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Zapisi od Tr0n

  1. ... iware.aspx

    On Wednesday morning, Nintendo will officially announce to the general public its plans for WiiWare, downloadable games for the wildly popular Wii videogame console.

    At a Nintendo developer’s conference earlier this week, the company informed attendees that it was seeking from indie developers as well. Shorter, original, more creative games from small teams with big ideas; these are the buzzwords that you’ll be hearing from Nintendo when its Wednesday announcement goes wide.

    Koncno Nintendo! Dolgo si nucal.

  2. Thank you for your recent pre-order for Mario Strikers Charged (Nintendo Wii).

    We would like to inform you that the distributor of the above product has advised us that stock of this title will be delivered to our warehouse tomorrow morning. Upon receipt, we shall despatch all orders by Royal Mail 1st Class delivery and therefore we expect delivery to take place on Saturday morning. We apologise for any inconvenience this slight delay causes.

    Ah ja, bo sele v ponedeljek tukaj. Tudi ok. :)

  3. moj racunalnicar mi je neki spreminjov ze pred leti zarad varnosti ! :doh:

    ce kdo ve naj pove :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

    Ze na Slo-Techu smetis, zdaj pa se tu.

    Kako naj mi vemo, kaksno geslo imas? Ce nimas pojma o teh zadevah, naj ti nekdo nastavi, ko zna.

    Sicer imas pa polno dokumentacije in navodil na internetu za nastavitev WLAN access pointa in nastavitev Wiija.

  4. NOE: What can you tell us about the differences between Ranked and Friendly matches online?

    MI: “You will be able to actually play against friends in Friendly matches and against strangers in Ranked games. Friend Codes are only needed for setting up your Friends Roster. But right out of the box, you can jump into Ranked games and just starting challenging all comers, and climb the Leaderboard. This Leaderboard will be regional since we wanted to ensure a fast-paced, low-latency experience.”

    Cool, no more friend codes! :)

  5. Ve kdo, kako tocno bo deloval online?

    Nekaj sem bral, da bos lahko igral random match iz svoje regije in random match worldwide brez uporabe friends code + friends code za friendly play.

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