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Ekskluzivno:[PS3] Starhawk: Cypress Map Pack, Update 1.03


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Pri v nosu Online pass kode pri EU verziji igre vsak dobi tudi PSOne igro Warhawk

There's a good chance a lot of Starhawk players haven't experienced the game that started it all, let alone for free. Every new copy of Starhawk comes bundled with a free copy of Warhawk (PSOne) in Europe.


Urejano od Bessie


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Še par dni, je kdo prednaročil?

Jaz sem mislil prednaročit, ker mi je beta bila kar kul, a potem je prišel Diablo 3 vmes, tako da bom Starhawk žal preskočil (ni ne časa ne denarja se posvetit dvem MP špilom).

Če bo čez kak mesec folk še vedno igral, bom kupil igro ko se poceni.

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pred začetkom igre sem spremenil PSN: the_hibachi0 imam zdaj

Torej SP sem igral samo en misijo, ker se mi sedaj ne da, raje igram MP. Morem reči da je zelo zabavno, sploh Zones so zanimive igre. Nekatere stvari so malce OP, ampak bi to naj v naslednjih tednih popravili. Dvignili pa bi naj tudi level cap, ker so ga nekateri igralci po enem tednu že dosegli(lvl 50)...V Warhawku so igralci potrebovali skoraj leto da so prišli do max levela, tukaj pa se je zgodilo že po tednu, takoda bo višji level cap dobrodošel.

Prilagam seznam stvari, ki bi jih naj v naslednjih tednih spremenili:

- Cluster Bombs will be tune-down.

- Tanks will be tune-down.

- Server list display will be fix to allow the ability to see all servers.

- Several weapons will be re-balance.

- Outposts will cost less rift energy.

- Clan leaderboard will be change.

- Several XP exploits will be patch.

- Uplink glitch which takes up to three minutes to spawn in.

- Homeworld fix in which sometimes only allows up to four players only.

- General connection issues such as "Fail to connect" or randomly "freezing".

- Level cap is 50, although "prestige" levels will be introduce to expand the level cap.

- Skills randomly reseeting.

- Razorback audio bug will be fix.

- Custom music support as Warhawk.

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Ok, zakaj je treba ob vsakem zagonu sprejet Licence agreement in še druga neumnost zakaj dela checkpointe v SP, potem pa, če ne dokončaš poglavja, vseeno začneš ob naslednjem igranju na začetku poglavja!? :eviltongue::duh:

Ok saj če igraš na nižji težavnostih to verjetno ni tak problem ampak na najvišji Mercenary je za ubit :tired:

Drugače SP začne dogajat nekje po 4 poglavju in tudi zgoba dobi nekaj teže, vmesne "animacije pa so všečne po stilu... podben stil je v Resistance, ne bi se čudil, če bi bil isti avtor.


Urejano od Bessie


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Ok, zakaj je treba ob vsakem zagonu sprejet Licence agreement in še druga neumnost zakaj dela checkpointe v SP, potem pa, če ne dokončaš poglavja, vseeno začneš ob naslednjem igranju na začetku poglavja!? :eviltongue::duh:

Ok saj če igraš na nižji težavnostih to verjetno ni tak problem ampak na najvišji Mercenary je za ubit :tired:

Drugače SP začne dogajat nekje po 4 poglavju in tudi zgoba dobi nekaj teže, vmesne "animacije pa so všečne po stilu... podben stil je v Resistance, ne bi se čudil, če bi bil isti avtor.


Pri tisti Licence agreement ne rabiš zarolat do konca, samo v desno premakneš levo analogno palčko pa accept :D ker jaz sem na začetku vedno do konca dol rolal pa pol stisni accept.

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Zdaj ne vem a sem bil včeraj jaz tako slab, al so bili soigralci al pa ste vi tako dobri :beer:

Manjka pa kak party sistem v igri in nekako bi bilo logično, da če sva v istem klanu, da naju da na isto stran!!!?

BTW a imaš headset?

Še nekaj mi povej pri zastavi ste stalno postavljali svoje zgradbe zraven naše baze kako vam je to ratalo? :?

V KSi profilu si še vedno nisi nastavil PSN...


