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  1. keri komenti:

    Seems like we've found out how Gamestop will survive the digital download era, they're gonna publish their own damn video games.



    Now, this is what you do.

    Find one of these boxes. Get a jewel case and stick a blank CD in it. Paint the bottom blue if you have to. Then go to an outdoor market and try to sell it. "Yo man I got a HACKED copy of a 360 game for the PLAYSTATION THREE CAN YOU DIG IT SUCKA?" (Screaming helps) Eventually someone will buy it because people are dumb. If they ask why the CD looks like a blank CD, remind them it has been HARDCORE HAXED (make sure they know its an X in there too, because the X is a frightening letter and will befuddle them into believing this must be far better than mere 'hacking') and if he had a real copy of the game he would probably be stabbed by now and they wouldn't be having this conversation. Also, try to get a feel for the person. If they appear to be republican, remind him that you donate 5% of your profits from illegal gaming sales to the republican party. If they are a vampire, tell them you hate Twilight too. If they're from PETA (hint: they have a special aroma that smells like false righteousness and a severe lack of working brain tissue wrapped in a burrito covering) tell them that you will kill a puppy with punches if they don't buy it. You get the idea.

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