigraš na Insane je to to kar se mene tiče, da nisi postrelil(a) nekega nasprotnika z točno določenim orožjemo je imo brez veze in samo razteguje čas, ki bi lahko porabil(a) za kako drugo igro. Je pa ME zagotovo ena boljših serij in kakor sem bil najprej v dvomih sem kaseje ratal kar en fanček in zagotovo se splača pregrat prva dva dela... Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted October 12, 2011 admins Share Posted October 12, 2011 ne vem no. meni je ME všeč ravno zato, ker je tok dobra single play igra. ampak, bom počakala in si potem ustvarila mnenje. mogoče me pa preseneti, kot me je assassin's creed brotherhood. imam občutek, da bo ME3 le še ena nedokončana igra na pojem spisku zaradi mp. nisem velik fan mp iger, saj nisem preveč dobra in zato ne naredim vseh mp ach. E, tole tudi mene skrbi. Ko sem končal ME2, sem res navdušeno pričakoval ME3. Zdaj pa moram reči, da z vsakim novim Biowareovim razkritjem to navdušenje koprni in je trenutno na klavrno nizkem nivoju. Multiplayer v ME, resno? Cover sistem? Že podebiljenja iz ME v ME2 so me spravljala ob živce, da pa ME3 oglašujejo kot neko akcijado in streljačino je pa res tragično. Upam, da se motim, se pa bolj kot ne pripravljam, da bo tale ME3 eno veliko razočaranje .. tudi Bioware je v zadnjih letih postal le še senca tega, kar je bil še nedolgo nazaj. Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted October 12, 2011 admins Share Posted October 12, 2011 Evo ga, 4 player co-op bo! BioWare je izdal multiplayer prikolico z razlago: > Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
Dante Posted October 12, 2011 Share Posted October 12, 2011 Še nekaj podrobnosti iz Official Xbox Magazine-a: - Mass Effect 3 multiplayer has been planned since the original Mass Effect. - Mass Effect 3 represents the first time that Casey Hudson had felt comfortable implementing multiplayer into the series. - The multiplayer experience boils down to a four player co-op survival style mode that lets you fight increasingly difficult waves of Cerberus foes. - The enemies you’ll encounter can range from your most basic foot soldier to “assassin-like Phantoms and even the hulking metal titan-esque Atlas mechs”. - Each “stage” allows you to go up against eleven waves that must be finished in order to complete that section. The mode reminds quite a few of Gears of War’s horde mode, allowing you to net experience points regardless if you finish the wave alive or not. - The “Galaxy at War” mode gives you a reward system, character-progression suite, and a “stake in the larger battle that’s taking place in your single-player campaign. - How you perform in the multiplayer missions has a result on your success in the main storyline as Shepard, but only if you want it to. - Everything you do in the singleplayer campaign will earn you in-game currency called “War Assets”. War Assets allow you to purchase things such as allies, friendly fleets, or even a facility such as a radar station. - Successfully completing various side-missions, larger plot points, and destroying your enemies will net you the War Assets needed to purchase the upgrades. - “The more you play and build up your multiplayer characters to survive increasingly tough odds, the more power and influence your single-player Shepard will wield by the time the endgame comes based on the amount of War Assets earned.” - If you’re one of those gamers that loves to complete every piece of a game, then you’re in luck. By doing enough in the singleplayer campaign, you will be able to earn enough War Assets, you won’t have to participate in the “galactic war”. - While you’re going through a variety of locations in singleplayer, you’ll see first-hand how the war has hit different colonies. Galaxy at War mode follows suit, allowing your individual character and team to take up arms to defend these various locations. Your squad is under the command of the Alliance Navy officer Admiral Hackett, making his return from each game. Fighting in each various area will and successfully defending it will “win for interstellar freedom”. - As you complete each area or defend newly freed areas, your progress will be detailed on a color-coded map that you’ll be able to view while you’re in the game or a few other platforms. iOS devices, Facebook, and more will allow these to be viewable and have their own “unique hooks” into the Galaxy at War mode. - In the build described in the magazine article, four character classes were mentioned: Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer, and Sentinel. The final version of the game has been confirmed to have more classes than this to initially choose from, as well as unlockables. - Each class that you select from will allow you to select from a variety of races. Ranging from the likes of a Krogan to a Drell, you’ll have a good bit of variety to choose from. Yes, a Drell, the same race as Thane from Mass Effect 2 (we’re excited). - As you can probably figure, each class will allow you to possess “specific abilities” as well as the ability to upgrade a few. Krogan soldiers were described as being able to use a charge attack to knock down enemies, along