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Zapisi od Godlike

  1. Nekje sem zasledil tale clanek in zdi se mi da je tole absolutno treba sprobati.

    Through its Media Center Extender fucntionality, the Xbox 360 acts as dumb terminal to your Windows Media Center 2005 PC.

    Aside from streaming video, it can also run additional programs and plugins, found in the "More Programs" heading on the Media Center main menu. Note that none of these programs are running directly on the Xbox- they are all running in some form on your PC. However, we can exploit this feature to run additional software(like web browsing) on the Xbox 360. Currently, there is no way to have mouse support using the 360 controller or media remote- however, the controller can be used as a keyboard.

    To add an entry to the "More Programs" listing that will show up in Media Center on your Xbox:

    1. Go to the directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Media Center\Media Center Programs

    2. Create a new text file with the name of the program you want to run(For example Browser.txt)

    3. Put the following line in your file:

    <application url="url_here" name="name_here" />

    If you want to do web browsing on your Xbox 360, you can simply enter a URL. To open a program, enter its exact path. For example:

    <application url="" name="Google" />

    4. Change your file's extension from .txt to .mcl .

    In Media Center on your 360, go to More Programs and select the file you just made.

    Enjoy web browsing on your 360!

    Nazalost nimam WMC :(


  2. Zanima me ce po katerem koli slucaju(cudezu) obstaja ''program, aplikacija'' ki bi povezala xbox 360 in pc tako da bi si delila disk, da recimo nebi bilo treba kupiti diska ce ga nebi imel.


  3. Imam nekaj problemov xbox live. Ko se zelim registrerat moram vpisat iz kje sem. Vendar na seznamu ni slovenije, tako da sem pustil izbrano anglijo. Vendar ko hocem registrati xbox live gold (brezplacno 1 mesec) moram vtipkati naslov in spodaj postno stevilkov tipkal sem kar domaci naslov in postno stevilko 1000 vendar pise da postna stevilka ni pravilna. Nevem kaj naj naredim. KAKO SE PRIJAVIM POD SLOVENIJO??

    David :no_no:

  4. No sedaj sem kupil xbox 360 (core) v harvy normanu(predrago sem placal, v mullerju stane 71k pa se lepsa skatla je). No in imam 1 problem. Moj xbox NIMA diska :( A je to normalno? Da ga mores dokupiti? Ker ko sem imel navaden xbox je imel disk ze v osnovi. Ta ga pa nima. :eye:


  5. Pozdravljeni.

    Pred kratkim sem se odlocil za nakup xbox 360. In kot vsak novinec na tem področju imam nekaj uprasanj.

    -Koliko stane xbox Live za 3 mesece in 1 leto?

    -Ali je na xboxu kaksen internetni brskalnik in ce ga ni ali se ga da naloziti?

    -koliko casa zdrzi baterija na brezzicnem kontrolerju?

    -prebral sem da se xbox pregreva, ali je to resen problem?

    Upam da mi boste lahko pomagali.


    Ps: se opravicujem ker ni č ž š(Ne uporabljam jih ker sem navajen na anglesko tipkovnico). :)

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