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  1. tole sem najdu na netu

    So a method has been determined to discover if your 360 is banned from live or not. I've tested this myself, and it seems to be true. My banned 360 returns the error code, my legit xbox will work fine.

    Credits go to the posters at X-S.

    To see if your console is banned without logging on:

    1. Register (if it is not already) console on

    2. Click "Request a Repair" button

    3. Check the returned URL. If it contains "Errors.aspx?id=54420" console is banned.

    Unfortunately this information came too late for me, but if your console is modded and you've been reluctant to take it online for fear of losing your hard drive, you can use this check to find out with no sleazy destruction of your HDD capabilities.

    tko ugotovite ali ste bannani brez da bi prižigali xbox in si tko onemogočli inštaliranja na dvd

  2. ja sej to je v bistvu za tiste sam lahko vsidownloadajo ker so neki zajebal preber to:

    hey guys ... thought i'd pass this along to everyone here:

    TURN 10 messed up with the theme that was supposed to be exclusive to the Limited Collector's Edition of the game. The code in the box didn't download the theme, so they released a link today for downloading it. However, the link works for anyone, even if you didn't buy the game. (I bought the LCE and am a little peeved that something exclusive is now available to everyone and their dog). So as payback, here's the link. Enjoy.


    For noobs: go to the above link on your computer, (replace hxxp with http). Sign into your LIVE account if you're not already. Download theme. Next time you turn on your live-connected 360, the theme should automatically download to your console. Change theme.

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