DrMiha Posted March 18, 2006 Share Posted March 18, 2006 No, pa smo že skorajda dočakali začetek GDCja. Za nas bosta zanimiva sreda in četrtek, okoli 18.30 po našem času (ali 19.30, nisem šur) bosta govorila Harrison (Sony) in Iwata (Nintendo). Sodeč po govoricah zna biti kar zabavno. Kakšno je pa vaše mnenje? Opisa obeh glavnih govorov, pobrana z uradne strani: "PlayStation 3: Beyond the Box "Wednesday, March 22 10:30 – 11:30am Focusing on the new creative, technical, and business opportunities provided by the arrival of PlayStation 3, the keynote will share Sony Computer Entertainment's innovative plans for the format and will provide a look at how new technology and new business models will help fuel the growth of the computer entertainment industry by attracting new consumers. SCE is recognized as the global leader of the video game business with over 200 million hardware units and billions of software units sold across the three PlayStation formats. The recent global success of PlayStation Portable has shown the company’s commitment to continued innovation—developing the market beyond the traditional definitions of the game consumer. This keynote will look at the tremendous opportunities presented to game developers worldwide as the industry goes “beyond the box". "Disrupting Development"Thursday, March 23 10:30 – 11:30am This year will see the arrival of more new portable and home game systems, and outside attention remains predictably focused on technical specifications and processing muscle. This is not trivial; but also not newsworthy. After all, every new system is more powerful than its predecessor. Developers know what drives the video game business. It is our work. We are the creators, the innovators, the entertainers. We understand that people who imagine things, even more than the people who engineer them, are the key to reaching players. Unfortunately, the application of imagination is getting more and more difficult. Larger games require more hours, more manpower, and a lot more money. And as budgets rise, the appetite for risk falls. As Nintendo has demonstrated with Nintendo DS, our goal is to expand the industry to new players—and to surprise existing players. In a speech entitled, ”Disrupting Development,” Nintendo President Satoru Iwata will reveal the backstory of how a string of recent disruptive products from Nintendo—the Nintendo DS, the ‘brain-training’ games, and Nintendo WiFi Connection—surprised the market. He will share his thoughts on the role Nintendo’s video game systems will play in expanding the market and widening the possibilities for developers. Quote Link to comment
Oscilious Posted March 18, 2006 Share Posted March 18, 2006 Iwati priporočam eno črno majico z naslednjim besedilom v belih črkah: Betamax MiniDisc BlueRay Drugače pa res upam na kakšno vsaj malo oprijemljivo zadevo s strani Nintenda okoli Revolucije. Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 18, 2006 Author Share Posted March 18, 2006 Nič bat, vse kaže na to, da bomo o Revu izvedeli že nekaj v obdobju med GDCjem in E3jem. Drugače pa bo tudi Iwata povedal par zadev, ki bodo Nfane razveselile (tako nas draži nekdo iz NoE) Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 21, 2006 Author Share Posted March 21, 2006 Ena bomba ni bila dovolj... San Jose, CA, USA - Nokia today unveiled a new software development kit (SDK) and consumer interface for its next generation mobile gaming platform. The new tools and consumer interface are designed to empower the mobile games industry to create high quality 3D mobile games for Nokia smartphones. "Our new SDK contains familiar tools for developers, making it easy to focus on doing what they do best - creating great mobile games," said Gregg Sauter, Director, Games Publishing, Nokia. "Our platform lets developers put their games in millions of pockets worldwide and these new tools ensure developers can get on board to take advantage of this fantastic business opportunity." Nokia also showcased its next generation mobile gaming consumer interface, showing how consumers can easily discover, purchase, play, manage and share the best mobile games. "With our new consumer interface, you get quick access to new games and information, it's easy to buy and manage your