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Čeprav me po konferenci tale špil ni kaj preveč zanimal (ker idioti očitno izpustijo tanajbolj zanimive informacije), me sedaj, ko sem prebral nekaj vtisov in pogledal posnetke, prav navdušuje.

Gre za prvoosebni survival-horror: v mestu, preplavljenem z zombiji, moramo preživeti z omejenimi zalogami. Kaj naredi špil poseben? Uporaba kontrolerja za upravljanje z inventoryem, vlamljanje, preiskovanje trupel - medtem pa špil normalno poteka naprej. Ves čas moraš obenem čekirati, kaj se dogaja na TVju, ker te tam kadarkoli lahko začopati zombi. Zakaj je to problem? Ker te ugriznejo fakin enkrat in game over, adijo, spokej. Nič checkpointov, nič čudežnega respawna, nič. Ko umreš, tvoj naključno zgeneriran lik umre, ti pa se zbudiš kot nekdo povsem drug v nekem centralnem hubu, kjer se zbirajo preživeli. Izgubiš vse skille prejšnjega lika, lahko pa ga vsaj poiščeš v naokrog vandrajoči zombi obliki in mu spuliš nazaj vse predmete, ki si jih imel s prejšnjim likom. Fucking awesome!

Prvotni trailer:


IGNjev Developer Demo posnetek (15 min), ki mnogo bolje razloži celoten koncept:

In še navdušeni Kotaku vtisi:

Kot povzamejo: ZombiU Sprinkles Dead Island With A Liberal Dose of Dark Souls. In Other Words, It’s Rad

Ubi je tole leto res prevzel E3 v vseh pogledih. :thumbsup:

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Noro, noro in noro :hyper:

Če ne bo tega mahanja s kontrolerjem oz. če boš lahko zadevo izklopil si mogoče

konzolo celo nabavim.


No ja... če potegnem črto, bi na koncu dneva še vedno raje imel novo konzolo, kot pa PSvito in smartglass (telefon al kwa je to).

~LP, Cap´n

Urejano od Captain Obvious


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Zadevo sprobal ma Gamescomu in seka. Ubisoft s polno par dela na Wii Uju in tole bo ena boljših zadev vsaj kar se prvega vala tiče. Tablica sama je precej velika, a precej lahka. Fino sede v roke, je lepo oblikovana. Sam špil ga seka. Pa ne maram FPSjev kaj preveč. Igraš klasično, le ko odpreš kak zaboj preideš na spodnji ekran. S dotikom pač pobereš kar hočeš nositi s sabo. Pa ko skeniraš okolico je tablica skener in jo premikaš okoli sebe. Zgledaš, ko budala a občutek je pa krasen. Pa ko crkneš se zbudiš na istem mestu a kot druga oseba.


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  • vrhovni

Celega posta se mi ne da še enkrat pisat ter limat video zraven, je pa tole z Gamescoma. Bilo je objavljeno skupaj z videom.

- game was originally going to be 7-8 hours

- campaign now takes 15-20 hours, depending on your skill level

- 17 levels which "are bigger" than what we've seen demoed

- 5 "specials" zombies (more skilled) without counting the bosses

- The messages/notifications we can see in the game come from the comunity/other players

- There are 4 npc characters in the campaign who'll be the story drivers


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  • 2 tednov kasneje...

Tole bo res effin awesome. One hit aspekt mi je pa ena boljših pogruntavščin in prinaša končno spet malce svežine v FPS žanr. Namreč tista stiska, da umreš pri enem samcatem udarcu in nato zadovoljstvo, ko ubiješ zombija, ki te je ubil in svoj prejšni jaz, ki je postal zombi(da dobiš nazaj svoj loot), mora bit nepopisen.


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  • vrhovni


Publication Date: 18 Nov 2012

• Tear through an infected London with stats and advice for every weapon.

• Watch the streets: Every CCTV Junction Box found and tagged!

• Full maps of every London location, without the fog of war.

• Key tactical advice for defeating every Zombie variant.

• Full multiplayer tactics focusing on surviving and thriving.

• Every weapon enhancement, upgrade, and journal found.




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Gabrielle Shrager, the story director of ZombiU, has revealed that the survival horror title will feature a big plot twist that only the most persistent and best-prepared survivors will discover. With gamers able to share information on Miiverse, Shrager hopes that other players won’t spoil this intriguing twist with others.

“There is a twist. ZombiU is a thriller, but only the most persistent and best-prepared survivors will discover what the twist is before the reveal.”

“I’m sure the first survivors won’t resist the urge to spill the beans, but I hope others won’t spoil it for themselves.”


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  • 2 tednov kasneje...

Zgleda bo šlo za zelo specifičen špil in bodo ocene all over the place

Gamespotovec mu je dal 4.5, bojda z obrazložitvijo, da je pričakoval 'more shooting action' in mam kr filing, da je sploh falil vso poanto igre - zgleda je pričakoval BLOPS2 klon :crazy: se pa ne čudim, itak vemo, s čigave strani je GS obilno sponzoriran..



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  • vrhovni

Zaenkrat so ocene precej deljene, me prav zanima, kako se bo tole razvijalo.

Gamespot - 4.5/10

ZombiU is a game trapped in the wrong genre. The run-and-gun multiplayer modes emphasise the game's competent shooting mechanics and ability to create interesting enemy encounters. However those two aspects of play are de-emphasised in the game proper, replaced with a bare minimum of story, and some simple puzzles. ZombiU could have been an enjoyable action game, but instead it is a poor entry in the survival horror genre.

Official Nintendo Magazine - 92/100

With ZombiU, they love the fact that it is truly a survival horror game, and a legitimately scary one as well. The attention to detail is apparently fantastic as well, they use the example of the ingame depiction of London Underground stations, featuring status boards, announcements, turnstyles, the round help buttons, etc. They also see the gamepad as being used excellently, for example as a scanner, inventory, controlling security cameras, etc. They have a few minor issues and glitches with the gameplay, but nothing too major. They also wished it had online play and Miiverse functionality. Overall, they claim that it is 'the game you'll be switching on to illustrate why the WiiU is so great'.

EDGE - 7/10

"ZombiU makes the relationship between TV and GamePad screens feel fresh, and - displaying a clear awareness of horror gaming conventions - it toys with you brilliantly [...] and contribute to sophisticated shocks. The GamePad's new way to play also presents new ways for you to be played, and the resulting surprises are often delightful."

They go on to lament a back tracking section towards the end of the game, and a loss of "earthy realism" in the cheaper, fantastical enemies as the game progresses.

edit. I noticed they also said that the game fails to capture London's ethnic diversity, which was a concern of mine from the trailers also. Minor point, but a missed opportunity for Montpellier.


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