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Zdaj ne vem a sem bil včeraj jaz tako slab, al so bili soigralci al pa ste vi tako dobri :beer:

Manjka pa kak party sistem v igri in nekako bi bilo logično, da če sva v istem klanu, da naju da na isto stran!!!?

BTW a imaš headset?

Še nekaj mi povej pri zastavi ste stalno postavljali svoje zgradbe zraven naše baze kako vam je to ratalo? :?

V KSi profilu si še vedno nisi nastavil PSN...

Morem povedat da jaz na začetku nisem mogel ubiti nobenega, je nek learning curve, tako da sem zdaj prilezel do K/D ratio 0.9 :masterchief::lol. Na začetku je res težko in lahko postane frustrirajoče. :D Najbolj je tečno ko si v slabi ekipi in te nasprotna ekipa ob spawnu base-rape z hawki in sploh ne moreš nič narediti, ampak to bi naj v naslednjih patchih odpravili.

Headseta nimam, bom pa ga verjetno kupil.

Zgradbe lahko postavljaš kjerkoli, včeraj pa si imel res nesrečo ker si vedno prišel v slabo ekipo tako da smo mi lahko vedno prišli blizu baze in tam postavljali naše zgradbe.

Sicer so mi Zones bolj zabavne kot CTF.

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Najnovejše glede patcah


Heads up from our friend Harvard!

"Today in dev news: We're doing final testing of the next update that should address many of the most important issues. We'll include a list when its released but disconnects, missing gui, etc. are on the list. Mostly the stuff players have posted here. Once we do final testing it needs Sony Final Approval (which is another round of testing). We're more than a week out from unleashing on you."


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Info o patchu

Starhawk Update 1.01.001

Friday, May 25, 2012 at 3:16PM

It's about damn time!!! -- We're finishing up the last bit of testing and "packaging" so we can deploy the Starhawk 1.01.001 Update world-wide early next week!

Please know that this is just the first of many updates that we're going to be doing to tune Starhawk's gameplay. We know this update alone does not "fix" all issues and achieve perfect game-balance, but it should address a number of key issues.

Our plan to reduce "base-ravaging" is a multi-stage process and this is just the first step towards that goal. We have also included a few other changes including a much "snappier" Homing Missile!

B&B OutPost cost reduced from 8 to 4 Rift

Field Mechanic Skill now auto-repairs Hawks far more slowly

OX Tank HE Shell direct-hit damage reduced by 33%

OX Tank HE Shell blast damage reduced by 33%

OX Tank HE Shell now has slower rate of fire

OX Tank HE Shell accuracy has been reduced a small amount

OX Tank vehicle construction cost increased from 2 to 4 Rift

Hawk Cluster Bomb blast damage reduced 40% per bomb

Hawk Cluster Bomb blast damage area reduced from 30' to 20'

Hawk Cluster Bomb blast damage fall-off increased

Hawk Shield damage absorption-capacity has been reduced by 50%

Hawk Cloak time has been reduced by 33%

Hawk Homing missile Max speed has been increased by 25%

Hawk Homing Missile target acquisition speed has been increased by 70%

Hawk Homing Missile thrust-delay reduced by 50%

Player Complaint System is enabled

SkillScore now factored-in for Matchmaking

Updated "Player-Danger" icons & logic for server-list

Auto-Turret dismantle now twice as fast

Build & Battle Outposts:

In the release version of Starhawk, the Outposts cost 8 Rift and we've reduced that to 4. This significant reduction will greatly help teams increase their team's controlled regions on the map and even this one change should reduce base-ravaging by providing teams with more options for spawning locations.

Field Mechanic Skill:

There were some very savvy pilots who were using Cloak, Shield and the Field Mechanic Skill in such a way as to be almost unstoppable on the battlefield. While we applaud that kind of tactical use, it nevertheless resulted in very lop-sided engagements and we had to take action. Now, if you equip the Field Mechanic Skill, your Hawk will not auto-repair as quickly which results, in concert with the Shield adjustments, in a significant reduction in "invincible" pilots.

OX Tank & High-Energy Shell:

The OX Tank was very powerful, and rightly so... its a TANK! That said, it was a bit too powerful. Even our Tank-Divas here in the studio agreed. To help get the OX in better balance with the Starhawk's overall combat economy, we are making a number of changes. Firstly, it now costs more to build the vehicle at the Depot. The Depot itself still costs the same. But now the OX costs 4 Rift when you build it from the control panel.

