yamall5 Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 danes utipkam na google psx in najdem nekaj novega kot nekaksen psx prilagam slike Quote Link to comment
Cloud Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 Psx je kodno ime za PlayStation 1. Je prelomnica v konzolasticnem svetu. Ta slika pa zgleja, hm....nvm kot kaksen fejk. Mozno sicer, da kaj takega res obstaja....sam nebi vedel. Edit: Sel poglejat na google in dejansko ta stvar obstaja: PSX is the name of a Sony media center, digital video recorder, and DVD recorder based on the PlayStation 2 video game console. Since it was designed to be a general-function audiovisual device, it was marketed by the main Sony Corporation (whereas Sony Computer Entertainment markets the corporation's specific game-related hardware). It was released in Japan on December 13, 2003. There were plans to release it in other territories in 2004, but in 2005 these plans were postponed indefinitely due to poor sales. The PSX features either a 160 GB or 250 GB hard drive to record television shows, home movies, digital photos, or to play PlayStation 2 titles (including those requiring the PlayStation 2 Hard Disk Drive). The PSX can be linked with the portable PSP device to transfer videos and music. There is also the indication that the PSX will be linked with the PlayStation 3, meaning that existing PSX owners will not be left out. This could possibly mean that the base version of the PS3 would connect to the PSX to form the “home server” version of the PS3. The PSX is also known for its introduction of Sony's Cross Media Bar (XMB) interface. PSX is also a popular nickname for the original PlayStation video games console. The "X" appears because Sony originally developed the PlayStation as a CD-ROM and SNES hybrid unit. When the project was halted by Nintendo, Sony decided to redesign the PlayStation as a stand alone console, which was known internally as the PlayStation Experimental.[citation needed] The media caught wind of the name and it has stuck ever since. The PSX label understandably causes much confusion, as in many contexts it is difficult to differentiate between the PSX media center and PSX video game console Quote Link to comment
č.u.k. Posted June 1, 2007 Share Posted June 1, 2007 PSX je bilo kodno ime za prvi PlayStation ja, kasneje, ko je izšel PlayStation One, pa se je opustilo in so ga uporabili za multimedijsko verzijo PlayStationa 2, ki je izšla samo na japonskem. Torej PSX = multimedijski PS2 za japonski trg. Quote Link to comment
admins Anduril Posted June 1, 2007 admins Share Posted June 1, 2007 Ali ste vi zelo mladi .. ali pa precej konzolastično nerazgledani. Quote Link to comment
Prezioso Posted June 3, 2007 Share Posted June 3, 2007 Kolikor vem je ta konzola bila limited edition izdana samo na jap. in ima možnost snemanja tv vsebine na disk + neke dodatne funkcije... Quote Link to comment
nintendek Posted June 5, 2007 Share Posted June 5, 2007 ogabno Quote Evo moja spletna stran: http://www.freewebs.com/nintendek KSi to smo mi, KSi to ste vi, KSi to smo vsi. KSi- the best slovene web page and forum Link to comment
kratos... Posted June 5, 2007 Share Posted June 5, 2007 :crybaby: kr nekiii pomoje je samo tistih 160 GB placa neki vredno , za skatlo nebi dal niti 0,1 eur Quote Link to comment
nintendek Posted June 5, 2007 Share Posted June 5, 2007 sma res to je res krneki če bi mel vsej HDMI pa Blu-ray sedaj je dobr pa sam disk. Za tole dam 1 cent Quote Evo moja spletna stran: http://www.freewebs.com/nintendek KSi to smo mi, KSi to ste vi, KSi to smo vsi. KSi- the best slovene web page and forum Link to comment
tuning Posted June 5, 2007 Share Posted June 5, 2007 Tista zadeva kao ps2 razsirjena zadeva ( v prodaji samo na jap) je bila tudi zelo draga. Po moje da okol 200k sit. LP,Sandi Quote PS, ce koga zanima nakup R4 naj me kontaktira na ZS ali EMAIL: tuning@volja.net ali www.taskmedia.si Link to comment
retron Posted October 4, 2008 Share Posted October 4, 2008 sma res to je res krneki če bi mel vsej HDMI pa Blu-ray sedaj je dobr pa sam disk. Za tole dam 1 cent Ne glede na to da je predvajala igre PS1 in PS2, snemala filme na 250GB disk ali DVDje, predvajala le-te in je bila prva konzola ki je imela XMB? Aja, naj omenim, izšla je leta 2003. Mislim da bi takrat dal le kaj več kot 1 tolar zanjo Quote Link to comment
Cloud Posted October 4, 2008 Share Posted October 4, 2008 Po nepotrebnem obujaš leto stare teme... Quote Link to comment
shoelace Posted October 5, 2008 Share Posted October 5, 2008 Ka je folk čist nor, more Playstation crap? Aha, je že old, sem mislu da bo spet kak Shitstation Quote xFire: spankrock Link to comment
Manbearpig Posted October 5, 2008 Share Posted October 5, 2008 Dej shoelace ti si en revez. Ne sej ne sej si zakon. Quote Moj psn id--> Jure00 Link to comment
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