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Vsi zapisi od Mitkko

  1. Jst sm vse igre do zdej naroču pri njih.Pol pa dubu Vanquish ki ne dela po 14dneh.Pa folk je čakal deus ex in dead island. Rabli so deset dni da so mi odgovorili za Vanquish ki ne dela... Preden sem skenslal preorder so mi še javli da mi bojo bremenili kartico par dni vsak slučaj. Pa piše na mejlu da bo igra poslana 19ega. Ne hvala.
  2. Ozi raje ne naročaj pri ker zadnje cajte trokirajo. nam je že danes zjutraj poslal
  3. Joooooooooooooooooj Bessie ne jinxaj mi girse !!! :bot:
  4. All Retail Game Unlocks and How to Get Them Starting Characters: COG: Marcus, Dom, Cole, Baird, Anya Locust: Drone, Savage Drone, Grenadier Elite, Savage Grenadier, Myrrah Rank Progression Characters: COG Gear - Level 2 Miner - Level 3 Sam Byrne - Level 4 Beast Rider - Level 5 Dizzy Wallin - Level 7 Hunter - Level 8 Jace Stratton - Level 10 Theron Guard - Level 12 Clayton Carmine - Level 14 Classic Dom - Level 17 Spotter - Level 20 Classic Cole - Level 23 Flame Grenadier - Level 26 Classic Baird - Level 30 Benjamin Carmine - Level 34 Grenadier - Level 39 Civilian Anya - Level 45 Victor Hoffman - Level 50 Hunter Elite - Level 60 Anthony Carmine - Level 75 Medal/Miscellaneous Unlock Characters: Classic Marcus - Silver Veteran Medal (Play 200 Matches) Unarmored Marcus - Complete the Campaign, Any Difficulty. Superstar Cole - Gold MVP Medal (MVP 100 Matches) <-------------------------------------------------crazy shit ??? Chairman Prescott - Silver Allfathers Medal (Play 200 Matches in all 6 Game Modes) Golden Gear - Bronze War Supporter Medal (Play in 5 Gears Events) Savage Theron Guard - Beat Beast Mode, All Difficulties. Kantus - Gold Medic Medal (Revive 150 Teammates) Sniper - Bronze Headshot Medal (Get 100 Headshots) Golden Hunter - Gold Master-At-Arms Medal (Get 300 Kills with all 5 Starting Weapons) Golden Miner - Gold Rifleman Medal (Get 300 Kills with all 3 Rifles) Griffin - Facebook Promotion or Gold Big Spender Medal ($300,000 in Horde cash) Cole Train - Through the Beta or a currently unknown way in the Retail. Pre-Order Characters: Commando Dom - GameStop Pre-order Exclusive Mechanic Baird - Bestbuy Pre-order Exclusive Savage Kantus - Amazon Pre-order Exclusive Savage Grenadier Elite - Walmart Pre-order Exclusive Adam Fenix - Exclusive to Limited and Epic Editions (Or if you redeemed your Gears Infected Omen Controller code before 9/9/11) DLC Characters: Bernie Mataki - Confirmed for 1st DLC in November Onyx Guard - Confirmed for 1st DLC in November Tai Kaliso Ming Young Kim RAAM Skorge Michael Barrick
  5. norvežani so jo danes dobili...carji XD
  6. >!
  7. Mitkko

    Resistance 3

    pa zdej vidim da ma folk probleme še s tem da še ni odposlal iger WTF
  8. Mitkko

    Resistance 3

    Folk ma neke probleme z igro, copy/paste So I rush home with the game, pop it in, wait for the 650+mb patch to install, then get taken to the regular game install screen. It got hung up on the "INSTALLING TROPHIES" screen for about 20 minutes. After googling around, I confirmed that the data was corrupted. To fix this, I had to go to the Game Data on the XMB, and delete the patch as well as the installed material. For some reason I don't fully understand, it took 45 minutes to uninstall the corrupted data. To fix the problem, I skipped the 650 mb update, then let the game install the regular game data and trophies 1st. After this worked, I had to restart the game to install the other 650 mb patch noramlly. After that 2 hour process, I was able to play the game. Just FYI... anybody who can't play the game should follow the above instructions. Andmake a sandwich or take a nap while you wait... the process is a lenghty one.
  9. hahahahahaha Nitro ga je takoj pogruntal narkomana zihr bo probal oropat najbližjo trafiko z lancerjem XD
  11. Mitkko

    Resistance 3

    ma ta "game" ga zadnje cajte fejla na polno... ...jst mam prednaročene Gearse in mislim da bo to moj zadnji nakup pri njih... :/
  12. mene ne žali tvoja prisotnost ampak tvoj obstoj
  13. pol pride 20.september in samo ta zadnji+forever alone, igra proti botom zapečene girse. Guess who? also.hipotetično seveda...zajc itaq nimam nobene konzole...
  14. sej ne trdim da ga moraš vpisat da lahko postaš. JST TRDIM DA GA NIMAŠ !!! also. odjava še vedno desno zgoraj !!!
  15. Kako da ne? Moj GT pravi Gears of War. A ni dosti? also. Bessie danes še posebaj duhovit...
  16. Sam tle je versus...a veš kod Ken versus Ryu. Tko da je dokaj normalno da nekdo zmaga nekdo puši. Sam dokler se gremo fanboy war je še kr zabavno. Omejeno se mi zdi predvsem to da lahko posta nekdo brez GT ali PSN...
  17. xbawks ti si ta zadn dej si nalimaj kšn GT al PSN če ga sploh maššš...
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