games, and share game accomplishments with your friends. You can play fantastic looking games for a great overall entertainment experience in your pocket. This new consumer interface is going to transform the way people find and play mobile games," continued Sauter. The new developer tools include Game Development Libraries, based on C++ programming libraries, which will be available across multiple devices. The Game Development Libraries can be updated on the devices for resolving compatibility issues, and adding new features, including industry standard DRM solutions for content protection with minimal integration. Developers can also take advantage of the real-time connected gaming and community features enabled by the N-Gage Arena. Nokia provides a professional development environment with debugging and analyzing tools such as on target real-time debugging and profiling over USB. Developers also have access to world class developer support through the new Forum Nokia PRO Games Zone launched today. Nokia's next generation mobile games platform is expected to launch in the first half of 2007, with a range of titles and devices. Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 22, 2006 Author Share Posted March 22, 2006 Hi yall' just got back from an MS press event.... 99 nights and all that good stuff ... hands on later this week... anyway I was told a few nuggets of possible GDC info from sources while there.... Word is Factor 5 is going to have some amazing stuff to show at the Sony key note. One person I talked to also mentioned they saw some stuff specifically and while factor 5 and a few other titles look great on the system ... the overall viewpoint is that its not THAT big of a difference between 360 and PS3 titles.... On top of all this word is we may get a demo of how the Revo controller will work.... Not gameplay footage per' say but a demonstration of the basics... Tune in to AMN for video and more of the event! -Sean out- http://forums.advancedmn.com/showthread.php?t=15131 Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted March 22, 2006 admins Share Posted March 22, 2006 Če v koga, imam, glede grafične nadmoči, definitivno najbolj neomajno zaupanje v Factor 5. Glede na to, kaj so uspeli iztisniti iz GCja, lahko pomoje na PS3ju pričakujemo čisto utrgane stvari .. Quote Link to comment
Case Posted March 22, 2006 Share Posted March 22, 2006 Lair FTW! Je pa za upat, da so se od časov Star Wars franšize na GCju poboljšali tudi kar se tiče igralnosti, ehe ehe. Še sedem ur. Quote Link to comment
samus987 Posted March 22, 2006 Share Posted March 22, 2006 upam da bo res kaj zanimivega povedal striček iwata :china: in upam da nebo spet neka nova skrivnost ki jo bodo najavili, kaj več o tem pa bomo izvedeli na E3 Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 22, 2006 Author Share Posted March 22, 2006 Harrison že naklada... 1:38 - Phil Harisson Takes the stage. 1:40 - Over 6,000 PS2 titles, with 1 billion sold in total 1:41 - Describes the continued sucess of the Playstation 1 1:41 - Playstation 2 is still key, with games such as God of War 2 in development. 1:42 - David Jaffe, creative director of God of War 2 takes the stage. PS3 software to be shown. 1:43 - PS3 videos will be shown. 1:44 - God of War 2 video shown. 1:45 - God of War 2 looks amazing. Crowd roars. 1:46 - PSP is the fastest growing Sony platform ever 1:46 - RSS feeds on next PSP auto update. 1:47 - PSP eye toy discussed. 1:47 - Sony will push gps and eye toy on the PSP very strongly. 1:47 - Development tools for PSP are now $5,000 making it cheaper to develop. 1:48 - GPS and camera updates to arrive next winter 1:48 - Network update hits this summer 1:49 - Correction, Camera to arrive in the fall, GPS still winter. 1:50 - Wireless connection with the PSP and PS3 - seamless 1:50 - Loco Roco arrives this summer. 1:50 - Discussion moves to the PS3. 1:51 - PS3 Demo shown. 1:52 - Full 1080p resolution for both NTSC and PAL 1:53 - World wide launch. 1:53 - Broadband connection required, HDD included, wireless connection capable. 1:54 - Middleware is the key aspect of the PS3 -Agei physx, Havok, Epic, Unreal 1:56 - Final development kits for Developers before E3. 