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Ekskluzivno:Journey, Flower and Flow PS3 bundle


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Thatgamecompany so potrdili prihod paketa njihovi treh iger Journey, Flower in Flow, [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]kar bo nujen nakup za vse lastnike PS3, ki še niso igrali katere od njih.




"Yes, the Journey Collector's Edition is a thing. We can't say too many things about it, but we'll have the full details on it soon, and the details will be awesome."








Journey: Collector's Edition

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Journey, a project very dear to our hearts, represents thatgamecompany’s efforts to deliver a unique emotional experience to players online. As such, in conjunction with Santa Monica Studio, it is an honor to announce the Journey Collector’s Edition, launching for the PlayStation 3. This is our first disc-based release, and will be available at retail outlets across North America for $29.99 on August 28, with release info for additional territories to be announced soon.

From the simplicity of flOw, to the poetry of Flower, to the awe of Journey, this special Blu-ray bundle features thatgamecompany’s three award-winning PlayStation Network-exclusive titles, paired with exclusive new content and previously released digital content.

The complete set of bonus flOw, Flower, and Journey content includes:

+30-minute behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Journey

+Creator Commentary play-throughs of all three games

+Three exclusive mini-games from thatgamecompany

+Concept art and screenshot galleries for all three games

+Original soundtracks for all three games

+PS3 dynamic themes and wallpapers

+PSN avatars including 8 exclusive new Journey avatars never released before

+Official game trailers and developer diary videos

+Reversible cover art

We are particularly excited about the Creator Commentary play-throughs of all three games, because we get to share with players insights about flOw, Flower, and Journey straight from the minds of the designers, artists, engineers and composers who worked together to make these games so special.

Another great feature included on the disc are the three exclusive mini-games born out of a thatgamecompany tradition: the 24hr Game Jam. As the name implies, each game was created by us, start to finish, in 24 hours. So for the first time ever, thatgamecompany’s mini-games, Gravediggers, Duke War!!, and Nostril Shot, will be available to play outside of our studio.

We share these mini-games as a “thank you” to our players for supporting us over the years. In case the names didn’t already give it away, these mini-games showcase thatgamecompany’s lighter side with madcap competitive multiplayer action. We hope you sincerely enjoy their silliness as much as we have.

In the meantime, please check out the official trailer for thatgamecompany’s first Blu-ray disc release, hitting stores on August 28.


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  • 3 months later...




Poštarji in carina ti seveda poberejo še dodatnih 10€, zraven sem dobil še nekaj tematskih nalepk...


v paketu je so še OST za vse tri igre, ART, slike iz iger, posnetek s omentarjem razvijalcev za vsako igro posebej od začetka do konca... ni da ni :drool:


Edited by Bessie


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