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  1. Približen seznam ljudi, ki so mi javili, da pridejo na party:

    Apollo182 Dean SLO Frikozoid ZZR72

    matkurba o0 Yoseep 0o afireinside9x74 ALEXS1

    Amy The Green bmxrider4331 Cinnarey

    dej82 III EdViN III III xPuree III IIIKesoIII

    IIII Rain IIII Metalord666 mikithekiller1

    Mlaky SLO mumbo360 MorbidMagic

    NitroBlast90 Njapo oko79 RELIX28

    Repminister Samotar13 sebek slo

    SICKBOY26 Sunray86 TozoMugen

    UNLEASHxCARNAGE x Climhazzard x Ljud89

    Milan SLO THE GAJO fruLaaa DSmadfan

    Mojster WuJure Killer Smogol Kaja

    Besko Viking smouka pouka Wolfie

    Xavier Brajo cipi Neelram nodrim

    Fapko HelliosX Waky SLO vanilika GODNOV SitingDuck

    Če sem koga pozabil, naj mi to prosim sporoči. Javite se še ostali, da vas dodam na seznam...

  2. Za turnirja v GOW in COD se bodo izžrebale dvojice. Sam žreb bo pred začetkom vsakega turnirja. V GOW se bo igralo na 5 zmag (Execution), na prej določeni mapi. Poraženci bodo nato igrali v repasažu. Finale bodo med zmagovalcem rednega dela igre in med zmagovalcem repasaža. Pri COD-u se bo igral Death-match na 25 killov (oz. se bomo zmenili na samem lanu). Osem konzol bo postavljenih izključno za turnirje v GOW in COD, Street Fighter pa se bo igral na platnu.

  3. All Fronts Collection Unleashes New Campaign and Multiplayer

    Published May 6, 2009

    Gears of War® 2, the entertainment blockbuster of 2008, has surpassed five million copies sold worldwide and the overall Gears of War franchise sales have eclipsed the eleven million unit mark. The momentum doesn't stop there—to commemorate these milestones, Microsoft Game Studios and Epic Games will unleash the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection, a value-packed compilation that combines all previous Gears of War 2 game add-ons with brand new multiplayer and campaign content for $19.99. Available only at retail, the new collection invades store shelves worldwide on July 28 in LIVE-enabled regions

    Included in the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection is the Gears of War 2: Dark Corners game add-on, which features seven new multiplayer maps, plus a deleted campaign chapter called Road to Ruin. In this exclusive episode, Marcus and Dom return to Locust Hollow in a scene that can be played two ways, guns blazing or in all-new stealth mode.

    Map Details

    Seven brand-new multiplayer maps are included in the Dark Corners add-on.

    * Allfathers Garden: Honor the sacred grounds of the Coalition founders in this explosive map, where powerful weapons catalyze fast and furious action at this COG landmark.

    * Memorial: Set near the Eternal Flame, which pays tribute to the fallen soldiers on the battlefield, a hard-fought battle ensues at the Tomb of Unknowns. Put your flank formation and evasive skills to the test as you fight to control the Boomshot.

    * Sanctuary: Once a peaceful ground for reflection and remembrance, all that remains of the Sanctuary is the chill of death. Feast your eyes on the arsenal of weapons available as you make your way through the tight paths and blind corners of the Locust-damaged temple corridors.

    * War Machine: In the abandoned train station that once served as a hub for travel, you will need to master the Longshot, Mulcher, and Boomshot weapons to advance the fight while evading fire from the platforms above.

    * Highway: Take the fight deep into Locust Hollow in the complex passages of this underground highway system brimming with enemy vermin. Stick together, separate the enemy and have an exit strategy ready or it'll be a one-way trip.

    * Way Station: Sitting in limbo between death and "processing" are Locust way stations filled with fallen COG soldiers. Tread lightly and practice patience as it's better to sacrifice firepower for stealth while navigating this minefield of hidden grenades.

    * Nowhere: Set in the middle of what was once a destination for weary desert travellers, the land is now barren and devoid of life. Pick off your enemies with the Longshot sniper rifle and make your way to the stairwell with a well-fortified team during this intense firefight.

    As if that wasn't enough, the All Fronts Collection also contains every Gears of War 2 game add-on released to date on Marketplace, including the classic Flashback Map Pack, volatile Combustible Map Pack and the winter-themed Snowblind Map Pack.

    Also included is an introduction to Road to Ruin from Epic Games design director Cliff Bleszinski, along with a custom Xbox LIVE® theme, collectible Gears of War 2 poster, plus a strategy guide. Containing over 3,600 Microsoft Points worth of great stuff, the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection is an incredible value at $19.99.

    Are you already enjoying the previously released collection of map packs? Available simultaneously with launch of the All Fronts Collection, the Dark Corners game add-on will be available separately for 1,600 MS Points via download from Xbox LIVE Marketplace.