1:57 - 1,000 people on screen each with all ragdoll like physics. Crowd applauds. Known as Ragdoll demo. 1:58 - Car Tech video shown. Physics change when a gun shoots at it. Individual paint chips. Crowd Roars. Tires pop and fall off. Video is not pre-rendered at all. 1:59 - Bluray discussion begins, how it effects the quality of game. 2:00 - Tons of space, incredible animations and level of detail. Improved sound. Improved localization abilities given the extra space available :02 - Warhawk tech demo shown. based off the real game. 2:03 - Crowd applauds, game looks amazing 2:04 - Ambient warfare is a key aspect. Hundred of fighters on a screen at once, think star wars space battles. Waves generated after each frame. Individual clouds rendered. 2:05 - Unlimited draw distance. 2:06 - Huge ships in Warhawk vs many small fighters. 2:07 - E3: full demo of Warhawk will be shown. Big News 2:08 - Sony's online gaming network. Playstation Network Platform. 2:08 - Four basic principles of network, content, commerce, community, communication. 2:08 - World wide gaming network 2:08 - Standard services will be entirely free. 2:09 - third party game servers can connect easily. 2:10 - unified login capable as well as matchmaking, video and voice chat. Friends list. numerous shops where games can be bought. download to hdd. 2:11 - Pay for online products on the network. 2:11 - similar to xbox live arcade. 2:11 - Network starts when PS3 launches in november. 2:11 - SDK for network distributed next week. 2:12 - Messages can be sent while in a game. You can email your friends from within a game. 2:12 - YOu can buy tracks for a Formula 1 PS3 game on the network. Buy new vehicles as well. 2:14 - Scott Kirkland of Motor Storm takes the stage. 2:14 - Full graphical effects in Motor Storm, a racing, buggy vehicle type of game. 2:15 - Mud in the game reacts seamlessly with the changes in the environment. 2:16 - Mud drys and can effect one's driving. 2:16 - Suspensions are fully interactive to curves and bumps. 2:17 - Moving on to Motor Bike and an ATV within the game. 2:18 - Amazing physics shown. 2:18 - Solid graphics for Motor Storm, but not mind blowing. 2:19 - Motor Storm will be shown, and possibly playable at e3. 2:19 - Ted Price of Insomniac Games takes the stage. 2:10 - New PS3 title revealed (**gre za bivši I-8**), first person shooter, huge weapons, physics in the game effect those shot and the environments completely. 2:21 - Insomniac developing for the PS3 because of its superior firepower, very exited about Blu Ray. Storage is the key for them. Extremely excited about cell. 2:23 - Ratchet and Clank Video shown. Looks amazing as well. 2:25 - Ratchet and Clank video showcases the game's environment shows robots being made and a ship passing through the world. 2:26 - In the future Sony wants to move away from disk based software distribution to an entirely digital scheme 2:27 - Packaged games still the main focus, but they really want to push downloadable content. Talk of in game ads and how they could be beg money for publishers. 2:28 - Subscriptions from third parties allowed on Sony's Network. Think MMORPG's. 2:29 - Character customization is a huge focus for the PS3 and Sony's Network. 2:29 - merchandising of games is a heavy focus, as you can put real clothes on your virtual characters. 2:30 - Playstation.com/beyond site is now live. Check it out! You can submit game ideas for them to pick up and develop. 2:31 - Communication is the key to the network's success. 2:32 - Singstar shown for the Playstation 2. Singing game featuring 350 different songs. Example of game you can customize. Users can add images, download songs, and sing with them with full music videos as well. Uses Eye Toy. 2:34 - Singstar is for PS2, but is an example of the future Blu-ray will allow publishers to launch games on a single disc for every global market, so one SKU for the whole world, Harrison adds. Se nadaljuje!!!!! Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 23, 2006 Author Share Posted March 23, 2006 Danes bomo, ako bo vse po sreči, v živo spremljali tudi govor Iwate. Quote Link to comment
goldenfox Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Kje se bo dalo gledati prenos govora? Malo sem googlal, pa nisem našel nič oprijemljivega. Bi lahko doktor objavil kakšen morebitni link? Hvala. Quote Link to comment