We have also made a number of changes to the High-Energy Shell. This is the fast, almost rail-gun like shell the OX can fire. We've reduced the damage of a direct-hit as well as the area of effect damage. Previously it not only had super-high direct impact damage, but it's AoE was potent enough to make it simply brutal against troops -- when the real role of the OX needs to be more about anti-vehicle and anti-structure. We also slightly reduced the accuracy and increased the time between the first and second shot so that it couldn't be used as such an effective long-range-anti-troop-rail-gun.

We have not included any changes to the OX Tank's Artillery shell at this time.

Hawk Cluster Bomb:

The Cluster Bomb was OP. There is no doubt about that. Sure it feels fun to rain death on group of enemies... but let's be honest, we all felt a bit dirty doing it! We have decided to reduce the damage per-bomb *AND* shrink the area of effect of each bomb by 40% and 33% respectively. We have also added softer damage attenuation to the Cluster Bomb's AoE to help make them still effective against Vehicles and Structures and not so focused on troop ravaging.

Hawk Cloak & Shield:

These two weapons really spice up the Hawk's use on the battlefield but as we noted with the changes to the Field Mechanic Skill, there were also some changes that needed to be made to bring these weapons -- and the Hawk in general -- into better balance.

The amount of time a pilot can stay cloaked now has been reduced by 33%. This is still enough time for it to be used to get out of a sticky situation, but not too long such that a nefarious Hawk pilot can engage in perpetual *AND* invisible base-ravaging.

The Shield also got nerf'd and no longer can absorb as much damage before breaking. The reduction was pretty significant here and now the Shield only absorbs 50% of what it could previously. Again, much like in the Cloak situation, it's enough damage absorption to give you a "out" if you're in trouble but not long enough for it to yield degenerate bombing runs or dogfights when used in combination with some skills or other tactics.

Hawk Homing Missile:

This game balance update includes some dramatic changes to the Hawk's Homing Missile and these changes were focused on one key goal -- get the Homing Missile tracking its target faster and get it to impact its target faster. Now of course we need to make sure it's balanced so we're obviously not making the Homing Missile an instantaneous 1-shot kill!

So we've increased the thrust on the missile so that it has a higher top-end speed and the target has less time to scrub the missile. This thrust increase also includes a faster thrust activation time so when you do deploy a Homing Missile, the thruster kicks in far quicker and this gives it a "snappier" feel in combat. Lastly, we greatly reduced the amount of time the Homing Missile takes to maneuver towards it's locked target. This isn't the amount of time it takes to get a lock, but rather, the amount of time it takes the Homing Missile to steer and acquire its target while in-flight.

Player Complaint System:

We've also enabled a system that allows players to anonymously flag other players for moderator review. Our Moderator Team has a special Starhawk system that displays a list of all players around the globe, how many complaints have been filed for each player and what kind of complaint.

This allows players to help "police" the games and get our Moderators into their games to render judgements more quickly. Moderators can watch individual players and can join games even when the game is technically "full" or password protected.

To file a Player Complaint, simply select a player's name from the Scoreboard and you will see a new "Player Complaint" item in the pop-up menu. Select it and you will be presented with a few options for the kind of complaint you want to file: Cheating, Harassment, Vulgarity and Bad Builder.

QuickMatch, Server-List & SkillScore:

When we launched Starhawk, we intentionally had SkillScore matching disabled for QuickMatch. This update re-enables this feature. If you select to join a game through Quick Match, the server will do its best to put you into a game that more closely matches your SkillScore -- or more accurately a +/- range around your SkillScore.

We have also changed the way "Player-Danger" icons are displayed in the Server-List. Preivously, you would see servers in the list have 1 of 3 icons displayed next to the connection strength of the server: Pink Cake, Yellow Fist or Red Skull. These indicated the average SkillScore of the server. So you knew a server with a Red Skull was dangerous to you. However due to another issue, high-SkillScore players were still allowed to join "Cake" games. This resulted in lots of newbie players getting worked-over by the best of the best. Until this issue is resolved, we have disabled both Cake and Fist icons.

