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Zapisi od milan5

  1. Good news, Battlefield 3 PC players - The latest patch for Battlefield 3 will be rolling out tomorrow. The ~1.6 GB update will start rolling out at around 9AM UTC / 11 AM CET March 29. You can read the highlights here:

    The Xbox 360 patch will be coming soon. We'll have a date for you ASAP.

    Mal pozn odgovor ampak vseeno. Pc gamerji so dons pršli do patcha, bogve kdaj pa bomo to dočakal na xboxu.

  2. Najbolj očitna ali pa vsaj prva taka stvar, ki mi pade na pamet je neučinkovit squad sistem v lobbyju preden gre se pridružiš igri. Včeraj in danes sma z bmxriderjem igrala skupaj in naju nikakor ni uspelo dat v isto ekipo. Mislim, kje je potem point ustvarjanja squada s kolegi, če te igra potem razdeli na pol in recimo dva vrže v eno ekipo, dva pa v drugo? Ok, da bi se to redko dogajalo bi še razumel, ampak da moreš res 5x it v igro in nazaj ven, ob vsem skupaj pa še vedno čakat loading screene in povabljat ljudi nazaj v squad samo zato, da te bo čez dve minuti spet razdelilo na pol...

    TriGGer se vid da si komi špil dobil. Glede squada sploh ni tko k si ti napisu.Če štartaš v main menuju z 4 frendi v sqadu in se joinate na server vas razmeče narazen v primeru, da na isti strani ni dovolj prostora za vse igralce. Če vas že razmeče, imaš na voljo opcijo switch team. Če ste pa na isti strani ampak v različnih squadih pa samo zapustite squad in greste v istiga. V nobenem primeru ni treba 5x hodt ven iz igre tako kot si ti opisal.

  3. problem imam z vsemi kinect igrami razen sports 2, ki mi dela

    ustvarila sem ze 2 nova profila brez live-a in za vsak slučaj izklopila internet....

    in napise mi vsakic ko se hocem v katerokol igrco prjavt s kermu kol profilom al je na live ali ni:

    Your console can't connect to XBOX Live. Do you want to exit this session and test your network connection? If you are playing a game, you will lose any unsaved progress.

    In če dam no, me da v igrco kot guest in se nič ne shranjuej, če pa dam yes pa itak jav napako ker ne more na net....

    kakšna ideja, je še komu to počelo?


    A lahko mal več poveš o tvoji situaciji? Maš modano konzolo? Zakaj se pa ne prijaviš na live in pa zakaj si izklopila internet?

  4. :wario:

    Aja, pa DLC-ji pridejo najprej na PS3...!

    Battlefield 3: Close Quarters is a themed expansion pack bringing the team play of Battlefield 3 to tight indoor environments. The frantic close quarters infantry combat is amplified by unprecedented high definition destruction, new ways to play, more weapons and added persistence.


    Key Features

    Get plunged into frantic and relentless infantry combat

    Check your corners as death can come from any angle

    HD destruction lets you reduce entire locales to ruin

    Earn new weapons and bring them back to the base game

    Complete new assignments and equip unique dog tags

    Play in new ways, mixing team play and instant action

    The HD Destruction in Close Quarters lets players riddle the environment with bullets, reducing entire locales to ruin. Everything from furniture to plaster can be shot to pieces, and players can see the result of the mayhem as rubble and broken pieces pile up on the floor.

    The tight level design and many opportunities for vertical gameplay mean players will need to bring their A game if they want to stay alive in this highly competitive theater of war.

    Battlefield 3: Close Quarters will be available on PC, PlayStation®3, and Xbox 360™ June 2012. Head to the Battlefield Blog for details on our other upcoming expansion packs Battlefield 3™: Armored Kill and Battlefield 3™: End Game.


    Važn da smo na x škatli vedno na zadnjem mestu kar se tiče updajtov pa raznih packov pr BF3. Glede Close Quarters dodatka me pa že glava boli, k že zdele vem da bojo sami nubi z USAS 12 pa fragi.

  5. Ej dobri ste :car: sploh ni zabavno igrat z vami :tepen: še posebej ne na nasprotni strani :kratos: se vidi,da poznate že praktično vsak kamenček na vsaki mapi :D tako, da taki kot sem jaz izpademo kot turisti oz. canon further, čeprav parkrat mi je celo uspelo koga presenetit, ponavadi sem pa vstrelil prvič, drugič tretjič pa nič, dobil nazaj enkrat in konc :yes:.

