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Vsi zapisi od H5n1

  1. Looks like your holidays will be going to hell faster than you thought as today EA announced that the demo for Dante’s Inferno will be hitting the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this December. From the press release: Coming this December, the ‘Gates of Hell’ demo includes the entire opening level and gives gamers a taste of Visceral Games’ blockbuster adaptation of Dante Alighieri’s epic poem, The Divine Comedy. The ‘Gates of Hell’ demo will introduce players to the game’s hero, epic story and intense action gameplay, tracing Dante’s battles from the surface all the way to the Gates of Hell. Players will experience fast-paced hack-n-slash combat as they fend off waves of enemies before taking on the ultimate battle against Death. After defeating this boss, Dante will be armed with Death’s scythe, a powerful holy cross, and will be ready to tear open the Gates of Hell. The demo also features two stunning cinematic movies made by Blur, the award-winning visual effects, animation and design studio. “Our main goal from the start of this project has been to create a journey that will make gamers truly feel like they are going through hell,” said executive producer Jonathan Knight. “The demo will give everyone some insight into how we are treating the story and a taste of the gameplay. And with nine more circles of hell to explore once the game comes out in February, we are literally just scratching the surface.” The game itself is slated for release February 9, 2010 in North America and in Europe on February 12, 2010 for the PS3, 360, and PSP (the demo is only for the 360/PS3).
  2. jaz tudi čakam :crybaby: Jaz pa čakam 15ga, aja... poštarja tudi še ni bilo
  3. Enako. Me pa zanima če se, da formatirat HDD do konca, s tem mislim pobrisati s HDDja tudi updejte?
  4. Kdo? TriGGer? Sej... če ga tako firbec matra, mu drugega ne preostane, kot da proba... jaz bi na njegovem mestu počakal. Kere špile si pa igral, pipicar?
  5. Glej... xboxa še ni povezal z netom tako, da ne more niti na pogledat če so ga banali, ker ga še niti flagali niso. Najbolje, da počaka, da gre banhammer "mimo".
  6. V macdonaldsu. Drugače pa mueller ali pa
  7. Kaj pa če bi formatiral HDD... mislim predno si ga menjal, bi bilo isto?
  8. S Spoštovani /-a Andrej , Spremenil se je status vašega naročila. Novi status: Odposlano Oorah... če bi bila 10 ga plača
  9. Se pravi, HDD od bannane konzole dela na novi, ampak moraš prej HDD formatirat, sem prav razumel?
  10. Ti si čudn! Flešaš konzolo, veš da lahko fašeš banano in potem se pizdiš? Bravo! p.s. Sam so dost gorenci teli pr MS... banana brez mleka oz. sladoleda je kr neki!
  11. Še 1x... kje si dobil PS3 60gb za 300EUR? Jaz dobim xbox+BR za 320 (Evro gor evro dol).
  12. Ne more... še ni polnoleten, zato pa teži tebi.
  13. Ti si napisal, da za 300EUR dobiš PS3 60gb. Jaz pa sem mislil, da zaradi Uncharteda, ki je v prvih petih dneh prodal neverjetnih 850.000 izvodov :red:
  14. Potem pa naj bodo tudi oni pravični in naj ne zaračunavajo 70 €pri nas ker bi komot lahko dali kakšnih 50 E€ ali 40 €. Sicer me zanima kakšen je kaj spisek pušk pri MW2. Pa bi potem kupil špil, če bi ga dobil za 50EUR? Drugače sem pa špil že narocil in naj bi prišel 10ga... škoda, da bo plača 14ga oz. 16ga :crybaby:
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