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  1. Poštnine pri Zavvi ni. Kar se tiče dostave, je tako, da boš pri njih čakal okoli deset dni, lahko tudi kakšen dan več. Če se ti ne mudi, so odlična izbira. Če bi rad igro v najkrajšem možnem času, pa odklikaj na ShopTo, Sendit in ostale trgovine. Tam boš za poštnino odštel tri funte.

    Zavvi mi je nazadnje dostavil poškodovano igro in sicer New Super Luigi U. Ni bila njihova krivda, plošček ni bil pritrjen in je plesal po svoje, zato je prispel poln prask. Sem jim takoj pisal, odgovorili so mi še isti dan. Poslali so mi navodila, igra je romala na pošto in nazaj k njim, poslali so mi novo in mi vrnili stroške poštnine. Vse brez težav.

    Še nekaj, na spletni strani britanskih trgovin vedno obkljukaj, da ti cene kaže v funtih. Plačaj tudi v funtih. Imajo čudne pretvorbe in če boš plačal v evrih, boš skoraj vedno plačal več, kot v primeru, da kasneje banka sama pretvori funte v evre in ti trga z računa. Enako je z eShop-om. Vedno funti.

  2. Mario Karta pa še nisem nabavil ravno zaradi slutnje, da ne bom našel nobenih soigralcev. Po mojem nas je 3DS lastnikov dovolj in je tudi konzolin nabor iger dozorel do te mere, da bi se dalo kaj zrihtat.

    Zakaj bi se bal, da ne boš našel soigralcev? Saj pri nobeni igri nisi odvisen od Slovencev. Mi imamo redno dirke. Prav tako vsak dan skupaj igramo Animal Crossing in še precej drugih iger.

    Lastnikov konzole je pri nas veliko, le da tukaj na forumu vlada taka apatija, da me vse skupaj enostavno mine. Ljudje prilepijo svoj FC in izginejo iz foruma. Nima smisla.

  3. The following information comes from a supposed inside source:

    • between ten to eleven Nintendo published retail games to be shown for Wii U at E3
    • third party games to be shown as well
    • around 70 Wii U games are currently in development from a variety of publishers
    • Nintendo will be publishing/releasing four Wii U games of their own before the end of 2012
    • considering pricing Wii U lower than they want to
    • big wave of 3DS and Wii U software this holiday season
    • Nintendo has at least three new franchises in development for the Wii U, coming from various studios

    • za (+1) 2
  4. Epic Games vice president Mark Rein:

    “I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people.”

    “I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller.

    “Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would. That’s what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great.”

    “I’d love it if they’d done it last year, but I’m excited for them to do it this year. I’d be shocked if it doesn’t do well.

    “Did you play that Battle Mii game? Two players would play with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk and one would play with the Wii U controller?

    “I would buy a Wii U to play that game in a heartbeat. And I hope people make those kind of games with our technology. I think we’ve yet to really see what the Wii U can do and I think at E3 this year they’re going to shock us.”

    • za (+1) 1
  5. Nekje sem bral da se rating za vsak GP gleda tudi po tem koliko časa si vozil na prvem mestu itd... Da ni vedno mus da imaš na koncu 10 kovancev. Spomnem se da sem eno izmed dirk v GPju končal z 8 in vseeno dobil tri zvezdice na koncu (100 cc).

    Odvisno je od marsičesa, res je. Veliko stvari se ti more poklopiti, če ne zbereš vseh kovancev in želiš dobiti tri zvezdice. V 150cc je še toliko težje. Najhuje je, ko te udari strela ali pa dobiš rdečo ali modro v rit na zadnji, četrti dirki, ko si že odpeljal polovico finalnega kroga ali pa si tik pred ciljem, ko ne moreš več nadoknaditi izgubljenega. Izgubiš pet ali še več kovancev in je konec s tabo. Vse gre v nič. :banghead:

  6. Masachika Kawata, the producer of Resident Evil: Revelations, has expressed interest in making more Resident Evil games for the 3DS, saying:

    The incredibly positive fan reaction to Revelations has definitely given me motivation to make another 3DS RE title. I have some ideas in mind. However, I have a lot of other projects that need to be taken care of first. I must admit [that] hearing players say how much they enjoyed Revelations does kind of make me want to forget the other projects and get stuck right into making another RE game for fans to enjoy.


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