  4. Odločil sem se, da bom ponovno organiziral Lan party v Tržiču. Potekal bi enkrat konec meseca junija ali v začetku julija, tako kot lani. Dogodek bi se odvijal v prostorih Biljard kluba Tržič. Igrali se bodo trije turnirji, in sicer v COD, GOW2 in Street Fighter 4 na platnu. Za streljačine se bodo izžrebale dvojice. Za zmagovalce turnirjev pa bodo pripravljeni pokali. Nekaj nagrad bo prispevala tudi trgovina 3D svet - vsaj ponujeli so se :D. Lan party je namenjen tudi samemu druženju igralcev XBOX-a 360, zato bi rad, da bi udeležba bila številčnejša kot lani. Zanima me, če so interesenti in koliko vas je!? Za dodatna vprašanja se lahko obrnete na mene osebno. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    Lep pozdrav,


    p.s.: datum bom javil naknadno, pa tudi glede drugih stvari se bom pozanimal natančneje... to do npr. pijača itd. :rock:


    Lan party bo 20.6.2009. Kot sem napisal že zadnjič - rad bi da je udeležba čim večja, saj je vse skupaj namenjeno tudi druženju. Zmenil sem se, da bo pred biljardnico majhen žar, tako da jedače in pijače ne bo manjkalo. Prosim, da tisti, ki vedo, da pridejo, to sporočijo meni osebno ali potrdijo udeležbo tukaj na forumu. Zraven pripišite svoje gamertage, da bom delal kartice z imeni. Kar se tiče drugih iger, kot so GuitarHero, RockBand itd. - prinesite s seboj, definitivno je vse zaželjeno. Lahko pa odigramo tudi kakšen bowling na WII-ju, ki je tako ali tako že v klubu. :D:D:D

  5. Gears 2 Team Takes Action Against Cheaters

    The Gears of War 2 team continues to look for ways to improve the game and enrich the experience for our players. Sometimes this takes the form of a new feature, such as the recently released experience and leveling system, and other times it means action against those who try to compromise our game.

    To that end, starting this week, we will begin taking steps against players verified as cheaters. These players have not only violated the spirit of the game, but they have also violated the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use. This week, the Gears 2 team will take these initial steps with a number of player accounts that belong to verified cheaters:

    * The player’s gamerscore will be reset to zero.

    * The player will be unable to earn or recover gamerscore from any previous games—all games, not just Gears 2.

    * The account involved will be branded on Xbox LIVE as belonging to a cheater. This information will be reflected in the gamer profile, both on and in the Xbox Dashboard on the console.

  6. Včerajšnji party je res dobro uspel. Imeli smo se super. Pokale sem podelil : nagrajenci so bili Calico Sytem in RELIX28 za GOW in MorbidMagic ter jaz za COD. Med samim Lan Partyjem sem izžrebal tudi nekaj nagrad, ki jih je sponzoriral 3D svet, za kar se jim zahvaljujem. Upam, da bomo ta event čimprej ponovili. Slike bom naložil v kratkem, da si boste lahko pogledali utrinke iz partyja. Trenutno nisem sposoben, ker sem preveč zaspan in zjeban :tepen: .



    p.s.: doma imam en kabl za monitor, če ga kdo slučajno pogreša. aja pa manjka mi škatla od gearsov. javi se... :annoyed:

  7. :tepen: Obveščam vas, da bom Lan Party prestavil na 5.7., ker vidim, da je na 28.6. veliko ljudi odsotnih. Prosil bi vas, da to sporočilo posredujete vsem, ki radi igrajo Xbox, tudi tistim, ki niso na forumu. Full bi bilo vredu, če bi nas bilo čimveč. Potrdite udeležbo... Rabim seznam zaradi tekmovanja...

    Cene piva na Lan Party-ju za tekmovalce:

    Laško 0,5 - 1,5 €

    Paulaner 0,33 - 1 €




  8. Lan party bo 28. 6. v Tržiču. zbrali naj bi se enkrat od 15:00 do 17:00. in bi trajal do nedelje zjutraj. Prosim če vsi ki mislite prit da potrdite udeležbo. Fajn bi blo če bi nekdo prinesu Rock band z inštrumenti. organiziral bom tudi dva turnirja Call of Duty (dvojice) in Gears of War (dvojice) glede cene piva se še dogovarjam :beer:

  9. Odločil sem se, da bom organiziral Lan party v Tržiču. Potekal bi enkrat konec meseca junija ali v začetku julija. Dogodek bi se odvijal v prostorih Biljard kluba Tržič in sicer v PRIVATE verziji (možnost igranja na dveh projektorjih). Za pijačo se bom zmenil z lastnikom kluba (seveda po znižanih cenah)... Potekalo bi tudi tekmovanje v igrah, za katere se bomo dogovorili. Zanima me, če so interesanti in koliko vas je!? Za dodatna vprašanja se lahko obrnete na mene osebno. :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

    Lep pozdrav,


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