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Zapisi od Nobody92

  1. Išče se napadalec za Pro Clubs tekme v FIFI 14, na Xboxu 360. Smo slovenski klub, aktiven 3 - 5 krat tedensko, ponavadi ob večerih. Skupaj igramo že nekaj let in iščemo igralca ali dva, po možnosti s vsaj malo izkušnjami kar se klubskih tekem tiče. Pričakuje se resnost in timsko igranje.

    Za več info ZS ali XBL message na Davodax ali Anzh3.


  2. Išče se napadalec za Pro Clubs tekme v FIFI 14, na Xboxu 360. Smo slovenski klub, aktiven 3 - 5 krat tedensko, ponavadi ob večerih. Skupaj igramo že nekaj let in iščemo igralca ali dva, po možnosti s vsaj malo izkušnjami kar se klubskih tekem tiče. Pričakuje se resnost in timsko igranje.

    Za več info ZS ali XBL message na Davodax ali Anzh3.


  3. 536162_10150892581874288_918342233_n.jpg

    FIFA 13

    Tactical Defending introduced a skill element to defending and created a balance between attacking with the ball and defending without and the new physics from the impact engine revolutionised the way players interact (despite the odd crazy bug).

    Because the impact engine was a physics driven engine it took away scripted outcomes in collisions.

    EA want to emulate this across the whole of FIFA and create a limitless number of outcomes all across the pitch.

    To drive towards achieving this, they’ve introduced 5 main gameplay features to FIFA 13.

    FIFA 13 Impact Engine

    The FIFA 13 Impact Engine has been taken back to base level to eliminate the large number of bugs we saw this year.

    Push –pull defending has been revamped. Players now push-pull relative to their attributes and the effects of push – pull are far more varied.

    Referees have been re-engineered to compensate and are far more aware of the effects of push – pull therefore more lenient.

    A whole new suite of shot animations has been introduced to compliment the push – pull element of the FIFA 13 Impact Engine.


    FIFA 13 Tactical Free Kicks

    The FIFA 13 free kick system has been updated to allow a much more diverse range of free kicks.

    A 3rd kick taker has been added to the line up allowing up to 2 fake shots and enabling a lot more creativity in set pieces. You’ll even be able to pass it in to the run over players.

    Because of this, defending free kicks has become more of a mind game.

    You can add another player to the wall and jump the wall a number of times (it will regroup if there’s time).

    You can even edge the wall forward.


    FIFA 13 Attacking Intelligence

    FIFA 13 Attacking Intelligence allows the space opened up by tactical defending to be used more intelligently.

    The AI now evaluates the whole of their run leading to much more decisive and aggressive runs.

    Attacking AI will now recognise when they are about to run offside and they’ll hold their run and even curve it to stay onside and keep the play alive.

    Around the box, AI players will now be able to curve their runs in behind defenders to make themselves available in the more valuable space creating a wealth of new attacking options.

    The AI will now think 2 moves ahead supporting play off the ball creating much more fluidity in build up play.


    FIFA 13 First Touch Control

    In FIFA 13 contextual errors whilst controlling the ball will now separate the ball from the player creating a battle for possession.

    It makes you evaluate the risk versus reward of situations right across the pitch and makes you think like a real footballer.

    For example, as a defender you could have to make the decision whether to take the difficult ball down and risk losing possession or do you hit it into row Z?

    The changes are subtle but make a huge difference to how real the game looks.


    FIFA 13 Complete Dribbling

    Complete Dribbling is being billed as a huge gamechanger in dribbling contols.

    The direction the player is dribbling has been completely removed from the direction the player is facing and both can now be performed independently.

    “360 Degree Mobility” lets you dribble in different directions whilst keeping your body facing the danger area.

    It lets you face up to defenders whilst dribbling and move laterally using changes of direction and pace to skip passed them.

    EA have made all dribbling controls contextual making FIFA 13 Complete Dribbling accessible to all levels of players.

    It allows more protection of the ball whilst shielding (which is also now contextual).


    Fifa 13 Pro Clubs

    • Filtered matchmaking - Ability to match versus Human GK & Human ANY as you wish
    • AI teammates get better as your club improves
    • Free Agent Hub allows you to play Drop-In matches, look at leaderboards, etc., before joining a club
    • Maxed out Virtual Pro's more realistic to real life players. Accomplishments and growth have been tuned
    • Online Virtual Pro and CPU teammates stats based off real attributes from players in top leagues
    • Pro Clubs now has Head to Head Seasons format
    • Tuning to human GK's and other attributes
    • Virtual Pro's now stored online only (inability to hack or modify the file)

    FIFA 13 Videos

    E3 First Gameplay Trailer


    Gamescom 2012 Trailer


    FIFA 13 Demo

    PC, PS3, X360: 11.09.2012

    FIFA 13 Release Date





    - Official FIFA 13 Forum & Facebook page

    • za (+1) 1
  4. Bi še kdo raje videl, da bi v igri ostal USAS kot je bil, namesto M26 Darta :D ?

    Tisti, ki še ne veste, G3A3, Underslug Rail, Heavy Barrel in M26 Dart (da se odklene, je treba najprej igrati z M26 Mass), je novo godlike orožje :lol . Slednja kombinacija deluje kot Buckshot, le da ima ogromen range.