samus987 Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Kje se bo dalo gledati prenos govora? Malo sem googlal, pa nisem našel nič oprijemljivega. Bi lahko doktor objavil kakšen morebitni link? Hvala.tudi mene zelo zanima kje bi se to dalo videti =) imam SIOL TV in ni vrag da nebi mogel gledat =P Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 23, 2006 Author Share Posted March 23, 2006 Kje se bo dalo gledati prenos govora? Malo sem googlal, pa nisem našel nič oprijemljivega. Bi lahko doktor objavil kakšen morebitni link? Hvala. To ni E3... če pogleš včerajšnji PS3 govor, smo update dobivali v tekstovni obliki. Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 23, 2006 Author Share Posted March 23, 2006 Evo, fantje, začenja se. Naval je naravnost ogromen, saj strani dobesedno crkujejo zaradi preobremenitev, tako da bo z rahlimi zamiki objavljeno, kar bodo povedali... žal 10:18 AM PDT- GameDaily arrives. People are filing into the auditorium for the keynote, with plenty of Nintendo DS systems in hand and the line going all the way around the corner. PACKED. A fanboy is walking around wearing a sign "Iwata dropped the bomb!", and on the back it said "Revolution is the only solution!". Inside, three screens are on hand for the presentation, one big one in the middle and two on each side, all with the Nintendo logo. There are four tables present, each with Nintendo DS development kits on them. 10:31 AM PDT- A slide is shown by accident showing the Nintendo DS, a Doritos logo, a Pepsi logo, and Brain Training. 10:44 AM PDT- Keynote has started. 10:46 AM PDT- Iwata has come out. Applause. Begins speech. 10:51 AM PDT- Iwata talks system sales, makes comparisons. 10:53 AM PDT- Talks about creation of Brain Training, gets laugh from audience. 10:51 AM PDT- Iwata talks system sales, makes comparisons. 10:53 AM PDT- Talks about creation of Brain Age, gets laugh from audience. Talks about the sales of the Nintendo DS (6 million in Japan) and the huge sales of Age 11:01 AM PDT- Talks about how Pepsi is a disruptive product, as they're number one in soft drinks, number one in sports drinks, bottled water, Doritos. Says they have a similarity to Nintendo. (Guess that explains the slide.) 11:02 AM PDT- Bill Trennen, Miyamoto's spokesman, takes the atage, walking through a demo of Brain Age. No sign of Miyamoto. Talks about calculations and shows some gameplay and other activities. Looks promising, audience loves it. 11L06 AM PDT- It is revealed that the US version of Brain Age will come with a version of Sudoku. More gameplay footage is shown. The game is being played vertically, so the screens are right alongside each other, left to right. 11:07 AM MDT- Jamil Moledina, Jeff Keeley, and Will Wright (!) take the stage to test Brain Age in multiplayer competition. 11:09 AM MDT- Trennon wins with a low score, but Wright has a Brain Age of 41. Audience laughs. Keeley's gets in the 60's, Moledina ends up with a 37. 11:11 AM MDT- The four get into another Brain Age competition. Will Wright wins this one. The contest concludes and Iwata returns to the stage. 11:13 AM MDT- Explains how Brain Age is a "disruption". 11:15 AM PDT- Explains how he lets Nintendo of Japan employees take their games home to test with their families. Brain Age is a big hit in this manner. Explains that he wants us to take the game home to our families as well. 11:16 AM PDT- Talks a bit about the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, shows off Animal Crossing and Mario Kart boxes. Seeks to make this Wi-Fi connection seamless, with anyone around the world. 11:20 AM PDT- Says that no one wants to play Animal Crossing online, someone has to come in and cut down all the trees. Audience laughs. One million players have been reached online thus far across the board, Wi-Fi team is very pleased. (And a picture of them is shown with a sign saying "Hi GDC from Nintendo Wi-FI!" Iwata explains they wanted to come, but they were busy, what with Metroid Prime Hunters being out and all. 11:22 AM MDT- Trennon is coming back to demo Metroid. Speaks briefly about the game. Three development team members are coming on-stage to test multiplayer. Iwata expects to get "destroyed" in the game. They play the game, with the four DS screens blown up on the big screen to show the action. 