So now, you will only see Red Skulls in the Server-List to warn you that game is filled with players that are "better" than you. Although you should note that playing in a Red Skull server can yeild faster SkillScore growth due to you battling with players that have higher SkillScores -- so the choice is yours!

Faster Auto-Turret Dismantle:

The auto-turret animation we shipped with was too long and resulted in players just getting ravaged by other turrets or players. The new dismantle animations is *WAY* faster and feels a lot better in the heat of combat.


What're We Working on Next for You Guys?

Well of course we are finishing the testing of our 1.01.001 Update but we are also finishing a "stability" patch that includes many fixes for lots of annoying locks that we have seen in our global crash report. This patch should make a *HUGE* difference for Starhawk stability and includes a completely new system for network error reporting that automatically logs any player's network error with our game analytics database. This way we can correlate disconnects by region, by player and if needed, by discreet activity in the game.

The network team here at LightBox Interactive is also working very closely with the SONY Network team to isolate the issues that some players are reporting about our voice chat. After a few games the voice relay system is breaking-down and that's resulting in players being "dropped" from voice communication.

Beyond that on the horizon, we have more updates for game balance, protections against "base-ravaging" and the team is continuing to make great progress on the FREE Cypress Map Pack and we're really looking forward to sharing more info on it in the coming weeks!

The Design Team here at LightBox Interactive also had a playtest this week of a new prototype gameplay mode called "Flight-CTF" although to be honest... it had more in common with Quidditch!

Team-based air-combat, 1 "ball" in the middle of the sky and 2 goals one at either end of the map. You score points by getting the "ball" and flying through the goal. The prototype was early and rough but it was hellua-fun and we'll keep you posted on how it develops, and when it looks like we'll release it for all of you guys to get your hands on!


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Popravek je na liniji.

The 1.01.001 patch is now available! Today's patch has all the balance fixes we mentioned last week. We're also releasing an additional patch tomorrow that focuses on stability, with fixes for many of the crash/lock/freeze issues as well as some updates to better detect network issues. Thanks for your patience!


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Stability Patch 1.02 is now LIVE!

Friday, June 1, 2012 at 10:30AM

Very, *VERY* early this morning at 4am Central time we performed world-wide server maintenance and deployed a new patch for Starhawk. The patch is focused on resolving the most common crashes as well as providing a new automatic system of recording any network errors that players encounter. There were however a few other things that were included in the patch so here's the full list:

Fixed for the prominent Crashes & Locks

Added automated network disconnect error-reporting

Fixed missing sound FX for when missiles are dodged

Fixed XP display for players already at the first-tier level cap of 50

Fixed Server-List so it can scroll properly and display the full-set of global games

Fixed texture paging bug that sometimes caused a blank Uplink

Fixed the Sweet-Tooth's awesome butcher's blade accessory

Fixed the bug causing only 4 players to be allowed into your Homeworld

Fixed bug that caused the Clan Leader board to scroll incorrectly

Fixed Server-List filter on full games to work properly

As we've mentioned before, the team here at LightBox Interactive is working on another game balance update and we'll be providing you the list of all of the changes next week! We're also hearing our community "Loud & Clear" on our voice issues. The team at LightBox Interactive has spent many days debugging what the issue is and we've relayed that information to our Network team at SONY. They are currently investigating a fix and we'll be sure to keep you all posted!

We are very thankful of our community's patience and we are fully committed to making sure the Starhawk experience continues to improve with Updates and Patches as well as grow with FREE downloadable maps!


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Starhawk aplikacija za iOS in Android naprave.

Access to clan information: You can view your clan invitations, clan leaderboards and statistics, and search for new clans to join or challenge.

View player and weapon stats: You can view your player and weapon stats from all of your online action in Starhawk.

Track other players: Want to see how your stats compare? Look at stats for your PSN friends, clanmates, and other players you meet online.

View the Starhawk leaderboards: See how you rank against your friends, clanmates, and the rest of the Starhawk community.

Access Starhawk community strongholds: You can link to various Starhawk social sites, as well as directly link to gameplay videos and other Starhawk community-driven sites.

Browse The Armory: An encyclopedia of information on all troop and Hawk weapons and Build & Battle structures.

Stay up to date: Our news ticker and game announcements section ensure that you are completely up to date on all the latest and greatest Starhawk news.

