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Vsi zapisi od Skuba

  1. Vpraši Goblina, glede na to, da si pri njemu kupil. Če pa ne znaš "pečt" iger, je pa to tvoj problem (tukaj se o tem ne govori).
  2. Skuba

    Xbox 360 vprašanja !

    Nope, samo nekateri lahko
  3. Skuba

    xbox360 Xenon

    No 80 % je pa preveč, ene 50 % pa je res.
  4. še preden boš dobil ban boš imel itaq previsoko verzijo dashboarda
  5. kaj pa google, yahoo, bing al pa altavista in itd. , drugače pa hvala na skrbi za moje zdravje
  6. RTFM!!! Drgače pa pritisni synhro na boxu, kitaro ali pa kontrolerju da se najde
  7. Skuba

    Wii in zunanji diski

    Kaj pa tole??? Če rabiš, me lahko kontaktiraš, lp
  8. Skuba

    Xbox 360 vprašanja !

    Al pa mene poišči za odklep.
  9. Skuba

    Xbox 360 vprašanja !

    Poglej po netu, nabavi komplet orodje za vse konzole (obstaja 1 komplet orodja za vse konzole - xbox360, WII, PS2, PS3, PSP), pa še drag ni, sam se ne spomnem kje sem ga nabavu. lp
  10. Skuba

    Nakup xboxa 360 nasveti

    O se da da, pa še lepo dela
  12. lepo da ste si vzeli čas in prebrali še enkrat Tole bi bilo bolj primerno tukaj viewtopic.php?f=3&t=7678
  13. Mal preberi temo, ker se ti očitno dalo (ixtreme 1.7 wtf ??).
  14. Enkrat in za venomer Read the topic first! No ETA on anything! Don't even ask! Stop asking the same questions every day, multiple times! Stop making stuff up! As of Nov 11 this is all the info we have. You might want to just read this page, leave, then check back in a week or two. No, you can't unban your Xbox 360. Just no. The unban DVD is fake. Don't ask about this! If there were a legit method of unbanning, don't you think everyone would know about it by now? Stop confusing the newbies! The banwave is well underway. It is affecting all drives, all fw, all waves, and as far as we know, it's not over yet. MS changed something and we don't know exactly what. Some people have been banned for playing 100% abgx360-verified games. Nobody knows the exact causes yet. Plenty of people are NOT banned. This does not mean you are safe. Kushan wrote a very good article about getting banned: Your old HDD will NOT get your new console banned, this is confirmed! you may have to reformat and recover your gamertag though, because if you make gamesaves on that hard drive with your banned console, those profiles/saves may appear as "corrupted" on other consoles! confusing, right? Drives made in august 09 or later, are unmoddable (although some aug 09 might still work fine!) You can't dump the key and therefore cannot mod it. No ETA whatsoever! don't ask! Stop saying "the firmware is detectable!" c4eva himself denied this. He also said he's writing ixtreme LT, which is "indistinguishable from orig". This seems to imply that the old fw is detectable by Microsoft. He didn't actually say that. The fact is we don't know for 100% sure if it's possible that Microsoft detects JUST the firmware (even with no burned discs inserted into the drive at all). We have no way of knowing exactly how they are detecting modded systems. Not that it matters. Maybe it's fully detectable, maybe it isn't. The fact is that right now, you are probably not safe, even when using abgx360. You will just have to wait and find out what c4eva like everyone else! Stop confusing all the newbies! Want a safe method of checking if you are banned? Logging onto and trying to create a repair order is NOT confirmed to work 100%. People keep asking about reflashing stock fw, or refusing to connect to live until the new ix comes out. You can certainly try that if you want. Personally I doubt it will make a difference... you may have been flagged months ago. STOP TRYING TO SPREAD YOUR CRAZY RUMORS/THEORIES ABOUT THE BANWAVE/FAKE QUOTES FROM c4eva - NOBODY CARES! CONFIRMED FAKE STUFF: <+c4eva> its going to have to wait, i'll be busy, just found out how they're banning MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH The unban DVD is fake too.. come on, guys...
  15. Gamertag nima veze z banom, dej recover brez panike. Če kdo rabi kopirat komplet s starega diska na nov disk, pošljite zs (sem iz Ljubljane).
  16. ... post251708 hmmm
  17. To je bilo mal za info, drugače pa so samo Liteoni in nič drugega v boxih že od 05/2008 dalje
  18. hmmm, anketa o banu yes, Toshiba-Samsung drive [ 89 ] [5.80%] yes, Hitachi-LG drive [ 75 ] [4.89%] yes, BenQ drive [ 197 ] [12.84%] yes, Lite-On drive [ 305 ] [19.88%] no (modified FW) [ 534 ] [34.81%] no (unmodified FW) [ 105 ] [6.84%] don't know, stayed off LIVE [ 229 ] [14.93%]
  19. Dej pošlji svoje ugotovitve nekam na xbox-scene ali podobne strani, da se izve problem.
  20. Pa še zanimivi komentarji na Nelsonu 1. This ban system seems to have flaws...I have never modded or pirated on the xbox or xbox 360,I signed up for the preview program(the Netflix party 1),got accepted according to Microsoft connect,and MY CONSOLE WAS BANNED. M$ NEEDS TO FIX THIS. 2. Major Nelson, you're sitting on rather precarious ground here. You haven't just banned users from Xbox Live but also disabled functionality of the console itself. You're going to have to find some justification for that in countries where the modding of consoles is legal for the purpose of backing up games, particularly when Microsoft have produced a console that is notorious for scratching discs. 3. You know what sucks the much? I've been banned in this crossfire (1 week ago, before my Gold expired) and haven't even opened my 360, i'm definitely not going to buy another 360 just because they are stupid. I'm out.
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