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Ekskluzivno:Crytek: Wii U vsaj tako močen kot Xbox 360


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Ekskluziva samo za Wii U?

An unannounced third-party game is apparently in development for Wii U. The supposed project will launch in 2014 and exclusively on Nintendo’s console, according to Nico Wav of French gaming website Gameblog. The title is said to be somewhat similar to Platinum Games‘ upcoming Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2, although it isn’t related to the franchise.


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Na Eurogamerju so objavili ZELO dober članek iz njihove serije člankov "The Secret Developers".

Anonimni 3rd party razvijalec pove celotno zgodbo o Wii U: predstavitve konzole v njegovem podjetju (daleč preden je bila napovedana javnosti), pomisleki zaradi podhranjenih strojnih komponent, slab SDK, začetek razvoja igre v njegovem podjetju, težave s kodo, slaba N podpora, banalni N odgovori, razlogi za ogromen day-one patch, razlogi za slabo prodajo zaradi odločitve velikih "igralcev" v igralni industriji,... in konec koncev tudi splošen vpogled v zakulisje postopka razvoja same igre.

Nekaj najzanimivejših delov:

"Almost immediately after the reveal the emails starting flying asking what people thought of the new console design and specification. The almost universal answer was, 'I like the new controller, but the CPU looks a bit underpowered.'"

"As a team, we lost days of time to the compile/link/debug overheads and this negatively impacted the amount of features that we could put into our game before the release date."

"At some point in this conversation we were informed that it was no good referencing Live and PSN as nobody in [Nintendo's] development teams used those systems (!) so could we provide more detailed explanations for them?"


"We started to ask questions about how they could possibly launch the console, which was a matter of weeks away, with a partially developed OS... Launch day came around and the answer became clear: Nintendo was late - very late - with its network systems."

"Larger studios had a choice. Would they port of an existing game to a console with limited capabilities and limited market penetration? Or put their teams to work on developing new features and concepts for the 'real' next-gen consoles?"

Zelo priporočam branje celotnega članka, ki je enostaven za razumet in odlično spisan: The Secret Developers: Wii U - the inside story

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Nintendove delnice so padle za največ v nedavni zgodovini, ko so spremenili napovedi prodaj WiiU konzol iz 9 na 2.8 miljona prodanih enot. Zadnji višji padec delnic je sledil pocenitvi 3DSa, ko je bila delnica vredna 12.290 jenov. Danes je vrednost delnice 11.935 jenov.

Govorili so tudi o spremembi poslovnih načrtov, tako da bomo videli, kaj v prihodnosti čaka Nintendo. Nekaj bodo morali storiti, upajmo da kaj pametnega. :)


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S 3DSom jim odlično kaže, res niso zgrešili v temo, vsaj z začetka, ko jim sicer ni kazalo kaj lepo. Ampak tole z Wii U pa res ni rožnato. Mogoče bodo prihajajoči titli kaj spremenili, ampak konzola je zunaj že dobro leto pa so številke prodaje zelo zelo boge, pa tudi podpora z naslovi ni nič kaj prida in še tisti porti ki so izdani za konzolo, reviewi le teh niso na ravni titlov, ki so izdani na PS3, X360...

Upam, da se spremeni, sam nisem vrgel puške v koruzo, ker vsaj prihajajoči titli obetajo, ampak me skrbi kaj bo ko bodo ti izdani, ker pol bo vsaj first party val iger osiromašen.


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Moje mnenje je čisto preprosto: prodati morajo več Wii U konzol, ampak jih ne zaradi dveh razlogov: konzola je predraga napram next-gen konzolam IN ni dovolj iger! To dvoje bi bilo popolnoma dovolj za uspeh konzole.

Znižanje cene bo moralo priti v kratkem, če se želijo premakniti iz trenutno začaranega kroga slabe prodaje.