The Starhawk Uplink runs on the following devices: iTouch, iPhone 3G/3GS/4/4S, as well as all versions of iPad and Android devices, including the Sony Tablet S and Sony Xperia Play mobile phone and all Gingerbread Android devices. Kindle Fire support is coming soon.



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Na voljo je popravek 1.03, ki poleg vsega prinaša še paketek zastonj map s planeta Cypress.


V popravku je cel kup zadev, ki so jih zahtevali igralci, poveča najvišji nivo, ki ga lahko desežemo, odpravlja nekatere hrošče in seveda doda dve novi zastonjski mapi na z rastlinjem posejanem planetu Cypress.

Kar se tiče novih map Cypress: Collider in Cypress: Origin, sta posejani z raslinjem, bolj zeleni z velikimi drevesi in območji s plitvo vodo preko katere se lahko vozimo in tečemo, na zahtevo igralcev je dodano več mest za skrivanje enot, dodani so še že v naprej zgrajeni objekti...


Cypress je bil prvi planet kjer se je vse skupaj začelo in kjer so odkrili prva nahajališča "razklane!?" energije (rift energy) in postavili prve raziskovalne objekte med drugim tudi prvi EXtractror, sedaj je vse zapuščeno in preraščeno z bujno vegetacijo, ki z drevesi in gobami na njih predstavlja odličeno skrivališče za naše enote.


Zgradbe, ki se že nahajajo na mapah omogočajo spretno in taktično uporabo grajenja naših lastnih, med drugim se na sredi mape Collider pojavlja tudi star trkalnik (collider!), na sredi mape Origin je podobno star Rift Extractor, poleg teh dveh centralnih stavb so še druge ključne zgradbe iz katerih lahko varno napadamo nasprotnike, vendar pa nič ni tako varno kot izgleda zato bodite pozorni kaj se dogaja za vašim hrbtom.

Še stelitska posnetka map





Spisek vseh popravkov v 1.03

Prestige Levels: In the initial version of Starhawk, we supported levels 1-50. To be quite honest, we thought that would have the player community covered for quite some time. However, we had underestimated the rate at which people were going to get through the levels so we had to accelerate the release of our prestige levels for those players who are above 50. The Prestige levels in Starhawk are not numbers; they’re a Greek symbol ranking of ALPHA through OMEGA. The Greek symbol will be displayed by your name in-game. These are very hard ranks to achieve and the jump from level 50 to ALPHA is steep because these are really intended for the hard-core community.

New Space Homeworld “Waypoint”: In Starhawk, Homeworld’s are like lobbies. They are 3D levels where you and your friends can go to party-up, talk tactics and then pick a game to join. This new Homeworld is a cool space station. We added this because we really wanted players to enter a deep-space “lobby” to mess around in.

Team-Balance Fixes: There were some bugs in the party/clan cohesion system where servers would keep parties and clans together in *ALL* cases and this resulted in some brutally mis-matched games. This has been fixed! There were some other issues that resulted in messed-up team balance and we have resolved those as well. Should be a ton better!

Revamped Voice Chat System: During the initial launch of Starhawk we received reports from the player community about voice-chat dropping after a few games or in some cases, the voice-chat would simply not work. As you can imagine in a deep, team-based game like Starhawk, voice-chat is critical. So we did a ton of digging to find-out what the issue was and it ended up requiring a change to our Client/Server voice system. This change makes the VOIP far more stable and resolves the voice connection issues that some players had been experiencing in the past.

Push-to-Talk Option: This was requested by so many players, and in concert with the revamped Voice Chat System, the PTT option really is a great addition. Now players have the option to have their microphone turn on when they press L3 rather than automatically when they talk. I guess, too many players were being yelled at by their Moms, had crying babies in the background, or hell, maybe both! You can find the PTT option in the Audio Settings menu in the Uplink.

Vulture Jet-Pack Eject: Players are now allowed to dismount while flying around in a Starhawk if they have a handy dandy Vulture Jet-Pack equipped.

Rift Barrels on Mini-Map: To help aid players and their use of the Build & Battle system, we decided to add small icons on the mini-map where we’ve placed the Rift Energy Caches — those are the barrels that you shoot that burst open with Rift Energy that you can spend to build your arsenal of destruction. The blips on the map are displayed when the barrels are active and are *NOT* displayed when the barrels are waiting to respawn.

