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Vsi zapisi od triangle

  1. triangle

    Mora biti LCD televizor ?

    Zadrži gumb za vklop 10-20s
  2. triangle

    ps3 ponorel

    To je blo pred časom, verjetno je res bil nateg Mislis UPS al PSU
  3. triangle

    ps3 ponorel

    Izjava od sonya je tudi ta da prednapetostna zaščita lahko zjebe PS, tolko o njihovih izjavah
  4. triangle

    ps3 ponorel

    Mi lahko razložiš zakaj bi se proc skuro če se ventilator vrti na full?
  5. triangle

    Brezžična povezava

    Mislim da s pppoe-jem na telemachu ne bo nič naredo
  6. triangle

    Brezžična povezava

    Katerega koli že boš nabvil ne pozabi sporočit MAC naslova ruterja na telemachl.
  7. Pa zakaj bi ti pisal ce lahko vse poveš :doh:
  8. triangle

    GT5 savegame

    Kaj pa če bi se sami potrudli pa vse to odklenli/kupli?
  9. triangle

    [Uradna tema]Haze

    Ne vem kaj ste pričakovali meni je čist kul, morate vedet da multiplayerja še nismo probali
  10. triangle

    [Uradna tema]Haze

    Osvetljeni so ko si zafixsan, in nectar lahko vzameš od drugih ko ga porabiš.
  11. triangle

    Mora biti LCD televizor ?

    Lahko je stari samo ne vm v čem je fora da bi na starem igral...
  12. Jaz tud na ebayu upam da bo hitro in brez carine ker pol bo res ugodno
  13. Reči to še 10x mogoče ti bo kaj pomagalo...
  14. Me prav zanima če bo Live zaribal. Po moje nebo ker bo večina folka najprej single player preigravala. Roko na srce pa je tudi PSN mel težave s CODom.
  15. Breaking PlayStation Home Release Pushed Back (Yet Again) Today Sony announced that the Home Closed Beta will expand to Summer 2008 and invited more users to join. Following this, the Home Closed Beta, an Open Beta will kick off later this fall. Says Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kaz Hirai: We understand that we are asking PS3 and prospective PS3 users to wait a bit longer, but we have come to the conclusion that we need more time to refine the service to ensure a more focused gaming entertainment experience than what it is today. Our overarching objective is to provide users with new gaming experiences that are available only on PLAYSTATION Home. Spending more time on the development and on the Closed Beta testing reaffirms our commitment to bringing a quality service, maintaining the PlayStation tradition. Home was first slated for September or October 2007 and then pushed back to "Spring 2008." And now, like that, Sony slides it back again. Hit the jump for the full press release. 22/04/2008 06:00 SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT ANNOUNCES EXPANSION OF CLOSED BETA TESTING FOR PLAYSTATION®HOME IN SUMMER 2008 Opening Of The Service Scheduled For Fall 2008 Tokyo, April 22, 2008 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) announced today that it will expand the Closed Beta testing for PLAYSTATION®Home in Summer 2008, inviting a further number of registrants from the PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3®) users. Following completion of the Expanded Closed Beta test, the PLAYSTATION Home Open Beta service will commence in Fall 2008. "We understand that we are asking PS3 and prospective PS3 users to wait a bit longer, but we have come to the conclusion that we need more time to refine the service to ensure a more focused gaming entertainment experience than what it is today," said Kazuo Hirai, President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "Our overarching objective is to provide users with new gaming experiences that are available only on PLAYSTATION Home. Spending more time on the development and on the Closed Beta testing reaffirms our commitment to bringing a quality service, maintaining the PlayStation® tradition." The PLAYSTATION Home Open Beta service that will become available in Fall 2008 will be built around providing new and fun community gaming experiences, such as connecting PlayStation games with Home and providing places and items from the games. Details of the Closed Beta testing features, registration for the test and the opening of the service will be announced as they become available. vir:
  16. triangle in PS3

    Internet dela enako hitro, odvisna je od paketa ki ga plačuješ pri tvojem ISPju.
  17. Na stane 28€ IN plačkajo nas isto kot vas :thumbdown:
  18. Neoriginalni imajo včasih težave
  19. triangle

    Ps3... mrtev!

    Moje vprašanje ni bilo mišljeno tako kot si prebral...
  20. Ne štekam zakaj imate težave z vzpostavitvijo interneta na guzmu, poslji pm ce rabis HELPPPPPPPP
  21. triangle

    Ps3... mrtev!

    Mi lahko nekdo razloži kako lahko PS3 narobe uporabljaš?
  22. triangle

    Ferrox PS3 ISO

    PS3 is unhackable mwuhahahah
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