    Pa nekako ni praktično biti v chatu z nasprotno ekipo, misliš, da ti squad pokriva hrbet, v resnici ste jih pa pospravljali LOL in preden rečeš keks ti Vito prereže grlo :applause:

    Sem potem ko ste šli za tolažbo odigral par rund, da sem lažje spal in me niso preganjali razni Vito666, Milani, luctorius ipd. ;)

    Bessie te naslednjič vzamemo v svoj squad, pa bo mal drugač igrat. Mogoče že danes zvečer?

  6. V prihodnjih dneh imam namen naročiti Turtle Beach xp500 za xbox 360.Glede nato,da niso poceni me zanima ,če ima kdo izkušnje z temi slušalkam?Ali se splača rajši kupit kakšne Tritton.

    Jz mam Turtle Beach X4 pa mi ni centa žal k sm dal za njih. Pomoje se ti splača kupt, je pa res da niso pocen.

  7. In jutri bodo PC igralci spet dobil update, na xboxu pa še kr čakamo.

    "We will release an update to the PC version of BF3 on Dec 6th -- that is, Tuesday morning around 8AM GMT next week. This coincides with an upgrade of many of our central systems which will be down for some hours starting around that time.

    It will be both a client update -- approximately 2GB in size -- and a server update.

    The client/server combination will be incompatible with older clients/servers. All players will be prompted to download the update once it has been released. All RSP companies will begin upgrading their servers at the same time.

    The client update is large because it contains most of the content for Back to Karkand. This is not ideal, so we aim to make potential DLC content in the future as optional downloads.


    Fixed a problem with spawn timer now showing blue border on startup and lost spawn point

    Fixed a problem where player who joined queuing on End of round got spawn screen stuck on screen, but unable to do anything with it untill next round loaded

    Fixed a problem where camera would change to 3rd person on killcam when killcam was turned off in server settings

    Fixed stat references on several dogtags

    Fixed for surveillance ribbon not counting TUGS

    Fixed a missing combat area lines on the minimap for Grand Bazaar conquest small

    Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree

    Fixed a problem where placing C4 with the russians soldier was playing US faction VO

    Fixed a problem where TV guided missiles could be shot into its own helicopter and destroy it

    Fixed a problem when attempting to fire lock on weapons without a target

    Tweaked the chat, it should now be a bit easier to read

    Fixed several vehicles that did not properly shoot rockets and guns towards their predictive sights

    Fixed the G17 Supressed Laser not working properly

    Added alternate HUD colors to help colorblinds

    Added a network interpolation setting. This allows users with good bandwidth reduce latency, but might increase some stuttering. The user can find what works best for his connection by tweaking the slider.

    Increased the Spawn protection radius on TDM

    Fixed a problem with smoke on land vehicles, Missiles should now miss more often

    Fixed a problem where users could end up with IRNV scope in any vehicle

    Fixed a problem where player dies if vaulting over a ledge and into water while sprinting

    Fixed several crashes and increased general stability

    Fixed a problem where the user was unable to revive two players that have the bodies one over the other

    Fixed so you can assign an axis and use as a digital input. This makes it possible for the player (on pc) to assign one of the sticks on a gameped to be used for throttle/brake.

    Fixed a problem with the Kill camera acting up when suiciding from parachute

    Fixed air radar was showing to much. now lasertagged, heatsignature above threshold, enemy missiles and capture points are only visible on air radar

    Fixed a problem where the game would enter a technical hang if the user pressed pause menu and tilde at the same time

    Fixed a problem where you could get green flashes on screen

    You can now reassign cycle weapons

    Fixed so the weapon zooms automatically after bipod deploy is gone when using zoom toggle

    Fixed a problem where the parachute would stay stuck in air if the owner was killed

    Balance Tweaks

    Fixed several weapons so they are properly suppressed and hide the player on the minimap when fired.

    Tweaked Tactical Light so it is not as blinding over longer ranges.

    Tweaked the IRNV scope so it is limited to usage only at close range.

    Reduced heat masking effectiveness of Spec Ops Camo.

    Fixed a bug where Ammo spec would give additional 40mm grenades instead of Frag spec.

    Increased the number of additional 40mm grenades from Frag spec.

    Fixed so AT mines only live for 20 seconds after a player dies to prevent infinite mines.

    Increased the Time to Live on sniper caliber rounds to allow extreme distance shots.

    Fixed several weapon descriptions, calibers, and fire rates. The weapons themselves have not changed.

    Fixed so the M9 and MP443 pistol can be equipped by the opposing faction when it is unlocked at 100 kills.

    Fixed Laser Guided Missiles missing their targets if the target is moving too fast.

    Reduced the effectiveness of Stealth on Air Vehicles.

    Reduced the effectiveness of Beam Scanning for Jets.

    Reduced the damage done to Armored Vehicles and Infantry from AA guns.

    Increased the damage RPGs and Tank shells do to AA vehicles.

