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Zapisi od Dante

  1. Battlefield 3 beta hacked to support 128 players


    The Battlefield 3 beta is currently seeing well over 100,000 players spread out across numerous game servers, all officially running the Operation Metro map with the Rush mode, with support of up to 32 players.

    Unofficially, however, several servers have been popping up with the conquest version of Operation Metro, which supports up to 64 players. Not only that, some game servers have already been hacked to support up to 128 players — we’ve tested out Operation Metro on conquest with 64 and 128 players, and can confirm their existence, albeit, the 128 player server lagged considerably.

  2. Kaj mislite, da bomo videli 5. oktobra?


    ...PS4? :fiufiu:Naaah...

    Najverjetneje bo povezano z novim PlayStation Home-om, ki ga je Sony že pred časom napovedal za jesen. Najavili so tudi free-to-play multiplayer FPS Bootleggers in prav tako free-to-play poker igro.

  3. AOSS gumb imajo samo Buffalovi routerji, pri povezavi pritisneš na aoss gumb na routerju in se tako samodejno nastavi največja varnost, ki jo podpirata obe napravi, ki se povezujeta (torej router in psp v tvojem primeru).

    Označen je pa takole:


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  4. V igri bomo lahko izbirali med tremi različnimi HUD-i: Standard, Light in Pro.

    Primer Standardnega (prenatrpanega) HUD-a:


    Pro Interface bo najbolj 'čist' in bo vseboval samo osnovne informacije o healthu, ščitu, rupijih in stamini.

    Link bo v tem delu tudi najbližje govoru do sedaj:

    Link himself shows way more personality too – he kind of almost talks, even! Every so often, the player is prompted with a few dialogue options during story points to direct Link's interaction with other characters. In a sense it feels like a radical step for the series, but it totally works.

  5. 4. oktobra bo na voljo free DLC - Portal 2: Peer Review

    In "Peer Review", you and a friend will continue the story of loyal bots P-Body and Atlas as you puzzle your way through a mysterious new co-op test track and once again match wits with GLaDOS. The DLC also features a single player and co-op Challenge Mode, and leaderboards to compare Challenge Mode scores with friends and the Portal community.
  6. In počasi se prebijamo skozi. Zabaven tale coop, po moje mi bo na single playerju zelo dolgčas, ker ga še nisem preigral.

    Tole trofejo morva vsekakor dobit.


    Videov je pet, nsiem vsakega posebej lepil, itak na koncu vsakega da link za naslednjega. Vglavnem, če bo potrebno, da vemo kje iskat:


    PS: A je treba dajat Spoiler Alarm pri takih stvareh, glede na to da je igra zunaj že tri tedne?

    Tud če bi bla zuni že eno leto+ to še ne pomeni, da so je že vsi, ki jo imajo namen igrat, že preigral :) Nis(m)o vsi na tekočem z igrami (izkoristi trenutek, da pojamra nad pomanjkanjem časa za igranje). Drugač pa za video imo tak ne bi smel bit problem če ni spoiler alarma, pač tist ko mu ni ne da play...drugo je pa recimo pri tekstu al pa slikah...ko lahko hitro "poskeniraš" kak spoiler.

  7. Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition


    Limited Collector's Edition Includes:

    Exclusive Gentle Giant Darth Malgus statue

    Game disks collectible metal case

    The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural as annotated by Satele Shan

    The Old Republic galaxy map

    Custom Security Authentication Key

    Music of Star Wars: The Old Republic CD

    High-quality Collector's Edition box

    Includes 7 Additional Digital Items:

    Flare Gun

    Training Droid




    Exclusive Mouse Droid

    Exclusive Collector's Edition Store

    Vsaka verzija pa vsebuje:

    Pre-Order Exclusive:

    Early Game access

    Color Stone (virtual item)

    30 Days Game Time included

  8. A long time ago in a galaxy far,

    far away....

