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Zapisi od raizuken

  1. Developed by: Nintendo

    Release Date: November 3, 2008

    Genre: Simulation

    There’s always something new to do. In the living, breathing world of Animal Crossing: City Folk, days and seasons pass in real time, so there’s always something to discover. Catch fireflies in the summer, go trick-or-treating on Halloween or hunt for eggs on Bunny Day. If you’re in the mood for something a little faster paced, take a bus to a new urban city area that’s unique to Animal Crossing: City Folk. There you can catch a show at the theater or check out the sales at Gracie’s boutique. But if you don’t show your face back home for too long, your neighbors will miss you.

    Up to four people from your household can live and work together to build the perfect town. Design clothes and patterns, write letters and post messages on the bulletin board for each other, or invite up to three friends to visit your town using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. With the new WiiSpeak microphone, it’s like you’re all in the same room. The microphone sits atop the sensor bar and picks up the conversation of everyone in the room to encourage a more inclusive experience.

    Get to know your neighbors. The heart of Animal Crossing: City Folk is building relationships with the animals in your town as well as with other players. Befriend your animal neighbors by exchanging letters, gifts and favors. Animals can also move from town to town, bringing their memories and stories from their old towns with them. And since animals are notoriously loose-lipped, they spill all the juicy details.

    Express your personal style. Customize your town, your house and yourself by collecting bugs, fish, fossils, art, furniture, clothes and accessories. You can also go to the salon in the city to change your hairstyle and get a Mii makeover. Plus, if you design clothes in the tailor’s shop, animals will wear them and maybe even bring them to other towns


    Poleg tega pa bo zraven priložen WiiSpeak


  2. V prihajajočem letu bo prišlo za Crysis ogromno modov, kot so Tomb Raider: Lost Dimensions, Snatcher in tako dalje.

    Moj osebni favorit pa je ta mod, za katerega je narejena epska prikolica:

    Pripopajte še kakšne screene, videe o še kakšnih modih, ki so vaši favoriti.

    Super ni kaj, Crysis bo šele zdaj res zaživela :thumbup: .

    js pa upam da se bo iz tega kej izcinilo

    drugače tud uni zgoraj ne zgleda slabo :thumbup:

  3. Ima prijatelj k660i, dober telefon, za moje pojme malo gay ampak ker si punca kle ne vidim problema :D

    Kul izjava :beer:

    Ja, zdaj sem v dvomih med K660i, W880i (dober) in W580i eden od teh bo moj, moram jih še v živo videt, ker reklamam ne verjamem več- tistim na slikah mislim.

    Hvala za nasvete!

    Pri tistemu W580 so se sošolcu tudi tipke uničile. Tako da nevem, sam se zanj raje nebi odločil. Zeleno-bela 660ka pa je prav lep telefon :D

    dude js si lastim W580 že ene dobre 3 mesece pa so tipke ševedno cele. Glede na W880 pa poznam enega ki ga ma že kr nekaj časa, in baje da deluje oblično,.. glede na funkcije pa so bolj ali manj enaka, kot vsak sony skratka :D

  4. Guitar Hero World Tour

    Relase date: 26. Oktobra

    Emm lahko boš tudi ustavru svoje pesmi: ... re=related ... re=related

    Make your charachter ... re=related




    Znane pesmi:

    Airbourne – "Too Much Too young…"

    At the Drive-in – "One Armed Scissor"

    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – "Weapon of Choice"

    Bob Seger – "Hollywood Nights"

    Dinosaur Jr. – "Feel the pain"

    Silversun Pickups – "Lazy Eye"

    Survivor – "Eye of the Tiger"

    Billy Idol – "Rebel Yell"

    Blink 182 – "Dammit"

    Foo Fighters – "Everlong"

    Jimi Hendrix – "Purple Haze Live"

    Jimi Hendrix – "Wind Cries Mary"

    Linkin Park – "What I've Done"

    Paramore – "Misery Business"

    Sublime – "Santeria"

    The Doors – "Love Me Two times"

    The Eagles – "Hotel California"

    Van Halen – "Hot for Teacher"

    Poleg tega na naj povem da bo na Wii-ju tudi DLC

  5. Uh glede na to, da je založnik Atari, se jaz ne bi preveč zahajpal.

    Igro razvijajo SimBin, tako da če se bodo držali zgoraj napisanih obljub, bo tole sekalo.

    Isti shit kot race driver grid! Samo, da bo tole SIM :(. Nej naredijo samo F1 in res dobro simulacijo!!!!

    F1 licenco je zakupil Codemasters, tako da bomo v prihodnje najbrž igrali F1 arkade ala GRID. :(

    amm F1 od codemastersa naj bi bila "SIM"

    .Right, I haven't read every post in this thread, but I get the jist and just to stop you all from panicking too much... GRID and DiRT are aimed at an arcade audience and they do that very well. F1 has different requirements and will get a completely different treatment from our in-house team, including full on sim options, physics, rules and regs etc. We will also have arcade requirements catered for as well. How this will be

    split we do not know yet, but split it will be.

    kopirano iz foruma ... ge=7&pp=10

  6. Zdaj sem začel igrat rFactor v verziji 1.250.PA bi rad uprašal če še kdo da gremo kdaj 1na1 malo igrat prek neta.Mam pa navaden mod brez formul.Če bi šel kdo naj me doda na msn.

    prvo mislim da maš staro verzijo

    drugo maš tle stran

    tretje zadje čase js tega kr dost igram tko da če hočeš me lahko dodaš na xfire raitssx ,

    drugače must have stvari za rfactor so : ... Display%20 in ... r%20Plugin

    poleg tega pa še CTDP mod kateri je meni osebno najboljši ... 005%20CTDP --> najboljša simulacija F1 za rfactor in drugi ki je bolj tko tko ma usen ... 2007%20MMG 07 sezona

    Druga odlična stran je tudi kjer boš najdu veliko odličnih prog katere dodajajo sproti, najdeš jih v download sekciji.

    Btw upam da maš volan, ker čene je ta igra brezvezna. :thumbup:

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