11:25 AM PDT- Explanation of the graphics and weapons, while Trennon is "destroyed". Shows the difference between characters. One of the development team is wearing a shirt that says "The Hurt Is On". Audience laughs. 11:27 AM PDT- Trennon is now doing better in the game, and not merely getting "destroyed". The Wi-Fi team member wins. (The shirt has influence!). Demo concludes, Iwata takes the stage again. 11:29 AM PDT- Iwata explains how even grandmothers loves the DS, and talks about Tetris DS and New Super Mario Bros.. Audience claps upon seeing Mario. A new Zelda game is revealed for the DS, but uses an engine similar to Wind Waker. It has touch-screen gameplay, cel-shaded graphics, anthe game has a puzzle formula where what you draw on the bottom screen reflects to the top. The game is officially called The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. 11:31 AM PDT- Iwata begins talking about the Revolution and how the concept for the controller was originated. He explained that the controller had to be wireless and approachable, and sophisticated and revolutionary. They drew up sketches to get ideas and put them together. Fifteen people in all were involved in its creation. 11:33 AM PDT- A picture of Miyamoto is shown as Iwata continues his presentation. The Metroid Prime creator didn't seem so crazy about the Revolution controller, thus the idea for the additional plug-in for control. Prototypes for the controller are shown, and then the final version, originally shown at the TGS. 11:35 AM PDT- Iwata talks about the new interface of the controller and how easy it is to use, and how expensive it was to get it developed. Iwata felt the money should be better spent in the game experience, and not high-tech screen performance. Begins talking about classic games that will serve a dual purpose, being retro for classic players and new experiences for young players. Sega Genesis games will be on Revolution, and so will several Hudson Soft games, like Adventure Island and Bomberman. 11:38 AM PDT- Speaks of "disruption" again. Talks about expensive console games, for $50-$60. Such high-budget games require more time and more people to work on. Licensing keeps costs high, too. Talks about how graphics shouldn't be the high concentration, like most developers are doing. 11:41 AM PDT- The new Mario and Metroid will be games to be played in a whole new way. Says the Nintendo download service is comparable to Apple's I-Tunes service. : Iwata takes to the stage. At this point he's talking a little about history - "Company A" usurping "Company B" in the 1990s - apparently it was a comment on Coke and Pepsi and bottled water, but obviously also a comment on Nintendo using the handheld market to regroup and reconsider its strategy while Sony got going with PlayStation. Apparently the "story about Pepsi demonstrates how thinking differently and holding strongly to your strategy can disrupt an entire industry in a good way". 18.51: As is tradition, Iwata begins an address discussing Nintendo's current situation - the success of Nintendo DS, Nintendogs, etc. "New kinds of softeare creating brand new players". 18.53: Iwata is now talking about Brain Training, and says he will discuss where the idea came from. "It came from where all great ideas come from - from our board of directors." [Laughter] 18.55: Iwata says he put together a task force to make a product whose appeal would include everyone from children to seniors - some of the taskforce had little experience of development. They settled on the Brain Training idea because of the popularity of books along those lines in Japan at the time - Nintendo CFO Mori-san was a big fan of them, he says. 18.58: Continuing on the subject of Brain Training, Iwata says that Dr Kawashima (who wrote the book) only agreed to meet with Iwata for one hour - on the day when the DS launched in Japan. Kawashima hooked a guy from the Nintendo team up to a monitor and showed that the prototype game was affecting blood flow in the brain - Iwata says this was "a very important moment". 