Bug Fixes: These are not as super-sexy as free maps, but the fact that they are fixed will really help the community. We also addressed some host migration issues, a number of crashes and network instability issues, and even the laggy pick-up bug was fixed as well.

Ranked Option: Another feature that was requested by players was really two requests related to how games post stats. The first point brought up by players was regarding stat-padding going on in password protected games, and since those games were password protected, they should not count as real ranked games. Now, you can still have a very private game with a password but your stats will not post. Also, if you are having a Clan vs. Clan game you have the option to turn stats on or off — because it might be a practice or scrimmage. Furthermore, if you are doing a Clan Scrimmage (your clan in both Rifter & Outcast slots) the stats will *NOT* post to the server. This is to keep clans from stat-padding in locked-out games.

Skills Shortcut at the Respawn Screen: Players really wanted a quick way to change skills without having to leave the respawn screen. So…we added a little tab in the upper right corner of the respawn screen that allows you to press TRIANGLE and jump right to the skills menu! Oh, and we also now allow you to change your skill at other places in the Uplink instead of only in-game.

Build & Battle Icons While Respawning: Another thing we did to help players when using the Build & Battle system was to display a simple graphic icon of each of the structures on the battlefield as the player is drop-poding into combat. This simple change really helps players know what structures are already built and helps them make better use of the stuff their team has built. Not to mention it helps let you know immediately where you should run when you crack-open your drop-pod!

Display Nearby Build & Battle Structures: There are now some new visuals to help players recognize Build & Battle structures that are built nearby. For starters, any time you place a structure; Starhawk very clearly displays how many are nearby. It also now highlights those nearby structures on your map *AND* displays some markers on the edge of the screen to help inform you that not only is there a structure nearby, but which direction it is.

Cooldowns for Host Kick and Team Switch: There were a number of exploits that could occur in the original version of Starhawk where players would change teams rapidly or a host would quickly kick a ton of players. That can no longer occur because we track when you perform one of these actions and block you from doing it again for a set amount of time — and we can tune the time if we need to.

Interactive Music Update: After playing Starhawk for so many hours, we really felt that the music was not kicking-in as frequently as we wanted it to. There were many times when you’d be in the heat of combat and there’d be no music at all. We felt this hurt the pacing and in fact some players in our community noticed the same thing. So the 1.03 Update includes some new tweaks to the interactive music system and the more frequent music makes a big difference.

Capture the Flag Scoring Change: We’ve been playing CTF in Starhawk a ton here in the studio and we’ve always felt that there were too many games ending in draws or times when the match would get into awkward stalemates. So with the 1.03 Update, we have changed one of the key rules for CTF and one of the key contributors to the stalemates. Now, to score a point in CTF, you need to take the enemy flag back to your base — period. Your team’s flag does *NOT* need to be there for you to score. Now certainly, your team still needs to play defense because you don’t want the enemy team taking your flag and scoring, but this change makes the pacing so much better. Much faster and far fewer draws and stalemates.

Sorting Unlocked Customization: Now this is more of a simple convenience thing but we changed the way the various characters and vehicle customization options are presented so that the unlocked ones are always displayed at the top of the list. Not a super-big change at all but I thought I’d include it here.

Drop-Pod Upgrade: One of the things that we were experimenting with during our Starhawk playtests to help combat “base-ravaging” was to make the Drop-Pod more deadly. Our whole design goal with the drop-pod system was to make the act of respawning in your home base an incredibly powerful weapon. This was to help combat against “base-ravaging”. After a lot of review, and play testing and tweaking, we decided to upgrade the drop-pods to be more maneuverable *AND* have an increased impact radius. This along with some changes we made to the respawn timer really makes a huge positive impact on the reduction of “base-ravaging”.

Custom Music via XMB: In Warhawk we added support for your own music and we’re doing the same in Starhawk. The 1.03 Update now allows you to play your own music through the XMB. So if you want to experience Starhawk’s unique Build & Battle gameplay while blaring Pat Benatar you totally can!

Na koncu je potrebno povedati še, da je že v pripravi popravek 1.04, ki bo vseboval še več novosti!

Članek je povzet po uradnem PS blogu: povezava!



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