1st party iger je sedaj že kar veliko (napram splavitvi konzole), 3rd party pa jim močno peša. No... 3rd party je bolj ali manj katastrofa, ker je večina samo na novo zapakiranih PS3/X360 iger. Ampak razvijalci se raje odločijo za PS3 in X360 zaradi že poznanega razvijalskega okolja, ki jim nudi relativno ugoden razvoj in veliko potencialnih strank (veliko prodanih konzol). Kot druga opcija jim je pa bolj všeč PS4, XO in PC, ker so si strojno podobne naprave in next-gen je trenutni hype. In potem Wii U izvisi po celi liniji in je dobesedno pozabljen... če se pa kdo od 3rd party razvijalcev spomni nanj in naredi igro, se pa nato močno opeče pri prodaji. Bajnih zaslužkov definitivno ni.

Konec koncev pa je 3DS tudi imel splavitveno krizo. Ko mu je padla cena so se prodajne cifre začele dvigovati, hkrati so izšle dobre igre in razvijalci so naenkrat pograbili 3DS. Do sedaj se je N še vedno izmazal iz zagate. Verjamem da se bo tudi tokrat.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Novost, ki bi se naj pojavila ob naslednji programski posodobitvi:


Nintendo has published a video showing off the Wii U's upcoming quick start menu feature, which is due to be added in a future system update.

The option will slash the time taken to boot the console and load a piece of software by presenting you with a list of recently-used apps and games. From this menu you can then pick the option you want and select it directly, skipping the console's home screen.

"The integration of this feature is almost complete, and this is how it will actually work on the Wii U system," Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata revealed during last night's investor presentation. "We will deliver this update to Wii U owners when we update the Wii U hardware either before or during summer."

A separate report has indicated that the Wii U's regular system boot procedure will also see a speed up. Industry analyst David Gibson (present at the investor Q&A following the presentation) relayed the news via Twitter that the console would soon load "20 seconds" faster.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ubisoftov CEO Yves Guillemot je potrdil, da "drži v rokah" dokončano Wii U igro, ki pa je ne bo lansiral na prodajne police, dokler Wii U ne izboljša svojega položaja na trgu glede prodanih Wii U konzol.

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has confirmed that the company is sitting on a finished Wii U title until sales of Nintendo’s console improve.

Speaking with Polygon, Guillemot said, “We did adapt the number of products to the level of quantities that the machine did. So we will have Just Dance again which is well suited for the machine. We’ll have Watch Dogs. We have another couple of products that we are waiting to launch, specifically we have one game that we wait for the machine to be more mass market to launch.”

And if Wii U doesn’t secure the desired sales, Guillemot said the game, “could never come out. It could come out on another format… ”

Lahko pa da je to ZombiU 2.

ZombiU 2 is being prototyped as you read this, according to Ubisoft Montpelier’s creative director Jean-Philippe Caro.



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Nekaj na temo dveh WiiU GamePad-ov, ki so se prvotno pojavljali v WiiU reklamah in zakaj še ta možnost ni na voljo uporabnikom:

"Certainly as we've been working on Wii U, I think we're at a point where we don't feel it's realistic to expect people to purchase two GamePads yet," Miyamoto said. "We're still trying to get as many people as possible to buy the system itself, and that's where our focus is right now. For the time being, two GamePad gameplay is not within our objectives in the short-term."

"From a technical standpoint, I think if we decided to pursue that, technically we would be able to and we can perform system updates that would allow for that," Miyamoto explained. "It's also very interesting from a gameplay perspective idea because there are a lot of possibilities with two GamePads. But, at the same time, taking that kind of approach would again be a drain on resources and require us to continue to utilize our development resources for that. So then it would become a question of where do we want to devote our resources: Is it to creating regular GamePad games, or creating games centered around two GamePads?"

tl;dr: Prvotni razlog je bil previsoki začetni stroški kupca, sedaj pa je ves razvojni del fokusiran na igre oz boljšo prodajo konzole.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Nova Wii U sistemska posodobitev prinaša kar nekaj zanimivosti.

As expected, Wii U firmware version 5.1.0 is now available to download. The update allows you to move all software and data from one Wii U to another via a system transfer. Another additional feature is the ability to browse the Wii U eShop using a a Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller, or Classic Controller. You can read about all of the changes Wii U update 5.1.0 brings, below.

