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Zapisi od Jackobi

  1. Evo, odšpilal par rund. Špil je zelo nintendovski, matchi so hitri, strategija obvezna. All in all bi se zelo strinjal z izjavo, da je to za 3rd person shooterje, kar je Mario Kart za arkadne dirkačine. Izgleda super, framerate je gladek ko putr, edinole net koda je enkrat konkretno kolcnila in me dobesedno pustila samega v areni.

  2. Hambaru bandaru zopet ponuja zastonj špil. Gre za presenetljivo inovativen FPS narejen za 7 day FPS challenge. Mladci, ki so igro skup skovali, so imeli na voljo en teden, da zadevo dovolj zauber olišpajo. In danes je zastonj. Vsaj še naslednjih 12h.

    In pa, če mi ne verjamete na besedo, prilagam še en videjo.


  3. Prav'jo, da bodo v novi Zeldi puzlice malce drugačne, kot smo jih vajeni.



    I just have to slip in one question that a lot of people are wondering—Mr. Aonuma, you've talked a lot about changing traditions and shifting away from the series formulas. Can you give me one example of a tradition that people are familiar with in
    that you've changed in a big way for the new
    that you're working on for next year?


    So you know we've talked a little bit today about the puzzle-solving element in Zelda, and how that's kinda taken a different shape in Hyrule Warriors. But I think people have come to just assume that puzzle-solving will exist in a Zelda game, and I kinda wanna change that, maybe turn it on its ear.


    As a player progresses through any game, they're making choices. They're making hopefully logical choices to progress them in the game. And when I hear 'puzzle solving' I think of like moving blocks so that a door opens or something like that. But I feel like making those logical choices and taking information that you received previously and making decisions based on that can also be a sort of puzzle-solving. So I wanna kinda rethink or maybe reconstruct the idea of puzzle-solving within the Zelda universe.

    Plus namigovanje na Majora's Mask remake.

    Schreier: I have to ask... I asked readers what questions I should ask you, and the number one question was that you've hinted so many times about a new Majora's Mask or a Majora's Mask remake for the 3DS—will we ever see that?

    Aonuma: I do know that fans want to see Majora's Mask. I've heard that voice, it's very, very strong, and I'm always listening, is what I would say.

    Schreier: I think people reacted to the teaser in A Link Between Worlds, the mask in the house. People saw that and thought it was a hint for the future, so that's why people are excited about that.

    Aonuma: Maybe I was toying with them a little. (laughter) I'm doing everything I can. I hear the voices of the fans. There are so many out there. It's very loud, and just to acknowledge the fact that the need, the want is out there, I put that in there.

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