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xbox360 shekan!


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Dal vn novico, pa morjo verjetno admini dovolit....al kaj?!?!:cough:


Sicer je velik dosezek ampak bo random user se veliko zgancev pojedel preden bo fural piraterijo.( :bowdown: )

Upam pa, da bo kmalu zmoznost predvajanja filmov oz. multimedije nasploh, iz HDD-ja!

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no, zdej mi je malo bolj jasno, ko sem prebral to, kar sem citiral spodaj. gre se zato, da je shekana zaščita, ki preverja kakšen tip medija je v xboxu. ta hack prevara xbox, da ta misli, da ma noter poseben xbox360 dvd ploščo in ne običajen dvd-r. no to je moj kratki poveztek spodjega teksta, sicer pa sej verjetno berete angleško. :)

glede na to, kakšen je tip tega hacka, ta verjetno ne bo dober za omogočanje multimedije.

What is this? A bit more info...

The hack is a modified firmware of the Xbox 360 Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L DVD-ROM drive (the security in the Toshiba/Samsung TS-H943 is said to be similar, so it's probably also possible with this drive ... but it does require it's own hacked firmware of course).

As you (should) know, all Xbox 360 executables (XEX files) are signed by Microsoft (with a private key only MS has). This means that if you try to change anything to the XEX file, the signature will be wrong and the file will not boot.

Now ... to protect from booting an exact copy of a game from a DVD-R or other recordable media, microsoft gave each XEX file a 'mediaflag'. This mediaflag tells the Xbox 360 from which media (cd-r, dvd-r, dvd+r, dvd-rw, hdd, dvdxbox, dvdxbox360, ...) the XEX is allowed to boot. Changing this mediaflag in the XEX header is not an option as it'll break the signature of the file (see above), so ... what's done in this firmware hack is 'break' the detection of the disc.

Retail games usually get a mediaflag where they only allow 'dvdxbox360' (Xbox 360 discs - different than a normal DVD because it has some specific bad sectors and special info in lead-in/out that can't be written with a standard dvd burner). The modified firmware will trick the DVD drive into reporting a DVD-R (or other) as a DVDXBOX360 to the Xbox 360.

How can you do this?

Well, right now you can't. The firmware has not been released to the public because it would mostly be used for piracy and that's not what this team wants. But the research done by these guys is public as you can read their discussions of the last few months on the xboxhacker.net forums, so people with good assembly experience should be able to duplicate this hack.

If the firmware was released, what would it mean?

Right now the Xbox 360 DVD firmware can't be flashed via PC, because there's no software to do this. Of course, drivers and flashing software for Xbox360 DVD drives could probably be written (and some people have been working on this), but so far this has not been done (atleast not publicly).

So, that means you'd have to open your Xbox 360, open your DVD drive and desolder the chip where the firmware is stored on.

Each Xbox 360 DVD drive has a unique key, if that key doesn't match what your console is expecting your DVD drive will not work.

So next you will need to read your current firmware chip with special hardware (flash programmer), to find your unique DVD 16 byte key (stored at 0x4F00). Then you'll have to insert this key in the modified firmware (or patch your original firmware) and program this modified firmware back on the firmware chip. Then put the firmware chip back in the drive, close DVD drive and Xbox 360 and I guess you're done.

As said above the hack would allow you to run MS-signed and unmodified XEX files only, so that also means the game must be of right region (as changing the regionflag in the XEX header would break the signature). Unsigned, homebrew executables would of course not work, again because signature check would fail.

(This news post will be updated often with more info/details, so keep checking if you're interested)

vir: http://www.xbox-scene.com/

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  • 1 month later...

če koga zanima...

TS-H943 DVD Firmware Hack for Xbox 360 Out in the Wild

>> Commodore4Eva, who already released a working modified Xbox1 DVD firmware some weeks ago, now released a firmware for the Xbox 360. The release has already been tested by SniperKilla and Arakon and seems to be working fine.

The modified DVD firmware has been released for the Toshiba-Samsung H943 Xbox 360 DVD drive. Just like Commodore4Eva's modified Xbox1 FW, it will need raw/unmodified dumps (of same region as your console if game is region locked), some patching (security sector on ISO and DVD drive key on firmware), DVD+DL (yes double layers!) recordable discs and a DVD burner that allows to put DVD+R DL booktype to DVDRom to work. This release comes with tools to make this all as easy as possible. Also included is a 2nd firmware that will allow you to extract the security sector (what you have to patch on the raw ISO) from an original discs with your TS-H943 drive connected to a PC.