    BioWare se je odločil, da je čas, da se še oni spravijo v MMORPG vode. Mojstri RPG-jev obljubljajo, da bo njihova igra ponujala precej bolj drugačno izkušnjo od drugih MMO-jev trenutno na trgu, predvsem WoW-a, ki je do sedaj postavljal standarde na tem področju. Zelo velik poudarek bo na razvoju lika in zgodbi, s vseprisotnim glasovnim dialogom (od vseh NPC-jev pa vse do tvojega lika). Dialogi bodo razvejani podobno kot npr. pri Mass Effect-u in naše odločitve bodo imele dolgotrajne posledice tako na razvoj zgodbe kot na spremljevalne NPC-je, ki si jih bomo izbrali. V igri bo osem poklicev, za vsako stran (Galactic Republic in Sith Empire) po štiri, vsak poklic bo imel po dve specializaciji in unikatno zgodbo. Našo izbiro poklica bodo dopolnjevali, že prej omenjeni, spremljevalci, ki bodo namesto nas tudi izvajali različna opravila kot so npr. izdelava predmetov in nabiranje sredstev medtem ko mi počnemo kaj drugega. Prav tako se bodo spremljevalci razvijali in jih bomo lahko opremljali. Vsak lik bo tudi imel svojo bojno ladjo s katero se bomo udeleževali epskih vesoljskih bitk.

    Razvijalec: BioWare

    Založnik: LucasArts, Electronic Arts

    Datum izida: 20.12.2011

    galactic-republic.pngGalactic Republic



    sith-empire.pngSith Empire



















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  9. Še štirje naslovi.

    F1 2011

    Razvijalec: Codemasters

    Založnik: Codemasters

    Datum izida: 17.12.2011



    Project N.O.E.L.S.

    Razvijalec: Arc System Works

    Založnik: Arc System Works

    Datum izida: 17.12.2011


    Nature of Night of Kamaitachi: 11th Visitor, A Suspect

    Razvijalec: ChunSoft

    Založnik: ChunSoft

    Datum izida: 17.12.2011


    Monster Radar

    Razvijalec: Sony Marketing

    Založnik: Sony Marketing

    Datum izida: 17.12.2011



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  10. Na igri dela ista ekipa pri Square Enix-u, ki je delala na Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Igra ne bo remake kakšnega izmed prejšnjih delov ampak bo popolnoma novo poglavje v seriji, igralnost pa bi naj bila podobna kot pri Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Lika, ki bosta na voljo v igri sta Sora in Riku med katerima bo igra samodejno menjavala. Igra bo tudi kompatibilna z novim Expansion Slide Pad-om.

    Razvijalec: Square Enix

    Datum izida: TBA











  11. Igra je kompilacija Worms 3D in Worms 4 Mayhem z dodatno vsebino in spolirano grafiko. Prav tako so popravili kamero (končno!) in AI. V trailer-jih je tudi mogoče opaziti nekakšen 'Weapon Cam' - ki bo odpravil disorientacijo po napadu in nam omogočil učinkovit umik.

    Že dolgo čakam na proper 3D nadaljevanje (čeprav so 2D črvi še vedno carski) z odpravljenimi pomanjkljivostmi, ampak bo ta tudi v redu če so le res odpravili težave kamere kot trdijo.


    Razvijalec: Team 17

    Datum izida: 28. september, 2011 (PS3 kasneje to leto)


















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  12. Da, obudim temo.

    Datum izida: začetek 2012

    “Soon” Was Too Soon—Diablo III to Arrive in Early 2012

    Zelo verjetno je, da bo igra kasneje izšla tudi na konzolah.

    Diablo 3 "feels better" with a game pad

    Blizzard "serious" about console Diablo 3

    Diablo III heading to consoles?

    V igri bo tudi dražba za pravi denar s PayPal podporo.

    Diablo III has real money auction house

    Diablo III auctions "a design decision"

    Pred kratkim se je začela zaprta beta.

    The Diablo III Beta Is Now Live

    Za tiste, ki še nis(m)o bili povabljeni pa je na voljo Skill Calculator, da se lahko ta čas pripravimo :).

    Poklici v igri: Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard

    Poklici 'privržencev', ki ti bodo v igri pomagali: Enchantress, Scoundrel, Templar




















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  13. Max Payne 3 Story Q&A <- Link

    "We wanted to make a game that would please fans of the originals and be accessible to newcomers."

    Upam, da bo bolj poudarek na prvem.

    Max finds his way to Brazil through an opportunity offered by Raul Passos, an old associate from his early days in the NYPD. Both he and Passos work as security for Rodrigo Branco and his family.


    In Sao Paulo, Max encounters a city, which will feel both very alien--he does not even speak the language--and very familiar. It's massive, super modern with a massive contrast between rich and poor, big gang problems, political corruption, and huge buildings. Not that different from the New York he knew.

