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Zapisi od cs-g33k

  1. Ehe.JSt grem po slusalke pa zraven dobim tut guild wars navaden.PA bom tut tega začel igrat.ITak mam vse gw-je razen eye of the north.Amm pa do par sprememb je pršlo.NImam več nika andraz the men ampak:

    ime-Pwned by Andraz

    Pa zdej sm warrior lvl 5 skor.

  2. JAz sm jo tud začel igrat.Sj jo mam že skor 10 mescev doma ampak se mi več ni dalo igrat.Amm zdej sm lvl 3 in sm assasin.Kdor bi mi pomagal delat queste naj me doda pod frenda.Igram pa FACTIONS.

    ime-Andraz The Man.


  3. Amm ne vem čist ampak ti bom probal povedat.ČE poznaš esea client.Tm si njadeš gather in pol igraš z ljudmi iz sveta in dobiš karmo.Če jo imaš 100 si lahko admin (naj bi biu na katerem koli serverju).JAz to zadnje cajte velik igram.


  4. Lp!!

    Na bolhi je biu en prodajalec ku je rekel da prodajajo vse.iphone,nokia 95...NAto sem mu poslal email, pa vprašal koliko je xbox in koliko je wii.Tole njegovo sporočilo:


    Thanks so much for the mail and the interest you have in the

    Consoles,we have the Consoles in stock for sale.

    The Consoles comes in Brand new with one year warranty and three

    months return policy.

    we are Located in Usa

    The consoles is ready for use in Your Home immediately it is delivered

    to your house by FedEx courier service.

    Order Summary.

    Nintendo wii ....$140Usd

    Xbox 360....$150Usd

    shipping cost( FedEx)......$50Usd

    Total cost $340Usd.

    The consoles will be shipped once we confirm your payment via Western

    union money transfer.and we deliver the consoles to you in Netherlands

    in 48 hrs(2 days).

    So get back to me with these informations.

    1. Full Name

    2. Full Address.

    3. Full contact phone #

    So get back to me with all details so that i can proceed with the

    shipment of your order.


    Sales Manager,

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