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Tomb Raider (2013)

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Game info:

Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a frightened young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold. Download the Turning Point trailer to see the beginning of Lara’s epic adventure.










5min demo Gameplay


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Spet nov Tomb Raider... A to še kdo igra?

Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light je bil super špil, čeravno ne lih tipičen Tomb Raider, sva ga z dečvo kar nekaj prešpilala. Tale reboot serije pa iz trailerjev izgleda tudi precej navdušujoč, čeprav me malo skrbi, da ne bo polovica špila samih QTE dogodkov.

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Tomb Raider bo prva igra, ki bo imela AMDjevo tehnologijo realističnega lasišča: TressFX Hair

characters in your favorite games have largely featured totally unrealistic hair: blocky and jagged, often without animation that matches your character’s movements. Many games have attempted to disguise the problem with short haircuts, updos, or even unremovable helmets. But why? Simply: realistic hair is one of the most complex and challenging materials to accurately reproduce in real-time. Convincingly recreating a head of lively hair involves drawing tens of thousands of tiny and individual semi-transparent strands, each of which casts complex shadows and requires anti-aliasing. Even more challengingly, these calculations must be updated dozens of times per second to synchronize with the motion of a character.

Tomb Raider proudly features the world’s first real-time hair rendering technology in a playable game



This physics system treats each strand of hair as a chain with dozens of links, permitting for forces like gravity, wind and movement of the head to move and curl Lara’s hair in a realistic fashion. Further, collision detection is performed to ensure that strands do not pass through one another, or other solid surfaces such as Lara’s head, clothing and body. Finally, hair styles are simulated by gradually pulling the strands back towards their original shape after they have moved in response to an external force.



Stranded on a beach in driving rain, Lara’s hair hangs heavy and matted with TressFX Hair; the real-time physics calculation accounts for both moisture and wind.

Vir: AMD

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Square Enix je igro praktično že potrdil s temi besedami:

"It's so hard to keep a secret these days!" the publisher told IGN. "We appreciate all of the enthusiasm, however we don't have any details to share just yet. That said, we highly recommend you keep an eye on any major gaming events happening in early December."

S tem je namignjeno, da bo igra predstavljena na VGX Awards eventu (včasih VGA Awards), ki bo 7. decembra.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Italijanski Amazon ima objavljeno igro Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, ki bi naj izšla za PS4 in Xbox One in sicer že 24. januarja!

Ta verzija bi naj vsebovala vse DLCje, nek preo-order bonus in art book.

Igra bo res izšla januarja in sicer 28. januar je datum izida igre. Vsebovala bo pa to kar je že povedal matej1990.


Urejano od japanboy


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Igra bo res izšla januarja in sicer 28. januar je datum izida igre.

28. januar je datum izida v USA, v EU pride 31.!

Square Enix has detailed all the content present in the game - you'll get the pre-order bonus tomb The Tomb of the Lost Adventurer, plus a bunch of the game's multiplayer add-ons - eight DLC maps, six weapons, four characters.

Six extra Lara outfits are also included, plus digital copies of the Dark Horse comic Tomb Raider: The Beginning, Brady Games' art book Tomb Raider: The Art of Survival plus Zachary Levi's The Final Hours of Tomb Raider documentary series.

Dubbed the 'Definitive Edition', this version sees the game get a graphical lick of paint for next-gen platforms - and a tweaked version of Lara Croft's face.

It's a slight reworking of the previous character model that looks a tad more like Croft's current voice and mo-cap actress Camilla Luddington.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will include the game's previously PC-only next-gen hair for Lara Croft, made possible via AMD's TressFX technology.


The Xbox One version includes Kinect voice controls for weapon modding and menus. On PS4 your controller will light up when using the torch.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Še pogled v zakulisje Definitive Edition verzije igre, ki priča o tem, da ne gre samo za port na next-gen konzole, ampak dejansko v vseh pogledih predelano igro:

"If it was 'only a facelift' AND we were only reselling it on the same platforms we'd already shipped it on, I would see your point. But as we're selling it on a new platform, with a lot of development work put in to custom craft it for the new platforms; with the new additions for the aesthetic, the physics, the particles, the lighting - taking advantage of next-gen features - so I absolutely stand by our decision to offer up Definitive Edition the way we are."

But it's the graphical improvements most are concerned about. Definitive Edition, which was built in a year by Crystal Dynamics, Sleeping Dogs developer United Front Games and Nixxes, has had a graphical lick of paint and features a tweaked version of Lara Croft's face. It also has the previously PC-only next-gen hair for Lara Croft, made possible via AMD's TressFX technology.

Še veliko več o tem kaj je novega/spremenjenega TUKAJ!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Na Polygon-u so potrdili, da Square Enix obstoječim TR kupcem ne namerava ponuditi možnosti upgrejda na Definitive Edition za manjšo vsoto. Igro bo žal potrebno ponovno kupiti po polni ceni:

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition will cost $59.99 regardless of whether you own a copy of the existing game — publisher Square Enix won't be offering an upgrade discount, according to an FAQ for the Definitive Edition.

"Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition is not participating in an upgrade program. The game will retail for $59.99 in North America. Check with your local retailer for price points across Europe," reads the FAQ.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Definitive Edicija igre za PS4 in Xbox One bo "tekla" pri 30FPS v 1080p.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition executive producer Scott Amos has confirmed that the PS4 and Xbox One re-release will run at 30 frames-per-second.


Urejano od japanboy


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