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Ekskluzivno:Crytek: Wii U vsaj tako močen kot Xbox 360


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Danes je izšel Wii U update:

[h=2]Version 3.0.0 U improvements:[/h]New Features:

  • A standby function to download and install software while the system is powered off
  • Software purchased from the Nintendo eShop will automatically install in the background once the download is complete
  • Holding down the B Button while the Wii U logo is displayed during startup will load the Wii Menu *¹

Changes to System Settings:

  • An option to transfer and/or copy between two USB storage devices in "Data Management"
  • To facilitate this feature, you will now be able to connect two USB storage devices to a single Wii U console*²
  • The ability to select multiple software titles when transferring, copying, or deleting data in "Data Management"
  • The option to adjust screen size is now available under "TV" *³
  • "Auto Power-Down" has been renamed "Power Settings"
  • Options for the standby function are located within this menu

Changes to Miiverse:

  • Added support for the Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller, and Classic Controller
  • Handwritten posts will now also display on the TV screen during creation
  • "Undo" and "Redo" buttons are now available when creating a handwritten post
  • Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings

Changes to Nintendo eShop:

  • Software downloaded from the Nintendo eShop will include released updates and will no longer need to be updated after installation
  • Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings

Changes to the Internet Browser:

  • Added support for the Wii Remote and Wii U Pro Controller
  • Added the option to change search engines when performing a keyword search
  • Added the option to return to the start page from the bookmark menu
  • Removed screen size setting. This option can now be adjusted from System Settings

Changes to Download Management:

  • Added the option to change the priority of downloads

Improvements to system stability and usability:

  • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

  • *¹ User selection may be necessary
  • *² Only one USB storage device can be used during normal use
  • *³ A similar option has been removed from Nintendo eShop, Miiverse, and the Internet Browser

Urejano od matej1990
dodana je popolna lista popravkov in novosti

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Um, jst sem ga mel dol v 20 minutah? Se pa rado zgodi, da javi failed update pri 79%, ampak brez panike, naj se zadeva sama resetira in potem nadaljuje naprej

Tud pri meni je trajalo okoli 20 minut, skupaj z namestitvijo pa dobrih 30. Se pa pozna da ni več tistega dolgega čakanja. Stanje je neprimerno boljše napram prej.

Možno da so kaj šraufali pa mi je zato tako dolgo trajalo.

Drugače pa mi je pri koncu namestitve javilo, da ni bilo možno posodobiti FW v gamepadu, pa se je pri resetu konzole nato posodobil samodejno.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sicer se veselim naslednika Eternal Darkness, ker mi je bila enka res super špil in en izmed redkih, ki sem ga šel dejansko večkrat preigrati, ampaaaak ... v bistvu upam, da ta ekipa (The game is being developed by the same team who made Eternal Darkness) ne vključuje tudi Dyacka, ker model od ED ni dal ven več enega ne-čist-preveč-shypeanega-in-potem-primerno-bednega špila, zafural je celoten Sillicon Knights in se raje na forumih spuščal v idiotske boje in stave z ljudmi, ki niso verjeli v uspeh njegovih špilov. :tard:

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Malo za hec in malo za res... Wii U on the go:

Take your console on the road for under £20. Plus: Digital Foundry explores the possibilities of a fully battery powered console.


...the phrase "console quality graphics" is often bandied about by mobile GPU vendors and game-makers and actually being able to play proper AAA console games on the move only serves to demonstrate just how much of a gulf remains between mobile and current-gen titles. When decent gaming laptops start at £500 (the going rate for the Nvidia Kepler-powered Acer Aspire Ultra M3), the notion of spending £19 on the MaxPlay and taking your existing console hardware with you seems like a rather good deal - and as a way to keep the kids occupied during a long-haul car journey, it's a great little product.



PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Okej, jutri imam namen kupit WiiU. Končno. :) Vzel bom kar Basic Pack, ker ga lahko dobim za 220€, imo za tako ceno se veliko bolj splača kot pa Premium Pack.

Malo me skrbi samo tistih 8GB prostora, dejansko jih imaš na koncu le 3GB. Zaradi downloadov me ne skrbi, imam tako ali tako namen razširit si z USB ključkom ali pa kar diskom.

Zanima me samo, če je kdo kje zasledil (sam sem iskal po internetu, a žal nisem nikjer zasledil) če bo kdaj teh 8GB premalo za redne update-e s strani Nintenda? :/ Nočem da me zafrknejo. :Đ

Pa še to, je kdo kupoval igre v Mullerju? Vem da so NDS in Wii igre imele ponavadi tisti multi-language icon zadaj na škatli, če je bila igra v več jezikih. Na WiiU igrah pa tega nisem zasledil. :/ Zanimajo me predvsem Nintendovi špili.