with Soldiers being able to use the Omni-blade for a few rather lethal attacks. For those wondering, you’ll also be able to choose your gender when choosing any class. - There’s a set level cap of 20. - While you can stockpile characters, the experience you earn only records for that character’s specific class. Once you level up, you’ll be able to assign those earned points to different abilities. - Before heading into action, you can select your weapon & biotic-powers from the available options. - Armor and weaponry can be upgraded to your individual tastes. - Points can and will be earned for assists, kills, and other similar actions during multiplayer. - When an ally goes down, you’ll have a limited amount of time to revive them. The article mentioned “spamming the A button” while down to increase the amount of time before bleeding out. - Along with killing your enemies, mission objectives will be sprinkled here and there. Retrieving data packets around the map and protecting an ally while they hack a series of terminals were a few of the described mission objectives. BioWare-ov F.A.Q.: Why include 4 player Co-op multiplayer in Mass Effect 3? Being able to explore and fight alongside your friends in the Mass Effect universe has always been something we thought would be fun and compelling, and many players have asked for it for a long time as well. Mass Effect 3 is the best place for us to introduce multiplayer through co-op because of the premise of the game – all out galactic war. Why only 4 player co-op? What not a versus mode? We have always maintained that we would only add multiplayer into the Mass Effect series if it made sense and did not compromise the power of the single player campaign. Fighting together against a common threat was the multiplayer experience that made the most sense for Mass Effect 3. The way we have designed co-op as a wayto take control of key conflict zones in the galaxy is a natural extension of the premise of Mass Effect 3. Why did you decide not to include it as a part of the main campaign? Our priority and focus with Mass Effect 3 has and always will be to deliver a complete and satisfying single player experience. Does the addition of co-op multiplayer missions impact the scope or quality of the single-player experience? No. A dedicated team from our recently formed BioWare Montreal studio has been focused on creating the multiplayer game features while the main game continued to be developed by the team in BioWare Edmonton. Both teams are integrated under the same leadership group that produced Mass Effect 1 and 2, led by Casey Hudson. BioWare remains dedicated to delivering one of the most amazing single-player campaigns gamers have ever experienced. How did developing multiplayer impact the single player game? BioWare is dedicated and focused on delivering an engaging, fun, and action-packed experience for Mass Effect 3, one that lives up the BioWare standard. To reach that level of quality, last year BioWare opened a studio in Montreal that is home to designers, programmers, engineers, and other developers. Both studios work together as partners, lead by the core Mass Effect team, unified in a single vision. Under the direction of Casey Hudson and other team veterans, both studios make contributions to both the single player and multiplayer modes in Mass Effect 3. Rest assured that no compromises were made to either of these modes in the development of Mass Effect 3. Which characters can I play in co-op multiplayer? Can I play as Commander Shepard? Commander Shepard’s part in the war will take place in the single-player campaign, as will that of other beloved characters in the franchise such as Garrus, Ashley, and Liara…these characters do not appear in the multiplayer missions. In multiplayer, players will create custom characters to fight on different and unique fronts in the war. This will include the ability to play as favorites like Turians, Krogans, Asari and more… each with their own unique set of abilities. What if I don’t like multiplayer – will my experience be negatively impacted? Mass Effect 3 is a complete, standalone game that will deliver a satisfying story experience, even if you choose not to try multiplayer. The Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system and all of the individual components are meant to complement that amazing game and can be enjoyed on their own or as part of the Galaxy at War experience. What if I am not good at / do not like multiplayer? Will my readiness rating go down? ME3 is a story about a war against overwhelming force where the most you can hope for us survival. The more you do to fight that war, the more you can change that story into a more optimistic one. You can reach the highest levels of success in the single player experience alone, but Galaxy at War gives you alternative ways to get there. It’s about choice, and allowing players to find their own ways to stay immersed in the Mass Effect universe. Will you be adding any additional maps or modes through DLC? We can’t comment on specifics right now, but can confirm that we are planning on having DLC for Mass Effect 3. Do