19:01: Technology like handwriting was developed without any real idea what it would be used for - and ended up being perfect for Brain Training, Iwata says. He made a team of nine and gave them 90 to make the first game - "I could see they weren't happy, but with such a short schedule they had no time to complain." 19.03: Iwata is now demonstrating Brain Age - the US version of the first game. 19:07: Iwata talks about how they have added a Sudoku mode to Brain Age in the West - a previously announced detail - with over 100 puzzles, and of course handwriting recognition. 19:09: Jamil Moledina (GDC), Geoff Keighley (G4TV) and Will Wright are now on stage playing Brain Age with one another. : Nintendo forced retailers in Japan to play the game in this way to convince them to order it in, says Iwata. 70,000 were ordered - higher than expected, but not satisfactory for Iwata. When they came back with the second game, 850,000 were ordered. Now 5 million have been sold across the range in Japan. There are two simple rules to making great games - first, listen to your boartd of directors; second listen to the CFO. More laughter. 19:16: And he's giving a free copy of Brain Age to everyone in the audience. (That'll be my reward then.) 19:17: Iwata moves on to the subject of Wi-Fi Connection. Nintendo has been experimenting with networks since the 80s, he says, but never felt the time was right for a network game until the advent of DS. The development timetable for WFC was based on Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World - Nintendo wanted both games online. 19.17: Iwata moves on to the subject of Wi-Fi Connection. Nintendo has been experimenting with networks since the 80s, he says, but never felt the time was right for a network game until the advent of DS. The development timetable for WFC was based on Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World - Nintendo wanted both games online. 19.19: "Online gaming normally belongs to the most aggressive players, and they can be a very vocal group. This interaction can be intimidating for casual players." 19.20: Nintendo didn't want to just appeal to those in the vocal hardcore, Iwata says. Instead they wanted to achieve a friendly atmosphere where you invite your friends to play. Apparently WFC was originally known as "Project Houseparty". 22: It's important to give players freedom to choose to play with strangers or with their own friends. Iwata wanted to avoid situations where someone entered a game and cut down all his trees in Animal Crossing! 19.23: WFC has grown much faster than Xbox Live, Iwata says, with over one million users since launch. It took Xbox Live 20 months to reach that level, he points out. 19.24: Iwata is now demonstrating a Wi-Fi game of Metroid Prime: Hunters (out now in the US) with four players. 19.30: Hunters shows that Nintendo is not turning its back on traditional game styles, Iwata argues - as do games like Tetris DS (out now US) and New Super Mario Bros. (summer). 19.30: A 3D Zelda game on the DS - 2D perspective, but 3D graphics, loads of touch-screen controls. It's called "Zelda: Phantom Hourglass". It'll launch later this year and will be playable at E3 alongside Twilight Princess (Cube). 19.30: Iwata turns to Revolution. "Why are people comfortable picking up a TV remote, but not a game controller?" Revolution needed to be wireless, approachable, sophisticated, and "revolutionary", he says. 19.36: The design process involved lots of game designers - Miyamoto had the one-handed controller idea, while Metroid developers objected so the nunchucka were added, and two-handed controls were acknowledged as necessary for backwards compatibility. 19.37: "Some people put their money on the screen; we decided to put ours on the game interface" - although producing the controller will be expensive, he says "New is good, but there is also an appetite for old" - for kids, classic games are new, for adults they're a way to relive old experiences, Iwata says. So Sega Mega Drive games will be available through Virtual Console, and this applies to Hudson software as well. 19:40: Iwata talks about cost as a barrier to entry. $50/60 games require big teams, licenses, massive marketing cost. Thus, it's "understandable that publishers rely on sequels", "our industry is starting to look like a bookstore where you can only buy expensive encyclopedia sets". Iwata contests that if Tetris was presented now, developers would be told to get more levels, better graphics and a movie licence. 