    The game is very true to the original games in terms of gameplay, aesthetics, and visual and narrative themes, although [it's] updated to take advantage of the past nine years of game development. For us, noir is not about a place (and if it were, that place would surely be Los Angeles, not New York) but about a particular visual style and a kind of story and characterization telling that has a certain hard-boiled cynicism, plenty of twists, and a sense of decay and depravity. Yes, it has moved from a wet or snowy corrupt vision of New York to a sometimes wet and equally corrupt vision of a booming modern-day Brazil, but I don't think they are otherwise that different.

    Staying true to each core element of Max was always a major focus, and that's actually something that we discussed with Remedy during development, and they've been extremely supportive of our work.

    "…we've come up with what we think is an interesting interpretation of classic noir." As we start showing more of the game, you'll see that we aren't moving away from those styles and techniques at all, and we've come up with what we think is an interesting interpretation of classic noir. Noir is about much more than location; it's a visual approach and a thematic style. It's also a huge part of what makes Max Payne unique.

    It wasn't just the gameplay that was unique and new: Max's iconic internal monologue and the use of graphic novel cutscenes were also signature elements of the game. All these things are present in some way or other in Max Payne 3, along with several other elements from the original games. Although all have evolved significantly since the last game, as it would be odd if they hadn't! What looked great in 2003 sometimes does not always look so perfect in 2011. Max was always about an incredibly rich cinematic style of both presentation and gameplay, and we tried hard to make sure it still feels very cutting edge.

    While we've revealed the setting as Sao Paulo, the game stays true to all the fundamentals of the first two games, from the noir themes and visuals to James McCaffrey's iconic voice-over and even a version of the graphic-novel-style panels. Sao Paulo is the largest city in the southern hemisphere and every bit as dark, grimy, and at times depressing as New York. And while the favelas may be the most recognizable part of the city, the game explores a lot more of the surrounds, from the luxury high-rises of downtown to the favelas and beyond.

    And while Sao Paulo may be a more colorful place in the daytime, it's a very different story at night. The game will live up to the heritage of Max Payne; it's as dark and as twisted as ever. The only thing we changed was the story, which now takes place over a few weeks, and there are some levels set in the day. This was only because the story we wanted to tell could not realistically be told in a single night. There are, however, enough rain-sodden, pitch-dark nights in the game to satisfy the most ardent fan of dark and wet locations.

    Se malo preveč trudijo vleči paralele med Sao Paulom in New Yorkom? prepričati fane enke in dvojke.

    The darkness and chaos of the city and its problems resonate well with Max's own inner demons. Alongside some amazing locations in Brazil, Max will also find himself in some familiar locations, but we'll share more about that later this year.

    New York? :)

    While a few years have passed, Max is not too much older than he was in Max Payne 2, and the scene of Max shaving his head comes at a pivotal point in the story that in many ways echoes similar moments in the earlier games.


    In his own way, Max is probably the most tortured and put upon of all game heroes, and we really wanted to show the impact of all that suffering and angst on his hard-bitten but lonely personality and how that suffering has impacted his behavior.

    se pa ne spomnim, da bi me Rockstar kdaj razočaral...zdej pa tud menda ne bojo začel :?







  14. Pikmini v peklu! Za igro bi lahko rekli, da je nekakšen križanec med Overlordom in Pikmini, kjer nastopamo kot demon, ki je bil izgnan v pekel in se zato odloči zasužnjiti 99 demonskih goblinov, da bi z njihovo pomočjo popravil "krivico", ki se mu je zgodila. Vojska bo razdeljena na tri frakcije, vojščake, suličarje in čarovnike, ki jih bomo seveda morali uporabljati čimbolj učinkovito v odvisnosti od trenutne situacije na bojišču. Lotevali se bomo raznoraznih demonov in demonskih šefov ob heavy metal glasbeni podlagi. Igro razvijajo v studiju Entersphere, katerega ustanovitelj je Motoi Okamoto. Okamoto je, dokler je še bil zaposlen pri Nintendu, med drugim delal na igrah kot so: The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine in Pikmin 2.

    Razvijalec: Entersphere

    Založnik: Square Enix

    Datum izida:

    - 17. december, 2011 (JP)

    - drugod TBA









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