save games from ME1 or ME2 impact the co-op multiplayer missions? No. Do characters level up in co-op multiplayer? What is the progression system? Character progression, weapon upgrading and leveling up is present in co-op. We’ll release more information on this topic in the months leading up to launch. Is there more info about the other platforms of Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War? We are not going into details about the other components of the Galaxy at War at this time except to say we are designing each to make sense for that platform. Each component will be able to affect a player’s “Galactic Readiness” level in a different way. Again, participation in any or all ME3:GaW elements is entirely optional. Upam, da resno mislijo če se nas že toliko trudijo prepričat, da niso delal kompromisov pri SP-ju. Our priority and focus with Mass Effect 3 has and always will be to deliver a complete and satisfying single player experience. spet nekaj o prihodnosti Mass Effecta... kot so že povedali v intervjujih na letošnjem E3-ju: Mass Effect 3 will be the end of Commander Shepard, BioWare has confirmed. "After this, Commander Shepard's story is complete," producer Michael Gamble told PC Gamer. The universe of Mass Effect, however, will live on. "This is not the end of the Mass Effect franchise by any means," BioWare boss Ray Muzyka told Eurogamer at E3 this summer. Muzyka elaborated to PC Gamer: "We have ambitious plans to continue this franchise going forward. Mass Effect 3 is simultaneously a couple of different things: a thrilling and epic conclusion to the trilogy as we promised our fans we'd provide for Commander Shepard, but it's also a brand new beginning - it's an entry point for new fans." Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
Raptor90 Posted October 12, 2011 Share Posted October 12, 2011 Torej serija se nadaljuje, čeprav brez Sheparda. No ja, škoda bi bilo takšnega univerzuma z zanimivimi liki ter rasami. Ljudje se vsaj za razliko od drugih iger ne spopadamo sami za preživetje, ampak smo le eni izmed mnogih. Quote Link to comment
TriGGer Posted October 13, 2011 Share Posted October 13, 2011 Jaz zaupam razvijalcem. Bioware ponavadi ve, kaj dela. Je pa bilo za pričakovat, da bo šla serija še dlje od prvotne trilogije, ker je toliko drugih zgodb in likov še za raziskat in prikazat, da bi bilo škoda, če bi se končalo zdaj. Maš vse svoje teammate, Captaina Andersona (o njem je baje že nekaj povedanega v knjigah, ki jih sam še nisem prebral), potem o Protheanih in njihovi tehnologiji, pa o samem vzponu človeške rase itd. Jaz celo upam na kaki film v povezavi z Mass Effectom, to bi še blo zanimivo za videt. Koga bi dali v vlogo Commanderja Sheparda? I say Bruce Willis v najboljših letih. Quote Link to comment
Dante Posted October 13, 2011 Share Posted October 13, 2011 Pravzaprav se ti je želja že izpolnila . O filmu se je šušljalo že prejšnje leto, potrdil so ga pa mislim, da pred parimi meseci. Mass Effect Movie Will Have a New Storyline According to the studio, the Mass Effect movie will feature a completely new story that focuses on the male version of Commander Shepard. The studio added that it's working closely with BioWare, backing up a previous comment made by the film's screenwriter, Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend), who said his script would be "following and honoring the story." Other reports state that Seth Green, the actor who voiced the ship pilot Joker, will not by repeating his role in the upcoming movie. There's also some question about the overall plot given that Shepard's story begins with Mass Effect and ends with Mass Effect 3. Will this be an alternate timeline, or a story that resides within the game trilogy? Based on Legendary's response, the film may ignore everything that's happened in the three games. Q: Will it just be an adaptation of the first game, second game, or a completely new story? A: It will focus on Commander Shepard's journey, centering around the story of the original Mass Effect game. Q: How are you going to address the element of 'choice' that the players have in the game? A: The writer is weaving a path through Shepard's decisions that best supports the narrative of the movie and the motivations of its characters. Q: Will it be a trilogy? A: We are really focused on making this a great movie, so we'll see where it takes us. We have to get the first one right to know whether there will be more. Q: Will Seth Green portray Joker, the character he voiced in the game? A: No casting decisions have been made yet. Q: Will the movie be focused on Shepard? A: Yes. Q: If the movie is focused on Shepard, will it be the male Shepard or the female Shepard? A: Male. Q: Can you give any hints to potential casting? A: No. Stay tuned. Q: Will BioWare allow plot / character changes? A: Yes, we are working closely with BioWare on the development of this project. Q: Would you consider Daft Punk to do the soundtrack? A: We love Daft Punk, but it's too early to say who will produce the soundtrack. Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
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