EDIT: Še tole me zanima, ob vpisu v Nintendo Network verjetno ne morem izbrati Slovenije. Se mi najbolj splača izbrati UK account? Rad bi namreč dostopal do eShopa in kaj kupil prek njega ter igral online. :)

Urejano od kirby
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Kolikor meni znano basic pack umikajo s polic. Jaz bi ti priporocil premium. Glede NID, je UK kul, vendar imas potem cene v funtih in nemetricne merske enote. Za bolj evropski filing je kul Irska. Ima eure in metricni sistem. Tako ob svicanju na wiifitu potem ne rabis pretvarjat lbjev v kile. ;)


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Se je komu že zgodilo da mu WiiU ne prebere igre? Meni se to dogaja pri Darksiders 2, popolnoma nov, odprem, vstavim v konzolo in dobivam error 150-2031. Unreadable disc.

Res da ko sem dobil igro disk ni bil več zataknjen v škatli tam kot mora in se je verjetno precej časa butal okoli po škatli. Sem mislil da je verjetno to razlog, nakar pa posodim igro prijatelju in mu dela popolno normalno.

BTW, ostale igre mi WiiU prebere brez problema, tudi igral sem vedno brez problema, brez kakšnih freezov ipd.

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Nov update:

Version 4.0.0 U, available via an Internet connection, includes the following improvements:New Features:

  • A feature to output video and sound to the Wii U GamePad when using Wii Mode¹
    • Users can choose to output to the TV and GamePad, or just the TV

    [*]A feature to automatically receive recommended software and demo titles from Nintendo using SpotPass

    [*]Support for USB keyboards

    [*]An option to disable use of a Nintendo Network ID on non-Nintendo hardware, such as PCs and smartphones

    [*]Support for Dolby® Pro Logic® II Surround Sound when playing Wii software

Changes to Wii U Menu:

  • Added a friend list icon to the Wii U Menu for easier access to the Friend List

Changes to System Settings:

  • An option to automatically receive recommended software is now available under "Internet"
  • A setting to select which cable outputs sound is available through "TV"
    • Users can choose to output sound through an HDMI cable, non-HDMI cable, or both cables at the same time. Click here for instructions

    [*]A setting to adjust the hourly interval in which standby functions are performed is available under "Power Settings" when Standby Functions are enabled

Changes to Wii U Chat:

  • Added the option to view a friend's profile on Miiverse when sending or receiving a chat request
  • Users can now chat using a headset connected to the Wii U GamePad

Changes to Internet Browser:

  • Pressing the R or L Buttons on the Wii U GamePad will skip video playback forward/back a small amount of time
  • Holding the R Button will speed up video playback
  • Ability to save username and passwords for websites that require login²
  • Ability to launch the Internet Browser during gameplay and upload screenshots
  • Added support for viewing PDF files³
  • Added features intended for website developers that allow the user to enable developer tools and set user agent

Improvements to system stability and usability:

  • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

Update je velik 700MB!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ravnokar so najavili 3 nove Wii U bundle:

  • Mario & Luigi Premium Pack, ki izide 8. novembra:
    This includes New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U packaged as a "2 in 1" disc alongside a black premium Wii U console with 32GB of storage, plus a black Wii U GamePad.
  • Wii Party U Basic Pack, ki je namenjen družinam in izide 15. novembra:
    This includes a white Wii U console with 8GB of storage, a white Wii U GamePad and Wii Remote Plus, Sensor Bar and disc versions of Wii Party U (itself is due out on 25th October) and Nintendo Land.
  • Just Dance 2014 Basic Pack, ki izide 22. novembra:
    This includes a white Wii U console with 8GB of storage, a white Wii U GamePad and Wii Remote Plus controller, Sensor Bar and disc versions of Just Dance 2014 and Nintendo Land.

Nintendo je očitno že pripravljen na Božično nakupovalno mrzlico, ki se bliža!

EDIT: pojavila se je tudi cena: £249.99

Urejano od matej1990
dodana cena

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ja tale baterija, v bistvu je zelo dobrodošla, ampak cena je pa svinjarija, no kurbe so, evo.



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Cene nekaterih Wii U iger v prihajajočih dnevih:

Wii U Retail Downloads

Wii U Download-Only


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