19:42: Future Zeldas, Marios and Metroids will be bigger masterpieces than ever before - but this doesn't have to be the only business model, he says. Virtual Console is the videogames version of iTunes Music Store. Others will offer such a service, but it won't be the same. 19:43: "When I imagine what faces us right now, I think of explorers setting foot on a new continent. For them, it was impossible to imagine what adventure lay ahead." Nintendo disrupted handheld, and it worked; Nintendo disrupted Wi-Fi, and it worked. Nintendo is disrupting the definition of a game, and it's working too, he says. In a few weeks (gasp!), you'll see how Nintendo plans to disrupt console gaming. Presumably a reference to E3. 19:45: Iwata leaves the stage. Quote Link to comment
MaHe Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 OMG, Miha, sedaj pa lepo sedi za abakom in sproti piši apdejte (in raje obnavljaj en sam post ) Quote [__<(^.^<)_____ascii_userbar_user_] Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted March 23, 2006 admins Share Posted March 23, 2006 Zeeeruuuuuuudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DS!!! Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted March 23, 2006 admins Share Posted March 23, 2006 20:40 Uhr - (Pressemitteilung) Partnerschaft mit Sega und Hudson, um Spiele-Klassiker via Virtual Console auf Revolution herunterzuladen. Vom Mega Drive (Genesis) kommt eine 'Best of'-Sammlung aus 1.000 Titeln, ebenso wird's Spiele der TurboGrafx-Konsole geben. Iwata also announced partnerships with Sega and Hudson to offer downloadable access to their classic games via Revolution's Virtual Console. Revolution owners will be able to relive their past gaming glories from the Sega Genesis console by playing a "best of" selection from more than 1,000 Genesis titles, as well as games sold for the TurboGrafx console (a system jointly developed by NEC and Hudson). These games join Revolution's access to 20 years of fan-favorite Nintendo games from the NES®, Super NES® and Nintendo® 64 eras. The new forms of innovative software that can be created by any size developer will be made available for download via Revolution's Virtual Console service." = Downloadable Rev games (ala XBLA or full-fledged "next gen" games?) Quote Link to comment
Link Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Končno Zelda prihaja na DS Quote Link to comment
samus987 Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Končno Zelda prihaja na DS škoda da vo 2d perspektivi če mene vprašate no ja... me pa zanima kako bi to zgledalo =) drugače pa... sux. nič novega o REVu Quote Link to comment
DrMiha Posted March 23, 2006 Author Share Posted March 23, 2006 Končno Zelda prihaja na DS škoda da vo 2d perspektivi če mene vprašate no ja... me pa zanima kako bi to zgledalo =) drugače pa... sux. nič novega o REVu E3 bo peklenski Quote Link to comment
samus987 Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Končno Zelda prihaja na DS škoda da vo 2d perspektivi če mene vprašate no ja... me pa zanima kako bi to zgledalo =) drugače pa... sux. nič novega o REVu E3 bo peklenski jap. zdi se že tako. rečem lahko le da še sreča da je E3 zadnji veliki festival (karkoli bi temu že rekli) preden bo splavljen REV, saj imam že poln kufer nintendovega stajla: ''we will tell more about this in future. only we can say now is stay tuned.'' Quote Link to comment
MaTiCeK Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Super mega bo to. Zelda v 2D z 3D svetom, ne bi si mogel zeleti boljsega. Quote Digitalni šepet Link to comment
samus987 Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 hmm... je kdo morda kje zasledil kaj novega o REVovem ''stojalu'' ? Quote Link to comment
GBwallace Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 a so kake slike od nje (zelde) rad bi si malo predstavljal Quote .___. (+,+) (/.:: ) "#" Link to comment
Guest Tisti Posted March 23, 2006 Share Posted March 23, 2006 Mnja, sem že postav v uni temi, pa bom še tu;D Slika po 1000 besed, film pa naredi par orgazmov;D http://users.pandora.be/teh_raf3/newzelda.mov Quote Link to comment
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