  5. Se prijavljam!

    GAMERTAG: Anzh3

    EKIPA: A.C. Milan

    Glede ob kateri uri in dnevu bomo igrali (predlagam ob sobotah in nedeljah od 19.00 do 20.00)...

    Predlagam, da se postavi nek rok do katerega morajo tekme določenega kola biti odigrane, nato pa se pari sami dogovorijo, za čas igranja. Dvomim, da bi vsem ustrezal vnaprej določen čas. V kolikor se določen par tega ne bi uspel dogovoriti, bi vmes posegel ti, kot organizator lige. Meni recimo med 19.00 in 22.00, ponavadi ne gre skozi.

    Drugače pa pohvale za organizacijo. Upam, da zadeva uspe. Predlagal bi ti, da tudi na Mn3njalniku odpreš posebno temo, namenjeno tej ligi. Tako bo zadeva sigurno bolj vidna, kot samo objava v temi FIFE 12. Mogoče lahko za vse, ki na KSi niso registrirani, prijave zbiraš tudi tam in jih nato ti objaviš tukaj. Na koncu pa seveda objaviš pravila, datume, itd., v obe temi. Anyway, to je zgolj predlog :) .

  6. Če je kdo za, nej kar pove.

    Če je resnost, sem jaz vedno za. Nima smisla vrečti denarja za 5200 MS točk vstran, če bomo potem trije ali pa štirje skakali okoli sami po prazni mapi.

    Drugače pa tole danes je bilo kar vredu, ampak je vprašanje, če se splača. Serverjev je itak poln kurac, za kakšno bolj resno klansko igranje pa nevem, če je dovolj resnosti.

  7. Mah, očitno se bo treba ponovno navaditi na vse skupaj. Nekatere stvari v patchu so me navdušile, sploh rentanje serverjev, ampak ta suppression mi pa ne gre v glavo. Dobil sem vtis, da je v bitkah 1 vs. 1 pomembno samo to, kdo ima hitrejše in natančnejše orožje. G18 pištola me je kadar sem uporabljal M249, dobesedno posilila. Tudi USAS z fragi naredi ogromno štalo, samo zaradi suppressiona.

  8. Mah, ta novi "suppression" ali kako naj mu rečem, je meni osebno pokvaril celoten update. Morda se ga še navadim, vendar me zaenkrat prav odbija od igranja.

    Kolikor sem sam igral kot Support, so me hitre in natančne puške Assaultov, pobijale kot za šalo. Preprosto nimaš možnosti, ker ti screen zmeče v tri pizde materine, ko si zadet. Tako ali tako se moraš truditi, da z machine guni streljaš v burstih, medtem, ko lahko Assault dosti več strelja brez spuščanja triggerja, potem pa še tole. Da niti ne omenjam kaj se zgodi, ko naletiš na dva ali več igralcev.

  9. Ali je tukaj kakšen Assault, ki uporablja M320 Smoke? Jaz se ne morem odločit ali mi pride bolj prav slednji ali Medkit.

    M320 Smoke je lahko zelo uporaben, ampak kaj, ko ga ekipa večinoma časa sploh ne jebe. Tako ga ponavadi uporabljam samo za solo akcije ali kakšne revive na odprtem. Tudi tanka lahko fino zmedeš, če nanj konstantno mečeš dim, ker se mora tako neprestano premikati - če imaš zraven Support klaso, ki bo dim znala izkoristit za uporabo C4, si tankom lahko prava nočna mora :) . Edini minus M320 Smoke je po mojem mnenju 3D spotting, ampak vseeno dim lahko ustvari ogromno zmede, če ga uporabljaš v pravem trenutku.

    Po drugi strani pa Assault brez Medkita, ni pravi Assault. Medkit lahko pride še kako prav.

  10. Me preseneča, da bolj kot ne nihče nima te igre za PC :tired:

    Da, prodajne številke kažejo najbolje Xboxu 360:

    According to the latest sales reports, Battlefield 3 sales on the Xbox 360 have nearly doubled the sales of the PlayStation 3 version. As of October 29, worldwide sales for Battlefield 3 on the Xbox 360 were 2,249,092. Sales on the PlayStaiton 3 were at 1,486,067 - still an impressive number.

    What's more shocking is that PC sales of Battlefield 3, hadn't even eclipsed the 500,000 mark. As of the week ending October 29, Battlefield 3 on the PC has sold 487,181 copies


    Drugače pa bi bilo na kakšnem forumu usmerjenemu bolj proti PC-jem, verjetno ravno obratno. Konec koncev, smo na Konzole Slovenija :D .

  11. nekje sem zasledil da bom moral plačati še 800ms points. to drži? in pa zanima me še,če bom dvd za singleplayer lahko prodal,tistega za online pa obdržal? ne rabim obeh verjetno,al kaj?

    Možno, da misliš na Online Pass - le ta, stane 800 Microsoftovih točk. V primeru, da si kupil novo igro, ga ne boš potreboval, ker je priložen v škatli zraven DVD-jev. Ko boš igro prvič zagnal, te bo le ta vprašala po Online Pass-u, kjer boš moral izbrati opcijo za redeem kode in jo nato vpisati v okence.

    Jaz na tvojem mestu, ne bi prodajal DVD-ja za Singleplayer. Zna se zgoditi, da ga boš kdaj še potreboval.

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