    Slightly decreased the accuracy for all weapons on fully automatic, burst fire is now preferable at mid to long range.

    Increased the effective accuracy of long bursts for LMGs when using a bipod.

    Slightly increased the range of the 44magnum bullets.

    Increased the close range damage of 4.6x30mm and 5.7x28mm bullets.

    Increased the reload time of the Mortar from 3.5sec to 4.8sec and increased the time it takes before a shell hits the ground.

    Reduced the aimed accuracy bonus given by a Suppressor for the MP7, P90, PP2000, PP-19, and UMP45.

    Increased the range and FOV for designating targets with the SOFLAM and vehicle Laser Designators.

    Decreased the effectiveness of 12g FRAG ammo when equipped on semi-automatic and automatic shotguns.

    Slightly Increased the power of Fighter Jet Cannons against all vehicle targets, especially Helicopters.

    Decreased the power of Miniguns against Jets and Helicopters.

    Increased the power of Stingers against Jets.

    Flares reload times for Jets and Helicopter Gunners have been increased.

    Tweaked the AN94 so its burst fire better conveys the real world advantage offered by this weapon.

    Added Single Shot to the AN94 as an available fire mode.

    Slightly increased the recoil on the M416 and removed the Burst Fire mode (this weapon incorrectly had burst fire, which was not authentic).

    Tweaked the spawns for TDM on Kharg Island, Grand Bazaar, Caspian Border, Seine Crossing, Operation Firestorm, Damavand Peak and Noshahar Canals

    Moved a tank spawn in US base on Caspian Border so it would not be destroyed by a falling tree

    Tweaked the Gas station Capture area on Conquest on Caspian Border

    Tweaked the max vehicle height on Noshahar Canals

    Min player requirements

    Also, it will once again be possible to reduce the number of players required to start a round to 1 both in ranked and unranked mode. We changed it back after getting a lot of negative feedback from both individuals and the RSP companies.

    Our plan for the future is to introduce a warm-up mode, where players can move about and play the game, but with scoring disabled; then, when the number of players goes above the threshold -- that's when the real round starts."

    Pa še če koga zanima, je danes ob 20.00. :


  8. Mape niso manjše samo manj ljudi je... Igra se 12 : 12 ter ker ni možnosti ingame chat-a na konzolah, tudi ni trollov in jokic

    Bi te rad sam popravu, da je ingame chat na konzolah med isto ekipo, pa ne mislm med igralci v squadu. Greš pod squad&team pa maš tm opcijo pod VOIP: squad ali pa team.

  9. Kupujem nov xbox in me zanimata 2 varijanti - xbox brez dodatnega diska (torej kapaciteta 4 gb) in xbox z 250 gb diska - kakšna je razlika med tema dvema (razen v ceni in v tem da naložiš igro lahko na disk)...:headscratch:

    a se tisti brez diska (torej igraš direktno iz dvd-ja) kaj bolj segreje, mogoče pregreva, dlje nalaga, se pojavljajo kakšne napake itd. v primerjavi z xbox-om ki ima disk in igro igraš z diska? a se splača plačat kar nekaj evrov več pa vzet disk 250 gb zraven ali je za neko normalno igranje dovolj dober tudi xbox 4 gb (brez diska)? prosim odgovori na podlagi dejstev in ne na podlagi tega da ti je sosed rekel da je stvar brez diska sranje itd.:a_a: hvala vsem za odgovore:wave:

    Moje mnenje je, da se ti bolj splača vzet unga z 250GB diskom. Rabš ga, da shranš save game,pa profil. Če pa špile naložiš na disk je pa manjša obraba laserja, pa še tišje ti deluje pa hitrej naloži igro.

  10. mp sploh ni več zabaven. vsaj za moje pojme. jaz lahko 1000metkov streljam v sovražnika in potem še zmeraj on mene ubije.

    Možno je tut da si naletela na nekoga, ki je glitchu in je bil nesmrten. Tazga loh ubije samo eksploziv.

  11. pozdravljeni! nekaj me zanima,in sicer kupil sem ta špil (battlefield3),in ko ga obrnem na single,bi rad igral online. račun na live že imam. je postopek preprost,torej kupim samo še gold,vtipkam kodo,se logiram,in to je to? nekje sem zasledil da bom moral plačati še 800ms points. to drži? in pa zanima me še,če bom dvd za singleplayer lahko prodal,tistega za online pa obdržal? ne rabim obeh verjetno,al kaj?

    Vtipkaš kodo za gold in loh začneš igrat. Ne vem pa zakaj boš rabu 800 MS points. Za multiplayer rabš samo drug disk. Pa najbrž se boš mogu še na ea registrirat.

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