Of course ... try all this at own risk. Your warranty will be broken, it's certainly possible to break your Xbox 360 if you don't know what you are doing. Chances are also high MS will very fast find a method to detect this firmware via LIVE.

več pa seveda na www.xbox-scene.com

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tole dela no vsaj tako sem cul od tistih ko majo samsunge notri v x360 ;)

js mam LG-hitači al ka je :lol:

sam neki me pol zanima ce npr. to ti naredis te lahko na xbox live zaznajo ce das pol vse nazaj kot je blo ?

ker tega ce bi slucajno kdaj prisel hack za hitačija nebi delu sploh ce pol ne bi mogu na live nikol ker to pomeni pol nc igranja online in nc novih dodatkov in patchov za xbox360


vse ka bi rabu je nizjo ceno za x360 igre :hyper: pa bi blo vse kewl :rock:

Lep Pozdrav :beer:

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LG-Hitachi so shekali, ko je ta hack sploh prišel ven. Oz. so samo objavili, da jim je uspelo. Navodil, pripomočkov pa niso izdali. Poglej topic, ki sem ga objavil 18.3.2006.

Glede Live ne vem, če je potrjeno, da te banajo. Verjetno pa bodo to delali.

Sam bi rad, da pride hack, ki bo omogočal vse multimedijske možnosti, kot jih ima stari xbox. Prej verjetno novega ne kupim.

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Itaq....sam zadeve na XBL sploh ni za nucat.....M$ ma baje ze nek plan B....

plan B je pa vklučevanje updejtov v same igre

primer OBLIVION - ko sem dobil novo konzolo z reklamacije sem dal not špil ki sem ga kupil isti dan in začuda mi je izpisalo da igre ni mogoče igrati razen če se updejta :headscratch: sem mislil ok bom ga doma updejto (sem bil pri punci nima ADSLa) mi ni dalo mira in sem še enkrat probal in sem potrdil naj mi updejta in sem bil presenečen

sam špil je imel vključen zadnji updejt, ki se je drugače naložil prek Liva :headscratch:

mislim da bo teško shekat xbox 360 :headscratch:


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  • 4 weeks later...

naj ne bi imelo veze z dvd firmwareom. meni zgleda kul. ko bom mel iste možnosti uporabe xbox360 kot sedaj xboxa ga verjetno zamenjam. sm TV bo treba tudi menjat. :amazed:

Devil 360: Modchip for the Xbox 360

The Devil360 will be a modchip for the Xbox 360 console, the 'small' security hole has been found! This device is in no way related to the DVD firmware exploits - it's a totally different approach.

However we did not manage to get the product ready for today (6/6/6), because we are working hard on improving it to:

* Try to protect it from any type of update

* Make it programmable via PC

* Boot unsigned code

* Allow to swap HD with larger drive with a special interface between the 360 and the HD (all types IDE/SATA).

* And more...

We understand, certainly after the ICE modchip story, that people will not easily believe this so we will send prototypes to some scene sites as soon as they are ready, so they can confirm it's real.

The modchip will be sold without any code.

We also discovered some shops already take pre-orders for this product. Do not pre-order it!

We did not announce any distributors yet and the device will not go on pre-order until at least after the prototypes have been tested/reviewed by independent sites.

Official Site: http://www.devil360.com

vir: www.xbox-scene.com

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

XBG Ales mi je dal link do enga cipa NME 360, ki ma baje sleep mode zato ne rab switcha za off/on, zej studiram d abi nabavu sam an bolhi prodaja en za 30k (tipicna slovenska pozresnost) iz tujine ga ap narocis za 40-60 eurov.

Zanima me ce kdo kej pozna ce se kdo v sloveniji ze bavi z cipi, kr se mi ne da cakat vrjetn bom kr playgameu poslal da mi flasha firmware.

Aja ce kdo kupi -vse prodam za 7k, BF2 in FNR3 , ceprav bf2 bo treba pocaak t k ga bom zle posodu jerneju :beer:


xFire: spankrock

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ta nme 360 podpira multimedijske funkcije (divx in stuff) al je to izkjučno za pirate? ker jaz mislim svoj xbox zamenjat z novim xboxom 3 sixtyom, ko bo ta mel vse možnosti kot jih ma old one. mislim pa, da tega še ni, ker jim še ni ratalo zaganjat homebrew kode. :?

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