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Grand Theft Auto V

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GTA Online je ločen online del GTA5 igre, ki bo izšel po izidu igre, 1. oktobra:

The developer describes GTA Online as "a dynamic and persistent online world" accessible by yourself or with up to 16 players. You can work cooperatively to complete missions and ambient events or compete in traditional game modes.

New content will continue to be added post-launch by both Rockstar and the community. You can create new races or missions in the mode's content creator, share them with friends and try other people's creations.

Customisation will also be key - you'll be able to modify your character, improve your stats, purchase vehicles and property and rise up the criminal ranks. You'll be able to upgrade your apartment with working CCTV, a home entertainment system and a garage for 10 customised vehicles.

Another surprising addition is the fact that your character will lip-sync whatever you say via headset.

Inviting friends is as easy as taking out your in-game phone and calling the person in particular. The mode can also be quick-started from GTA5 via the character selection wheel - it's another option next to Michael, Franklin and Trevor.


Izgleda zelo obetavno!

BTW: Na kateri konzoli boste igrali igro? Jaz se trenutno bolj nagibam na Xbox stran.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sign into your Rockstar Social Club profile & start 'stalking' na Rockstarjevi parodiji Facebooka, Lifeinvaderju, ki bo verjetno tightly integrated v samem špilu: Stalking podjetij kot so Warstock Cache & Carry, Herr Kutz Barber in Redwood Cigarettes prinaša actual in-game popuste, hehe, plus there are some Los Santos celebrities v stilu Duanea Earla. Bolj zanimivo je, da so Rockstar Social Club profili direktno dosegljivi iz Lajfinvejderja (preoblečeni v rdeče obarvani lifeinvejderjevski theme, here's mine, add me ;)) in pa da rockstarjevci očitno heavily moderirajo poizkuse komentiranja na Lifeinvader wallih ter tu in tam spustijo čez kakšnega izvirnega playerja, ki roleplaya ;).

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Sam sem prednarocil GAME Exclusive Special Edition pri za 60£

Poleg tega imajo verjetno najhitrejso dostavo - polnocno odprtje trgovine za osebni prevzem :-)

Za katero konzolo pa nabavljate? Jaz sem nabavil za ps3

Bi se lahko enkrat ob releasu gta online dobili za kak heist :-)

Urejano od Bartala
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