Wii U to Wii U System Transfer

Users can now transfer (move) all software and data from one Wii U to another

A “System Transfer” option has been added within System Settings

Click here for additional information on this feature

Changes to Nintendo eShop:

Users can now navigate the Nintendo eShop using a Wii Remote, Wii U Pro Controller, or Classic Controller

Improvements to system stability and usability:

Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

Wii U System Transfer details:

The Wii U to Wii U system transfer feature, implemented with the system update released July 21st, 2014, allows you to transfer content from one Wii U to another Wii U. Content from the source console, including any users, Nintendo Network IDs, save data, and digital content, will replace that on the target console.

As part of the system transfer process:

All content from a Wii U must be transferred. You cannot transfer just a single user or Nintendo Network ID through this process

All content on the target Wii U will be lost when the console is formatted and replaced by the content from the source Wii U, with the exception of Wii Menu content, Internet connection settings, TV settings, Wii U GamePad TV Remote settings, and Wii Remote and Wii U GamePad pairing

The source Wii U will be formatted once the transfer is complete

Nintendo Network IDs that previously existed on the target Wii U can be relinked after the transfer How to

If these Nintendo Network IDs are relinked, content purchased by them on the target Wii U will become available for download. The save data for IDs that previously existed on the target system will be deleted as part of the system transfer process, and any USB Storage devices that were previously used will need to be formatted to work with the Wii U again

There is a limit of 12 Nintendo Network IDs that can be linked to a single Wii U at one time

Wii Menu digital content is transferred, but it is not deleted from the target Wii U. Wii Menu digital content from both consoles will be combined


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Nintendo eShop igre je možno kupiti tudi preko spleta (zaenkrat USA only)!


Nintendo has finally joined the likes of Sony and Microsoft by allowing players the ability to purchase games on a web store then retrieve them on a console.

Unfortunately, this service is currently exclusive to North America, but it's a promising start.

Nintendo's official online store now includes the option to purchase games from the web, which can then be "automatically downloaded onto the system associated to your Nintendo Network ID," be it Wii U or 3DS. Or you can opt for a download code, should you want to gift it to a friend or load the game onto a different system.

Furthermore, you can even pre-order games this way. While they won't pre-load, they will begin downloading at midnight on a game's release date.

So far this seems to be an option exclusive to first-party games like Super Smash Bros., but will hopefully become available for third-party titles down the line.

Velik korak za N!

Žal so kupljene igre še vedno vezane na konzolo in ne račun uporabnika. :(


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Star Fox za Wii U bo prvič na voljo širši publiki na letošnjem E3 je povedal Miyamoto.

Star Fox for Wii U will be playable at this year's E3, iconic game designer Shigeru Miyamoto said during a recent interview with YouTube channel Smosh Games.

"We'll have a version of it ready at E3 that everyone can play," he said.


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Od danes dalje bo Nintendo omogočil pretok iger za Nintendo Wii na Nintendo Wii U preko eshopa.

Prva igra ki bo tako na voljo bo Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Nintendo has announced today that you’ll be able to download Wii games on your Wii U via the Nintendo eShop. To kick start this new feature Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be the first title available to download.

However, during today's Nintendo Direct it was announced that Nintendo would be making certain Wii titles available for download via the eShop. These games would be installed as standard Wii U games and able to launch directly from the Wii U menu, or even the quick start menu.

It was also confirmed that the Wii U GamePad would act as a Wii Classic Controller, however it was not confirmed if the Wii U Pro Controller will do the same.

European Releases

Titles will be available for a standard price of €19,99 / £17.99, however they will be discounted to €9,99 / £8.99 during their first week of availability.

Other upcoming titles are Kirby's Return to Dream Land, Pandora's Tower, Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Skies and Punch-Out!!.


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Zdaj ne vem kaj je narobe, ampak meni igro požene potem pa se vse ustavi in mi vn vrže opozorilo da je bila prekinjena komunikacija s kontrolerjem in pravi naj pritisnem tipko A, vendar od tam naprej stvar ne gre nikamor.

Torej igrati sploh ne morem, kaj šele da bi uporabljal Wii U gamepad kot klasični wii kontroler. Stalno vsiljuje samo Wii remote.


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