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E3 2011

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- Sony will confirm the official name, pricing and release date of the NGP

- There will be 7 first party titles revealed for the NGP

- Hideo Kojima's NGP project likely to be Peace Walker

- The Wipeout engine has been perfectly ported over to the NGP and you can expect the release of the game in the first quarter of the NGP's launch

- Chance of another Metal Gear game on its way in the future

- There are 37 titles in the working for Sony platforms, but most will not be revealed until a European event (likely Gamescom)

- Sony will reveal titles that will not be available until Christmas 2012 at E3

- Santa Monica Studios will be on board, but don't expect much more information about the title (potentially next God of War title)

- A sequel to Warhawk will be revealed before E3

- 2 PS3 exclusives won't be presented at E3 but will be available before the end of the year in Europe

- Twisted Metal, Resistance 3, Uncharted 3 and The Last Guardian will be playable at E3

- Polyphony Digital are returning with a new title before March 2012

- Polyphony would like to make Europe a privilege for its next title. "Please don't underestimate their work even if they deceived some of you."

- A Rockstar game, probably GTA V, could be released before Agent was planned to be

- A third party title is in a "big battle" with Sony. The developers seem to be Bungie, so the game would be their next project with Activision.




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Kaj ? Res da je Bungie odkorakal od projekta pa vendarle M$ še ni obupal.

Mah COD si lahko nekam potisnejo, vsako leto je slabše, še bolj brez možgansko, še bolj skriptano in še bolj kratko.

No V glavnem letos nič kaj ne pričakujem, saj se velike serije počasi zaključujejo. (Geow, Resistance, Uncharted, ME), nekateri projekti so še globoko v razvoju (naslednja generacija konzol), mnogo stuffa izide v naslednjih pol letih. Edino ghost recon future soldier čakam, že dolgo ga prestavljajo ter pocajo. Battlefield 3 pa kot po naročenem novembra.

Edited by Raptor90
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Sej s Halojem je isto, samo da se je treba malo bolj potrudit če hočeš bit dober. Serija bi se lahko zaključla že dve leti nazaj, ampak so mogli potegnit še ODST in Reach, ki sama po sebi nista čisto nič novega, prav tako je zgodba vsiljena pač nekam, ker je bila glavna trilogija že končana in si je blo treba zmislit neke prequele itd. Sej igra ni slaba, ampak bi jo lahko zaradi mene končali že zdavnaj.

Kar se tiče pa E3 predstavitve sem pa slišal, da bi se naj Microsoft totalno vrgel v Kinect? Sicer bodo imeli third party developerji neke svoje konference, ampak res nočem dve uri gledat samo nekih bednih mahalščin. Naj se grejo solit če bo tako.


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Za Amerose so vse ob normalnih urah. :)

To že, samo lani so meli ob enajstih po našem cajtu oz. še celo prej. Med Nintendovo pa pričakujem umrtje 90% tujih forumov.

Me pa zanima, komu bo največ ušlo v medije pred dogodki.

Edited by DrMiha



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V Home na PS3 se bo dalo v živo spremljat Sony konferenco in ponovno bo na voljo virtualni Sonyjev E3 štant


For the first time ever, PlayStation Home will host a live public video stream of the Sony E3 press conference on Monday, June 6 at 5pm Pacific Time in a special screening room. You can watch SCEA President and CEO Jack Tretton reveal all of the big E3 announcements and watch never-before-seen footage of tons of upcoming PS3 and NGP titles.

We’re also happy to confirm that the PlayStation Home E3 Virtual Booth is making a triumphant return! The virtual booth was visited by a lot of people last year (five times more people than physically attended E3 2010!), making it huge success for us and hopefully for you as well. If you visited the booth last year, you’ll remember that we enabled you to explore a virtual recreation of PlayStation’s E3 booth. Expect the same this year, with a few new surprises — including a 3D-rendered NGP to inspect from every angle.


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Lahko pričakujemo da bo letos precej slabši E3 od lanskega, saj večina pomembnih iger je tako ali tako najavljenih ter jih bodo zgolj še oglaševali na raznih štantih, v razvoju pa si lahko zgolj ogledam Nitendovo konzolo primerno za 2005 v letu 2011. Super. Pa še bedno mahanje z kinectom ter siljenje le tega v pomembne franšiže. Mogoče me zna le predstavitev PSP 2 ter PS4 razvedrit.

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Tole vse zgleda odlično.

Pa tole

The Metal Gear Solid collection will include HD remastered version of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Libery, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (no word yet on whether or not these are the Substance and Subsistence versions) and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. One of the more interesting things about this version of Peace Walker is that it is capable of "Transfarring" which lets gamers transfer their saves between the PS3 and PSP versions of the game.

Also, the Silent Hill collection will include HD remastered versions of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, while the Zone of the Enders collection will feature Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner.

No word yet on the release and platforms for the Silent Hill collection, but both the Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders collection will be available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this winter

Edited by Bessie


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[MULTI] SSX - Gametrailers

Deadly Descents je zgrizu prah, tko da je samo še SSX, pride 2012

[MULTI] Novi Syndicate (stari mački se ga spomnite) bo verjetno FPS, ajajajajaj ... Eurogamer

[MULTI] Silent Hill : Downpour E3 prikolica -

[MULTI] v Elder Scrolls: Skyrim bodo odstranili vsaj meni zelo ljub skill 'Hand to hand'

Nobenega večjega 'leaka' s strani velikih treh do danes... verjetno bo kaj priteklo med vikendom oz. v ponedeljek

Edited by DrMiha



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